장음표시 사용
continent. ne hiessed effeci must follow, .heroe it is cordiali entertained thatit ill particulari contribute to extinguissiali religious heat and animosities pon the account of differences in opinion, hichhave create se much disturbance in the
this subject by an author is of the last century The phras an diction in seme
T. Univesties. 69parts, yo Will excuse a sevouring of the dirinit of the times heclived in but his sentiments are nobi an divine. e thus umercit in Iconclude hal Pliave satafro the scripture, an on his subject, with this most humble Udrescis God
great outcr is made by him, at Dr. Priestley' sentiment concerning the Ompositio of man : ecause e asseris, that me consist notis a bod of matter, an astu that is immateria'. an inhabitant of the dy that inhes iis ight into semeither region When e die; ut that the whole manci os ne uniform composition and materia'. and dies together. It is a popular objection, that man has nosoul, and to the unthinhing many Carries an idea wit it that albis ove With us when e
leave the worly a circumstance, hicli Dr. Horne is no vnmindfula dwellis pon. of hat materiais e re formed is of no Consequence, i the conscious livingPOWers, hereb we are Capable of knowlege, and of natura an mora improve menis, remat after death. An this none more armi asseris, o more solidi proves, than Dr. Priesti . Candour the mould have forbidde the insinuation, and the en- Douragement of such a repori, against one,
xvlio is a most firmaelieveris a future state, and who professes his clites dependencerior itto est upo the gospe for hic he has
undergone much obloqu and caluinny, romanother classi men.
tessius, ou have maderitis evident as ny thing of this nature an e that the O- pula doctrine Dasu has no seundation in ea n or the scriptures, ut a bor-
rowed rom the eathen philosophy. I, Continues r. Horne, have been disserently
consideration. For ur aviour is ver sar, in his place from eachin a Contrar doctrine to that o Dr. Priestley, concerning
have perceived that ou englissa transsatorsrende the fame ord, ψυχ'i, that is here
Our Lor here consider iis as a thingsuperadde to the ody, and of which twas deprived attacath. An he appear toliave taken his ideas of it Do the mosaicaccount of the Creation Gen. ii. 7 that rhe
ground and breathed iam his nostris the brealbos life I his a the genera sentiment of theseople of the jews, in ali periCds, as e find rom thei histor in the bible. Henceyo se Martha, the sister of Lazarus, inher dialogue illi Christ concernin herdea brother, speaking of him a in lirelydead, without lise and that i he was o