장음표시 사용
jecting, is o no consequence, i he has allthe conscious hinking powers and faculties denoted by it, and will have them restoredio liim at the resurrectionat the last day and
thereb become the subjectis the divine
approbation, O the contrary for his eha-viour, in the presentiate.
our living again asterWard Williso at althe affecte by it. For that, most assuredly, williso depend o the mere materials four composition, ut o the wil of the gractous poWer that ut them together. And it is observabie, that in the scriptures, wit respecto our living ag in hereaDter, there is no stres laid n our originalmahe and constitution the immateriality, ornatura immortalit of the supposed hinkin pari Withi us, and the like but our future lis is described a restinisoles on a resurrectio fro the dead, uti upo the promise of God, and ascertaine to us by the resurrectio o Christ, ou elde bro,
son against Dr. Ρriesti , on account of his opinionis thi potnt, that the famous Luther entertained the sentiment of theseem the foui ill the resurrection, hicli is emnear hin to the avis nasou a all. eare made acquainted with a Neasing circumstanc relatin to this, b his historian, Sechendo , in a reflectio made by that resermer, ponaeing told of the sudden deathos his friendo pious and excellent prince, Joh elector of Saxony who die of an apoplexy, immediatet upo his returning fio the tace o. God sat Luther, Mook him away withou pain, lihe a child that genti and without apprehension areathes iis in At the resurrectio at
o Deus, ait illi evenlae secit, quod pueris, mi absque
Cura nascuntur, vivunt et exspirant cum resurreinuus est
in die novissimo, putabit se ex saltu Lochaviensi, ubi venabatur, venire. Sechendo .mist. Luth. l. iii p. 3o. See an historica vieis of the controvers concerning the intermediate state, c. p. 349, 35o B Archdeacon lata burne, 772. In hic the reader ill in amusementan instruction um this curious subjech vcho is nowhere elis to b met with,
was ust come ro the forest, here ho was hunting Di no friendmip affection, and ighesteem, preserve, and Will long preserve fiagrant an fresta, the memor of the trulylearne Arch deacon os leveland Μr. Blachburne, the subjeci, and the nam MLuthe would cali 79 to min&this his great admirer, and most able defender of the doctrine of theraee of the foui; ho in August, i 787, at the age flet, illi his udg-ment, and powers of bod an min in extraordinaryci me ad been sor a long time laying in various materiai fio books, and ther ources, and ad attendedmuch to the work of this reformesi it a vievi in have given his lis in englis in hic he had made seme malibeginnings. ut he was diverte stom it a firstara therwork an asterwards by the stochae received rom thelos of his secon son, Dr Thomas Buc urne, ho, cui ossa a sever in his 3Ist year, and the more, as hedepended pon in i m complete inateverte might leave imperfect to hic indeed he was fuit equat, eing a scholar, o fine paris, improve by classical and allisther knowlege, esides his eminetice in his profession He was also of the Bunde principies, civit an religious, and his manners open, an disposition amiable and generous achi person Was manly, and pleasnguia arisimam arrimam Hissaltem accumaelem donis.
T. Universities. 8rtraordinar vigour, his yesight ni muchimpatred thoum no wholly gone, expired, w1thout a gh oraman, in his fleep, as heia in his chair, sto after having chearsullytold thos about him, that he laould compos himself to est . And exacti one ee aster hina, in his 8sth year, his antient friend school-sello an member of the fame universi , r. Law, bishomo Carlisse, finissae his mortal
spirit he had always possessed, and with themost si ured, hearful ope of wahingagain to an immortat iis, o the orning of the resurrection He was acquaint-
the foui and was also the reviver in urtimes, of the opinion, that there is no intermediate state etween death and theresurrectiore; ut that the two moments of
ou death an restoration to life at theriast day, ill e connecte together; hichseem no very generali to prevail among those
hose ho consul the scriptures concerninga potnt, hic the oul can determine. This orth prelate ad the courage to
propos the question os thebises of the foticto e defende by him for his degre os
doctor in divini ty in the universit os Cam-hridge, an made his thois pon it. In themargin yo wil see seme mali account of this orti, person, as a ea of a col
Q clames hini, wit great pleasum persor his exem eis se his doctor' degree, at the public schoois in Camis briage, Janua , 37 8-9. Dr, Parne, the moderator pra impore, Wa his opponent.-one great doctor, head os a great college, refuse to signiis testimonial saying that he didio like either his person or his doctrine. et uter War
o Universities. 83 canno do belle than close this head, with what Dr. riestie himself says ponine subject, after havin mentione the insuperable dissiculties attending the popularnotion
δι' of the earis; that when e dies, he, of course, ceases to think 'ut when his taeeping dust mali e reanimate at the resurrection, his power of thinhing, and his consciousnest illae restoriario him. This system ives a rea value to tho doctrine os a resurreri ion rom the deari ,hicli is peculia to revelation, n hich alone the sacred writers bulld allisur liopes of a future lista an it explain the uni- sor language of the scriptures, which spea of one da os judgment for ali man- hind, and represent ali the reward os vir- tue, and ali the punistiments of vice, as' takin placerat the awsul day, and no be- fore
fore. his doctrine os a resurrection vas lauraefati the conceited Athenians alid will always e the subject o ridicule to person os a simila turn o mines: ut it is abundanti confirmed torus by the waell- atteste resurrectio of Jesus Christ, and and the promise of the gospei, stablimed on ali the miraculous event by hic the promulgation os christianit was attend-Give me leave to recommen to our
perusal the tith sectionis this ork of Dr. Priestley's, Domwhicli the bove citationis made, as affording you fuch ust, sublime, an affecting conceptions of the dei , as areraret tote found . In bringin these charges against r. Pries ley, and his opinions, hicli,e have been examining and putting very thing in the mos invidious light Dr. Horne has notconsidered, o operi heris to a retor cfthe like kind were an disposed to mahesit. Suppose
H Disquisition relating to alter an spirit p. 22.
things, was bor in time, of a jewissa virgin, 1787 years since, after avinclain ine monilis in the state of an embri in thewom of his mother That ME, the ource of ali Wisdom and power, Dona belli a puling, sensetes babe, acquire strength and nowlege, by M-
presence, lay concealed fora ent sicyearsa least, in an obscure town in Judea, and was considered ali the timet ali thataneis him, a nothin more than a fello -mortale
o the most perfeci appiness, Was subjectio hungerand thirst, and pain and sufferiura was abused insulted, and pit upon; An AE, Me lising God, at last put to
U Vestatre has donecit, in his Epitre si ratae, hichb in Longum vi morier, is rabo a D main,inc. c. But perhapscit is no where more fully seen, hat advantage is given to the adve saries of the gospei, by maintaining the doctane of the trini , and Jesus inae the supremo God than in a Dinis tractantillia NiErachon vetus, publi&ed ii 168o, and wrinen a the editor unctareat probabilit minis ut in the Iath century. In his there reman mistahes concerning our christia scriptures, anamuch un oris abus an groundies calumny; ut sucis arguments are urged against thea pel on die suppositioreo Christ bring the mossinio God, a cannotae consule A besieveris a trinit in unit would not in it eas timmahe a satisfactor repl to the solio re passage, inhich Igive in the lati transsationa pasticulari to the jew' inquiry, Who was ali the time in heaven, and who it was that govemed the worid, hen God was three days dea in the
sepulcre Amplius quaeram aliquid ex te, mi christiane α inaedur