장음표시 사용
publimes, ver I the divinity, and then, here, the incarnation of his most adora
ale and beloved macter But the rea Dct is that he publimesneither the ne nor the ther; eing, as Ιttust o will easit be able tessee, an absolute strange to both. In going on to prove stat Christ is themor spoken os in theirst verse of John'sgospei, our author is quali unsortunate, as he has appeared bove, in istaking the angvage of the old Testament. For e asseris, p. 93, that the word of 'hovah, is frequently and evidenti the stile of a person, hocis sald, to come, to be be revealeior manifesed, and the like As in Gen. v. I. afer rhes thius, the wor of Jehovah the LORD came unio Abraham in a vison Ising, seu i not, Abra
stand that a person different fio God, called the word of God, o the word of the LOR appeare to thema ut is the termmord, e re to understandis message, irrevelatio that wasalven to them, and the
person who spolie to Abraham a Jeho- vah, God the Divine Being himself, and is Luhe had entere into the particular os the divine messam to Jolin, he would have oldus, that it a God ho spoke to his. So that it is mere repossession, and ignorance of the phraseolog of scripture, thalmae any one imagine Christo be theword of the LOR that spolierio Abraham. Ο author' nexi proo o Christaeing the moris henis in the entrance of John's
more particular extraordinar manne stan
Universsies. ΟΙ Another great mistak of Dr. Horne's, respecting the old Testament, is, where hesays, p. 98. that our Saviour is stiled Je- hovis, a nam appropriatexto the Mity Such an assirmatioii ought noesseret to have been made Without ome proo of it givenor reserre to Buclest yo mould imaginethere is semething in it, a cominifroma person o se reat reputatio as a divine I saal produce an examine the passage of the old Testament, usually broughtto prove Christ to e Jehovah, the selsexistent, terna God.
But the ord of the prophetore falselytranssated iniurisnglisti version, as a learnedmanaath observed whόse remarks il berecite a tength, in thecia par of this Work and we mould rea them inus:
hova di come by Jesus the prophe of
The tities of saviour, and redeomer, at all
The forme par of this passage, i it bospohe of the times of the gospei, relates tolli extraordinar divine poWera ive to Christ an his postles : ut the last stemtoae the word of the anget, mentioned in theaegining of the hapter declaring that the mouidae fuit convinced that the extraordinar hand of divine providence was concerned in bringin about hos evenis. Μr. Lowth, I suppose, ould have themto signisy that ne ellovah, ne ternaIGod had sent another eternat Od.
e Lxamination os r. R insonis Cambridge' phaso the divinit of ouriora Jesus Christ. p. 98.
Μore extraordinar stili, is inat immediately solio scin Dr. Horne, heressi pro
'aepeated session in a connection hich de monstrates the are give to Christ, ill appea very remarhabie, haleve sense be given to the t verse The argument drawn in the preceding note umiit, Ouid have been strong, hereve suci, a passage a this had been Aund but iis immediate connection illi this, greatly strengiliens it An I cannot sorbeam recordin it, that this texi has done more than an other in
in the bible, Howard preventin me rom. giving in to that scheme, hic Would hiahetur Lord Jesus Christio more han a deified creature 'Τhus we have here a consession that this passage was hal principali contributia tomahe this celebrated presbyteria divine re-gard Christ a me most high God, and nuta creature anxit is brought in by the deano Canterbur as hal confirm hi in thesame belles. B ut unluchil for them, his passage on
.o indito inadverteiace, or a designed interpolationis ova transcriber, an no Domthese of the sacre writer. one Onders, that the proos exhibited
by Mill, and Bengelius, of the spuriousnessos this passage, ad n esse 2 o Dr Dod-
more extraordinary, who has ad an op
editionis the Gree N. Testament, to leave out this passage, as also the spurious ex ofahe three Witnesses, 4 Johnue. 7. as notaeing
the Alexisdriant, Vatican, and roya Parisa muniiscript-copias of the New Testament, hor in severat thers that 1 has noplace in severat of he most ancient versonsos in New estament an on these accounts has been very croperi omitte insevera pristed editions os the Gree Testa
Dr. Horne is nocles in error in assirming Christ tot the word spolien os in the pr