Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


In this treatis also, amid other things. Μr. Loche affert an demonstrates thatthephrase, SonjGod, in the Ν- Testamenti

ciunt os derivin his hein from the

ather, in a fingular an incompre- hensibi manner, besere the world was ''or, as p. Pearso on the creed, p a. 1683 an other maintain that Christ was the Son o God h a communicatio of the divine essenceo him, hic was a' prope generation and that by this hia natural and eterna generation, Christ is of the iam substance, and consequently of the fame power an dignit Mith God.' Common sense reject the dea


albi languam, a prope generations, ternae generations and communications of the divine


sentiment in the present subject withwhom he appears to have live in great intimac the lalter par of his life is too much destruing our attention noto botranscribe a large.


talhed more Deel an closely of these matters We oberi and fairi considered what dissiculties and just objections might lie in his way, o the supposal of his 'ein offere suci ecclesiastica digni . For I must say that he ever feemed to me.

seriousi concerned notri violate his con- science or an presermoni, Dor o Tun rami into great nares nor id I ver 'no any ma more ready to ear, Mith


iam to require them to do, ,hat he

would no judge fit o do himself, o to that effect whicha thought tot a just reflection. Butes observe to bim, that although is a suffraga bimo ordained an withou taking that subsciription he mi tae suspended stomaising omers foe' one ear, is his metropolitan, et by that canon, o penalty as incurre by

the metropolitan himself. mo eo asthe


τ verssies. 43 the person ordained could notisso any benefice, Without sucii subscription, and

ough plaint to et them, that he noway encourage them to subscribe, nordidine approve of it, ut et is themselves were satisfie in their own ind that

was known to e an Arian, i. e. ne ho


stemselves, the would have hadiso objection to suta alterations in the lituro, as he uas earne and solicitous to introduce. It is not to e expected that princessiould turn reformers : ut it is a reat

sime meanesie an indiscretion Ver par- nable a such a period, and in the maesta suci mining excelIencies. o havethere an account, illi hat ea an la-Mur, having give u his preserment forthe gosper fake, an a pensione o the unties of others, his apostoli man pentine last sori years of his life in travelling out stom placerio pIace, and bearing testimon against th imposition os substription


ris misersites. 4stion to human articles of salth, as ranare tomod mind oesy an in endeamum to a duce thegovernor of the chure tore ex the liturg a scriptural worsilip i. ania tartan to correct the doxologies, o 'misine creed calle thesis nasian, an severat clauses in that calles the Nicene, to virm the first petition in the lituro, it me directio of the est to God the supreme


Neve could an more reasonabi or moaderate proposit have been ad se a re-dres of things amisi. The miniis subscrip . tion Was particulari considered, and modest mentio made of iis eing the opinion offome among them, ,9 that one article, ut of the thir -nine mouidae sussicient to alithe reat an usefultu ose of subscription,

vix the xth. I remember a me time, that in one o our universities, there M a genera disposition in the ounge partisit' members, o favour these disquisitions, an an expectatio that ome reformationwould have taken place in consequence osthemo

sh Fremand candid disquisitions p. 63. note Thatat article is, his:

moly scripture containem est things necessar to suru vationum that whateve is no reia therein nor a t a prove therebn is no tot require es an man, haesit stould Maelieved as an artici of the faim, or be thought requisite o necessam in salvation. In die mine of the oly scripture e do understand thois, canonica book of the old and eis Testament, os hos authorit was neve an docti in the church.


Tiso Universites. 4

schem for petitioning the legissature forrelie in the matter of subscription to the 3 articles an liturg of the chum ofEngland an many respectabie persons indifferent paris of the hingdom unites,iththem in thei application to partiament, an se theirmames to the petition. Thei cause a s wel argued and defende in the Commons hous of partiament, nsem oscit most illustrions members an se many appeare so it that though unsuccesssul by the majorit ofvotes against it, it a trul triumphantuand the nation in generalaecam convince that it was ust an reasonabie, and deservea

is the public may besseen som meoinrisis of what passedat me time, it man important observations, iactima be os signes uis umn any future application.