장음표시 사용
undis intersering famur te and propitiousto his penitent creatures.
The priesthood of Jesus Christis realparx of his characterior nee ui tote attend
this et meaning ut istae person mould sprea upon his occasion and thatyo are satisfied Dom ha has been stida ve, that it was incidentally, and merely in resereno to the opinions of the jews, to homine was writing that St. Paul stiles our Saviour a priest, and spealis os his priesthood, withou any thingi What Dr. Horne imagines tote intended by, and would includos
now been demonstrate to)ou in the proossis besere o fio the scriptures, thalmankind that christians, stan notri need of Christ ori any one to go belWeenthem
cha I am api vehementiri suspeel, stat a prayers of our church, frequenti concluding through, or the sthe of Jesus Christ, gives an de to many persons, stat God has no immediate regata soro at all, ut esse sinis inlessitas purei to gratis his Son, pono se to whom
i mahe satisfactio sor thei sins, an reconcile them to him for that he is always, of his own fre goodness, disposed to receive his offendin creatures to his mercy ponthei repentance, ithout Christ's, o any other person' interference, in theiraehalf. Nor did the apostle desigito declare anysuch interposition o Jesus Christ, henae here spmk of his making intercessio foris And though r. Horne ouid in tunate, that ou remo contented with the reasensgiven formerly for iis notheaning any thing
Worth of our attention in hal foliows, in confirmationis that interpretation, and that it illae approve by you. The wOrd, εντυγχανω, hicli, rende to inferccde, o mahe intercession is no found in the lxx. In iis original root, it signifies, to
true disciple. Tofave orsaveto the sinermos, icto bring men to the possession Deterna lise, hichis to e accomptished by giving them themeans os obtaining it.
stat the promise of eternal life is made tomen theanowlege of the way to it, and the means os attaining it. So that he means of betatisvexare theknowlege of the gospei, and the superior
motives, excitement an assurances it ara
in that he emeriveth to tale intercesson foruem. his ever Amstem to e spolienonI With referencerio, and in contrast,iththe Disisti hira priests, who ted onerasteranother; hereas, though Christ ted hewas noctes in the state of theraeia, ut made alive again, an alWays ready to dowhac came him. And what is implied in his evre Evinns male intercession Or ather, io manam thei interess io avis them is,
Henc the we gather, that Chris' Α- tercesson, signifies, i or consist in the
. si inny exsons Willae sorward in condemn it, as astin quite rong and arbitra , ouive his construetiones the term murcessioq; eing imposedimn by the word, in erelim, Hway bearing the sense of assis in another is praye and intreatim But it was stem bove, that this isoni one derive sen: c. the word in the original, and thatit manno les properissimista manage mens assairs ima stir person or assi them in the ways. As Pirust, stat here territ illae made to appear, stat Christ'sssime
ialvation, oris obtaining eterna liis.
Thisae firsta an in his life time, by his
prochings, and instructions to his apostles. Aster he est the worid the work was continue and carrie on by the gifts of the hol spirit, oris a divine power, hic hesent, o whic God sent accordingrio Christhpromise to his postles' and fissi follo ers; by hic the were enable to reac thetruth, i. e. the gospei the had heard Domhim, ith mondersul effect and success.
ri the right -- GH, fgnisies the displa os the divine extraordinar power that was made in his favo , ordor theestinues propagriton of the gospei in the apostolic age thema in interces there mentioned, or ascit racter stoiadae translatia, the manariantheis assaira, must reser to thelisis of the spirit oris a divine power besto edipon his seu Jo ere, during that period. Horis Mahat condemnath Bis C is that disd, ea racter, that is risen again x iis evexat the reti hand Gad, M alfio manveth our . n. Andis, in an passage of scripture, Christ is sit is intercede for us, o to anage our interest wit God since theapostolic age, hen extraordinar divine gist Mere ith drawn it must reser to the writte gospes, the divine imstrumons communicared by Christ, an frithlalbina eddown an seciued in us by the ordinar means os provia denoe; as e stat dore any thin by another peris or
ag . To the Noui in se And Christ's intercession in this sense os the word has continued eve since an no in subsist in hos his instructions, hicli,ever properi stile the word of God, as hereceived ita inspiration romaim, hichalone eac the way to ternal life and which have been faithfuit handed down tous writte and recorded by his apostlexandapostoli men, o ur times; and by whichfinners are continuati Converted, and man-kind are taught the way o salvation, i. e. of ecomin happy sor ver in a futuro
But although Christ'sieing called an advocate, Ne or intercetari does no impi any Personal
personat interserence, by whichae loes nythinxto reconcite us to God and severus Domhis displeasere: et it is a thing noto bedoubted, ut he that pray for, an in that sense of the word, intercedes serras, in beheavenly orld where hemo cis He that a se rue a friend, and lovexus se a togive u his life to promole ou happiness, and whomo have a promise of eingmith hereaster se ever, cannot butae ardenti intereste serras, and a prope se
sons offer ut his prayer o God for his
brethreni man kind. But then there is no encouragement giveni the scriptures for an particula dependencerapon or expectation rom his prayers,
B taking this language in the literat ense, an possessthemselves init a notion stat Christ is continuali plead-inisor mankindaefore God, asof the almiot and mercisul ne est, Hunnlatas it were Wit reperita petitions, or Christ had n other empi ment. ut the res meaning of the expression, hic is borrowed sto humanahings, is to informis, stata Christ and hisa pel his solio ersare a muta assured of the sevour o God sor ever pontheir forsining thei sins, asci the had the ostio ersa advocate in heaven perpetuali pleadinisor stem.
Τhos however, ho insist se much onthe office an employmen o Christ, in prayin an intercedinisor mankind, dono consideri that it necessarii implies his Ming a dependent creature For it cannot, Without impie , e supposed that Godmould pranso any thing, to any one Andthe doctrine of the two natures of Christ, of his ein a morta man, an esse theeterna God, and of his praying, a manonly, in his human nature, and ther ore prasn to himself in his divine nature, is a metaphysical subitety, chimera, and contradiction, hicli rational beings mouid longago have been amamed os and abandones. Yo have now seen that the Divine Beingis always of himself duposed to me hercyto his penitent creatures, that thei repent-ance alone is sufficient to recommend themto his favour, ithout Chri or any one interposin in thei bellais and that thescripture.
o Miseratiss. 37scriptures are misinterprete an misrepresentia When it is conclude that Christ didan thin to reconcite God, oro mahehim more indi disposedo iis, fio hisbein therein stile ou high priest, advocate, intercetar, or a sacrifice fori thesebeing ali of them figurative expressions ap-lie to Christ, an alludin to religious
gisen f him the divine government. Ne furces of his unhan migiale V mis. representations of the mortique live in andiis inhabitanis God, and se moria, menand theis expectation herea ter, ardetur than his usem mouid male rhem. THERE is an author of great an deservia seipeet,