Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


Agedum responde mihi. afirmas filium iratum esse ex visceribus Mariae dic dum igitur num pater et filius imis mundus, juxta cum filio, an cro solus filius in ventre delituerit Si dicas solum ibi fuisse filium, quaeso annon ipsa se mutuo destruunt verba tu i cum contendas divinitatis personas nulla unquam ratione a se invicem posse divelli. Quod si dieas tres in utero extitisse, atque ibi fuisse nutritos necesse est concedas, quod etiam tres cum hominibus versati sint, ac tres fuerint suspensi Quis vero toto illo tempore in coelis erat L quoniam divisonem nullam admittutu inis item per id triduum quo sepulti erant, orbem gubernabat, cum nemo ex iis aut in coelo, aut in terris degeret. Nietzacho vetus, P. Set.


Μ remarhs Will e confined to seme of the proose hichae alleges, in tw of the discourses of his fir volume, in sup-por of the doctrine of the trinity, and the divinit es Christ , and to the extraordina

manner, in hicli, in another ork, he interpret the scriptures, an exemplifies his

suli belles of Jesus Ming the most high God,


no means necessarii implies And the interpretation is rendere the more probabie, a the Almight is represente a attendedwith angeis in ali the divine appearanceson arth. I seems also toae confirmod asMing an antient eWisti opinion, fro Job xxxviii. 7. Where so thou .hena lata the fundations of the earthy-when the morning

Another solution that God is introduced, speaking after the anne of hings, and great personages, Dr. Horne also refuses, hough not for an valid reason, as it mohil seem via for it Min un-worti, o God o borro languam rominen; hen in faet it is universali the casein


that there is no myster incit, ne amorother no round to thin that oses'slangvage Was inspired, but that he expressed things in the wayie judged best, and varied

his expression in his ori, for the reater solemnity, a man was the nobie work of God when he camerio spea of his creation. Let us no hear, ha Dr. Horne has to


of the worid, is in different passages, at- tributexto the Father, to the Son, and to the Hol Spirit; hat more natural there fore than ahat at his production, this sermo speech mould e used by the divine person, What more rationa than to suppose, that a doctrine se important to the human race, Max Communicaled frona thea inning that men mightano whom the wormiped, and hoW therought to Ormipt What ther good an suffi- cient reason ante given, why the ame o God, in se amon bellevers fiom the first, mould likewiseie in the plura num aer connected With verbs and pronouns in the gular 'Remaris.

D. I put in the margin an observation a of r. Crofi, in his late sermons at the

- Perhaps to much stres is laid um the expressions, Gen. i. 26. et u nia e mau iniur ima . The pluralis frequently applied omne only and the language os consultation is evidcntly used in condescension to humanitaraiity Mith the same hin os condescension .e aretoid


equat, an coeternat, in the nil of the divine sience, as r. Horne sieris; ema therefore, considering the foregoing

belle solutions of the iuraseology, dismissiliis first argument ostiis, si ving nothingat ali incit. Ula a With

mons in the year 786, at the amphon-lecture, by DKCrost. would observe t yo here, by the way that Justin Martyr, cheathen philosopher an convert, ne of the fissi o corrupted the scriptures hy bringin in his heathen sancies of a second God inferior to the ne supreme, and nvitans Christ tot stat second God introduces Christhere, Gen. i. 26. a the person to whom God spohe and mines him the person that went down to Sodom and Gomorrha, an no the creator of the universe. See Dial. cum Tryph. p. 53. IS9. d. Benedici Hagae Comitum, 7 2.


a. With respeet to the argument hichhe woiild deduce rom the plura terminationis one of the hebre names of God Elohimi Aleim, in favouri a pluralityos person in the deity, o can have novthin more satisfactor in confutation Dit, than what is advancedi Dr. Priestley, in masterly original manner, in his replyrio Μr. arkhurst, at the en of the volumewhic contain liis letters to Dr. Horne and

the plura noun, Ahim, eing oined withaver in the singula number, in the 48 thpage of his genera dissertation prefixed tollis hebre bible mali give yo an extractof what a most valvabie person, latet deceased, and a master of bibIlica learning, has remarhed in epi to him b). Let


But to conside more particulari thenature of the argument, o whicli the learne doctor stem to a se reat a stres aiecit be observed that nothing certain canhe concluded Dom the hebre 'ord EAhimbeing plural in favour os a pluralit os person in the gooead, ecause ali languages have ord in the plural number of a singula signification, Mith regard to Abim, it unquestionabi in many instances signifies ne person, so that no argument canae rawn Trom it, a necessarii signistin more persons han

a plures termination, though osten sed in singula sense, it is no wonder that the sacred


Theos, whichonMers to Elohim in the hebre , in the singula number, hen it signifies the ne true God Thessam maybelaid of the Sseriae transation, hich was made con after the days of the postles, fio the eginning of the ld, to theendo the New Testament. Our tesse Saviour a se a stombiamin the e s for their using the ordEAhim o signis os person, that he has expressi confirme that sense by his o nauthori , oh viii. 3 . xviii. 3, Withmany

to Ahim in the hebreis, in the singularyumber, o t fgpi' ne person, hen it is used


Noah, and of Abraham, consiste of three persons, the ather, the Son and the