장음표시 사용
an sinat atonement ad by the lood of Christ, p. 98, cc. Wherea in stet, asyo have sten, Christ was soriar fio inter-t v in the redemptis of the oriri as hespealis, o offering himself, an expiatorγviciis, o mahe satisfaction to divine justice, or appeas the displealare o God accord- ing to the heathen ideas , it respecta their false Gods, a practice hic bissio Bullerthinks to have been weli Dunded. though ill directed that the Divine Being of his mere goodness, appotnted him to die, that through
the confirmation hereb traiven to the gose
pet, he might be his instrument in bringing
5 Universilien a qan more than othen martyr and susserere for the truth of the gospei for the heavenlyFather et ther neede nor require My. It is adimonou and disparagement totis all- perse character and goodnes , and contraryas yo have seen to his own expres declarations is his propheis, and by Jesus Christiast os ali, to imagine that heris no es Ways
To illustrate in more this most important subject, I ould propos to ou the probabie reason, ascit appears to me, hypious, thoughtful men, such a bimo But-Ier, Dr. Price, and others have fallen into, an adhere so fixedi to this gloomy, un- scriptura doctrine, that repentance aloneis no sussicient to restore sinsul mortal tothe favour of their aher.
This I ascribe to thei notieepinistrictlyto the doctrine os scripture concerning the divine uulty and the prope humanit os
Christ, here delivered, in the cleare characters, o all,ho come o to the readingolat, unde a oote and fixed contrary persuasion. For, havinxtae up the notion, hichwasirstitought in by heathen philosophera,
δεν ver uiae. 23 Irative, sacrificat, languam of the New Testament, and particulari of the apostle Paul, asis it was m Maahen literalty though a mereallusion to the prevallin custom and wor- stip thensus sed that there ac me baran obstacte in heaven tot removed semenis erious demand of divine justice to e satisfied besere si couldie sergiven; haethere Was a ransomi debla be dischales, whichis mortat could pay and that it was iecessar in orde to this that God himselfs ut susser an die, o som greataeingalmost qua to him, o mankin niustae
pvivstiud, o peris se ever. So long a me are persuaded that thereis such an angrysower above them, hocis
s inexorabie an severe in his govemment,
ateverae imagined there is no reat Aundation. Mere e to suppose, sayche, p. 97. the constitutio of things to e suis, as that thic hole creatio must have petissi-
prevent that uim even his supposition , Id not he inconsistent, in any degrae,
with the most absolutes persee goodnest. But stili it may beethought that this hole
manisol miseries, and the extreme ich- edites of the worid that the est have very great wrongnesse Mihin themselves, whic the complain f, and endeavour to amene; ut that the generalit gro ' more profligate and corrupi With age that heathen moraIist thought the present state to e a state os punissiment: and what might be addes that the earthisu habi- talion has the appearances of being a ruin:
scripture-account, that mankin is in a state os degradation.' Analogy, C. p. 297Surei this is an exhibitionis the darhside of things, giving a partia and untrue
account of our present state. For is everything ore the melancholy hue, his ortis manuivescit, many Would say the seonera man were ut of the system the helter
But it is no the fact no does oses in his account of the fali countenance hi incit. Τhat divine lawgive indeed gives a description fisur fir parenis transgression, and of the fates consequences oscit, lihe wis and good man, unde lac images, aswere suilexi the gros conceptions of mea in that infanc of the worid, and such asti belleve might best deter them in futuresto disobeying the command of their
nane peculia totur firs progenitor, lis mouldaeviunx ith remors ali his life foethe part he had actia Werare notethence tocunclude, a bimo Buller feem to do thatali his posterit were to live ali thei Mys in
it is a missortune to rite of things Domtheom, o sorm a judgmenti allis Undisom temporarro locat circumstances, Domlooking oni into hospitais, ungeons, onupo the objeet that present themselves tothe πω in the streets of great cities and notattending to the whole of thecase, and Count-ing the million unseen that re employed
account, that pain and suffering are salutaryandifessi'. tendin to preserve health and lik, an is rectis the mora frame, and laad to virium and virtve is happinessi hereandiereaster.
must no theresere armig the goodnes of thei creator, o censum his ovemmentabui consider, that ait oes no en here. Such inequalities may be restified hereaster. These cases howeve are vernis 3 a thereare compensations Aund in ali conditions, hic are unknown to the bystander and spectator. e canae certain o no one' caselut our Wn Anxyet even here, e
that m condition has been most happy, Domiheleginning of m existence to the present day. Happil preserve Domareat
calamities, I have o been exempt Domhardu tips, reverses, and sichnesses; ut thehindinandi providence has been discerniblei them ali, leadin to good by them I
countable, I must for m pars, ah myleave, an depari, a et satisfie guest, fatur convisa recederem; thankiu that Phadpasse se any happy days, and lived, and seen, and experienced se much of the good nes of m Creator, an been favoured withthe nowlege of so many amiable and Va- Iusti character among m species, thoughconcerne to take a farewelirio ever of theone and tha other, an to know nothing any
hishop Buller representiit, in his gloona picture Was it suci in saet, much of theblame, I sear, ould fati, here least os alihe would have imed it, o the religio ofJesusci an it might have been turned into stirewd argu en against iis divine origin, which would have ad great weight withmany minds, viz. that it has been now near two thousan years in the worid, and solitile good done by it. But it is a groundless, though hollyunintentional aspersionis divine providenco 's and