Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


and the gospei the effect os a narrosintnd, bound down to a religious system, hichwouldio sufferethi good man to look abouthim, and se ining a the reali are either in the word, o the work of the great


At these melanchol sermises ou illsee dissipate in a book that much deservesyour attention sor the large variet os curious and sesul matter hic it contains; but particulari for me ing that religionand science have been in a state os progressive improvement Do the eginning of thing : hich wil contribute to ut oui good humour,ith the world you live in, and mahe you love and adore iis benigmauthor and overnor, and his is and kind administration ve you, and ove ali. The book is intiti Considerations on

in long


tionis mora an religious truth, in con- stant and unwearie endeavour to invalice. the discovem, communication, and success

studies to the upreme Concernments of


nion, ibat .hateve rendera religio more rationa rendera it more eria bis; that he,

,ho, di a diligent and Disya examination of the origina recorri, di isses rem he

Another instance brought by bimop Buller of the consequence of the transgression of our fir p. renis, that the arth we live in has the appearance of being a ruin


man When the beauties of natur have been the theme of serious observers, and

par of the globe mostilentilati supplied sorthe accommodatio oscit various inhabitanis, reptilas, easts, fissies, files, fowis, up to man with o goodnhs compleat asweli as isdom. Every thin coni ived, with an astonistring profusion most grate- fui and salutar to the senses and ali madewelcome to the east, se it e partaken ofwit mo&ration, and thanksgivio to the magnificent donor. What is ou are force to severe la urto procure these conveniences and delight y

6 See psalm cxlv, cxlvii, cxlviii, cl. It wouldaeem heliceas is me Israelites sive in a appier, id, and unde a Miter an more mercisul God than ei christians, is .e compare thesessores of holybo in presse of the great cre tor, it the sono ut ideas hic bissio Buller ould



Yo are the happier for it Yo could notbe happy ithout it Manaoeth fora tohis isor lancto his Iabour untis the evenis ;is among the subjects of prais to the beneficent creator, in chymn, amous for that admirabie sense an sublime simplicity, hiclidis thguim the sacre penmen. Instead os arui then, his earthris a palacri most nobiyand amplffurn istaed into hic our maher has ut us, and but too beautiful and good for creaturesciust crepi into existence, siveoni that i serves to displa his superlative

goodncsis, an to ais ou expectations ofwhat he has in reserve serras, inmur more improvec state, in a future orid, here- everrit is to he. How much bimo Buller's 1ews o nature were darkened, and his ind warpe and hur by the unbenevolent religious systemhe had embraced, ou ill gather rom a. remar whic he mahes in his Analogy,&c. p. I 6 the numerous seeds, sayste, of vegetabies, and bodies of animais, which are adapted, and put in the wanto improve to lacti a mini, an state of natural matu-


that potnti maturit and perfection, an- ωer the en sor hic the were reatly designedi naturea and thesesere that na-

ture designe them Tor suci, perfection. And I cannot krbear adding though it is

noto the present purpost that the ap- pearance of such an amazing ast in na- ture, tali respeet to thesesseed angiodies, anforeign causes, is to us as unaCCounta ale, as halcis much more terribie, the present and future ruinis i man moral agents by thenaseives, i. e. by Vice


eome to nothing, me a lavist generous profusion that delighis s. ut it musthave been a most melanchol turn of mind, a Wel as a very false Way of reasoning that eould ea a man hence to infer, that thelthe waste and ulter los may ake place in the human speetes. Where is the analog orresemblance, to countenance the rightfui conclusion t he ne, ieing, rational, and capable o virtuous improvement se evenand theresere iis extinctio a real tosi in thecreation the others, no madesse any farther existence, o the subjects of an improvement. ut his is ni one, among many instances, herein his author hasbeen missed by δεηοin analogies and .resemblances et v n God's natura moralgovernment Ver us, and that par of t

Jesus Christ.

more accurate and libera inquir into the scriptures, an a juster philosophy, would haveaive this good man more pleaia ing vieis of the wori heclive in and of the gractous ein who is a the ea of


pines, though heau willae the future sunfering of those ho have neglected and refused the means oscit in the present state, is

no a doctrine of to-dV. It is en known that the learned rigen, a confessor for thetruth, an a man os incomparabie virtve, extended the divine compassion to deviis, as

the existence of a powersu evil eing, an ulter enem to God and ali goodness, oris an number offuchaeings. This sentiment, se orth of the Divine Being, has been ahenis in uriwn time,


you. It has also been maintained in America, by an excellent person latet deceaΩ

Continent. D The mystery hid rom ages an generations mada manifesta thera pel-revelation or me salvationis alimen the grand thin atmed at in the scheme o God asopened in the e Testament--itings, and intrustes illi Jesus Christo bring into effect By one ho istes wel to the whole human race.' sine late Rev. r. Chaunc es Boston, in o England who sinished hispious, virtuous, and useful co se Feb. 1787, aged 83.

sorce and simplicit of the solio in argument stomaeason uni the subject herespouses. A very great par of those, hoe illae miserable in the