장음표시 사용
we knownot, is hose by es, tobe an instrument in bringing Ρaul acquainte missi the doctrine and evidences of his religion, and finistring his convertan to ii,
mana a tute mos glorious and honourableandred, a ny that could belonga a creature, ut suchos, it ut contradiction, mares him ut o elon to the humanspecies.
God is invohed for the person in destres toae baptized.' and ath repented os his past fina:--andae is baptized in the nam os Iesus Christ, ho was emetfiedin Pontius Pilate, and in the name of the holns,irit, vita foretes by the propheta the hins concentire Iesus. N. B. Justina ways distinguisbes in a proper manner, the God and Father of the universeisum Christ and ali other beings, nolinthstand-ing the grievous error Whitale fcli into and gave occasion to, willae nen thortly.
ther resere so Christ, and the phrast νι
mini out the generat persuasion, that pr valled in the munim vis that our Visur vas commovi spine of and tamini originalty one of the unam me,
anto the seopte ad uato the gentiles. Paulbere declares his sentimenta, betae ingAgrippa, aciem to e in intire agreement.ith bose of their e is propheta, con- cerning thei Messiah ho as also sore- tol by them to ei a particula tribem semit of thei nation, hat he Wasone that Was to undergo a violent Math,
d N. B. The general, and almost universa stile sina siered .riteri, is that God mised Christ romethedeia.
versiis das Acts. thout lis et acti these persens havethere-sore had recou e to the chimerica notiono Christ eing possessed of two natures orcapacities, sor his last is the term latetyadopted, a human capacit and adirineia paci , and that the divine capacit ratis tolis the dead human capacity. ut theydidnot beside that the fame languam is sed
concerning the dea human creatures asmen as Christ. For merea I Thess. v. 6.
and the dead in Christ mali in M'. So
secon trevise The Acts is in exactison ni Mim .hat he had relate of Jesus Sisist in his
spei that he Was intiresyone of the humanam an nothing more ordiferent from ostera, exceptin the divine communications made to iam. historian calis My his mother, and other per-
- Univermiss. 4 27 elegospes in the orae aster Christ' resurrection, icthe like sentiment of the apostlas concerning thinpiant are narundis remouen. This last is a circumstance Myeat weight, Whichris nolim duly attende to by christima. I deed mm the memoir es Christ, Mus by the seu evangelista, hic promune sis a Mutely, and without reserve, a me have' seen that Iesuam the great expected prophe of the evis mitum, es a particula tabe and si ly, missi extraordinam pomercimm God, and nothing more it mi iliave been presumed, and tinendo grantes thatali the apostles enteriai d the fame sentiment of thei divine anaster. But it is a satisfactio in have that additiona distinct evidence of the sin, whic St. Luis oves s. I conceiverit id, eusem to ove at once an ab ge vie of it,
deducibis fram the fretois facts.
os Peter's, achno leges and declares him is have been a humanieing oesy.
Νeither could Joh contradii himself, and anser an thing of the hin in his epistles, as indeed heloes not though ome have vates imaginedand argued forcit, butaque osten Meti consules. And4Dwe had notisthemis the fullest evidence,
thorised to reiect it, is tr intende to leaeli Christ
ames' Wriling, admirabi Rited is correct theaulis of the christians and his mafit meu towhomine dedieates it; and at the fame time breath- in a spirit os sublime piety, and concem sortheir virtve and true happiness, peculiar to thesacre Writos Throughout e speis of Godand of Christ, a might be expecte Domin mandis apostle. I ha essem here reari th, Butenhagius, ne of theaei mali heso mers, a se struch with those Word of St. James, ii i9. Thoabelisus that there is HGdi thou do ,eli: has