Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


Ebionites, Nazarenes, Ormighthme gion thema ossierantient name, Whiin, id have marisa meis belles that there astutine person Who as Gad, men ue ather, a this postle remaris, iii. . and that Iesus a the creatur an honoured servant of that God, and his extraordinar mesilangeret maia d.

III. The a me eter, after sicli declarations in

his ominame, and in that os the ther eleve possies, that there a but ne single person howas God, and that Iesus as his favoured servant, an altogetherine of the human race, could notpossibi contradict himself, and reach another domtrine in his epimes. Nothim indee could besarther fio his thought an design, a Will π

so Ebisatin and Nastamenes, Wer t. names A the fame persons, visu. δεπυυF christians, ho held the divine unit in the strictest senis, and bellovelour Sariolaris have been a man, of theirown nation thei expecte great pr. t. The scripture-authorities exhibited in this orte heW, that those hostilowed the doctrine of Jesus an his postles, could notenteriai an other sentiments. And Dr. Priestie has evin ed his to have been the rea fact, rom sufficient historicia evidence, in his controvers With Dr. no Bp. Horsiv.


Pear to every one Who impartiali examines inose writings. So that di no Meanomineso eris Prejudice, me might Wonderino a learned manc id est into se grievous an error, rario imputet this postle, a most strange polytheistic doc. trine, expressi dissivo ed by him. But ou, whos judments are more unbiassed, ill amyste ho inconsiderate and negligent an inte retero scripture, the present imo of Worcester Dr. Hurd salews himself in his instance, and what an injustice he oes to the possie, thoughwithout intendiniit The substance of what we are to belleve. say the Bissiop, on thia whole subject is contained in a single textis Sti Peteri here Me Three Divine Perflms, Iet inef-- fabo η God the Trinit in initI, homo,

adore, and thei resective inces, re accurateθ

episti, he pronounces the christians to whom he writςs, eis I that is millessit salvation aecord- in to the fore nowlege an predetermination of


Was ne of ou Lirci' hindred. in hic thereis nothinidifferent rom ha he, and the otherapostles declared by the mouth o Peter, O --ing thei divine master. He has one passage in-Med, hic some have ignoranti miseepresentes. Wherein speining o certain false reacher of his time, St. Jude accuses themi denyin God the φηθήDfoverein, A sim, and Our Loia Iesus Christ. Andi probabi alludes tori se early corruptera of the gospeli a mistam philosoliun m , hino allo Jesus inae the Son of the creator of the Worid, hicli the maintained o have been made by an inferior les persect eire, ut that Iesus Was sent by the supreme God, lio a persemygood, to rectis the error of the creator. Into

such mistines do me sali, hen the leave the

to have been a mortes reaturea for God cannot die. ohave overtoine this, an many the similis ut stronger passage of the like fori, in the pisues of this eminent disti. pleis Christ, must have been lameable in one in ean soperemptorii declare his to e the eacher ora Triniuria Uni . This is repeated by me here is gnard oti against heing missed by lac auctorities. Vir Doddriduatve in fame turn to the transtation, in his paraphrast.


in this pra ter me lime nostinguennaining in writ-ing but e re inured, fio satisfactor evidence, as etllas fiom hat the postlateter here declares concem g their sentiments that adiereverthe ment, the Mould ear testimon to that grand truth of roelation, that there mas ut oneoni tme God the God of thei fiathen and that Jesus, in mani theirim nation, and thehioly in re servant an messenge of that God, and the aeacher of lus illa meru

M. La aes recordi the mainer in hiis the nisamas Is reache so the heatio moria. Acts x. Yo are in med a large, o Peter in expressi commissione by Almight God. to bring a manifrank, ne of the heathen Worid, eo the knowlege of the gospes. - in carryingon ius conversion, hat oes the a me reach


Were iobe calles in give account of themselves.

Me this omning made Acts xiii xiv &c auland Barnabas are, by divine appotniment, sent serinby the est of the apostles, o preach the gospes in the whole heamen orid. in thei traveti, for this great desen, into different countries oheyfrit acquaint them, very here, it the hodiise of Iesus, a mani their own nation iis ap- Potniment mmmodo reac his viil in theworld an his u in deam in the cause of the truth he delivered: iut hom God Halmed and confirmexto he his approve servant an messen- gero maniund by restorire his to lise in three lays Paci expressi insorm his Athenian audience, that the God that made the oriri ad recenti manifeste his vili an holy - , ibo man, via Iesus Christi ho he had dignified, by appotntingiuim to pas sentenc Non maesti , at fature dan accordin to thei actions mod


Whomer traches that here is an person hisis God, ut the Gud o Israel, thera in God, the God that made the worid , o in t Iesus Christas an other inanis taman heing the hiral f voured servanti God teaches a doctrine contraryto that a the vomes, and condemned by them.

St. Paxa holas sori the fame doctrine conc-- log God and Christ in his episties, hichle premhe to the Atheniam. Αn it is tanted ut in this oria an has been prove by thera, stat his Worti conceming ainem creation by Iesus Christ. and in allither places, Me misenderood and minrepresentea, here an Mould fix a contrar mean- iugi them, viz. that there is a God, or crem but the single person of the Father of the ianuve in , o that Iesus Christ is ori or an othexori est inmine of the humanua .

I has been much dispute amore christians different per uasion and opinions, hester the


ther of that name, o by ome ne pereonaring Barnabas I consest, Prather incline to thiniuit notwritte bylaur companion But is thereae any thing incit, that speias of Iesiis Christ a preexistent,vremployed in creating the worid, orrus an other than a human eing, it ould e a proo that iupould noti Writte by the me Barnabas, horauita different doctrine in the scriptures,in preMhthg Christ to the heathens, a St. Luke assure Us. ome of the christian writers, aster in councilos Nice, dither iniuriWn times, ho ould

that it Was necessar to se grint caution ovatas


moria man, a me supreme Godin . When me find nomention miae in the scriptures, where naturalisit Was tot expected os a doctrine, which the thin fit amentat an mos important, it M ves them certaini t try to discove semereason, hy the aposties mouid in io notice of it. OtMrs homoer, ho do notiunci right to ma e

io iniis, stat me apostles didiotaeach either Jews orti thens that Christ a God, ecause me didnot belleverit, ut heldaim to e a morta crea ture only highly favoured by God, and that Mithres et tora risit os Divine Persons, each of them God me appea noto have had the remotestidea o any such thing. These person domo consideri haesit is a lim' reflection pon the gospei, a fabricared by them, that he ita divine reacher came to destro id laren his o- doctrine stould bear sueti assinit in it, thati must be preMhed illi caution and reserve,


that the reach this polysteistic doctrine.




deducibis fram the foraratu account. The severeim lord of est, and God of theraponties, the God o christians, is ot composed aThree Persens, ut is ne Persen oesy.

They, who, esides this God the severeignior an creator os at things Wotali mo ther Persensa