Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


gre in one.

This most justi explode verse is not Aod

in an gree manuscript of themem inament, of Which e have so an preserved both in public an private libraries, excepi in ne rit-ten in the Isthor 16th century D. It is antinii both the syria versions of the Ne Testament, though it has crepi lato omeprinted

iuewn it to e uncertain hether Valla was possessed orany gree o latin manuscript hic contained his verse of the three mirnesses. He has also proved that of the seve manuscript only, hic Stephens had the whole os the verse o the three uitnesse Was antin in ve of them. An thaother Wo manuscript have neverae Men Aund.


τω iniversilies et Iprinte editions of the syriac an is viso,an inii allither antient Versions. It is omitted by est thearee satiars and thetraces oscit, hicli ome thin the have seundi them, are meret imaginary. It is ound indeed in latin manuscripes os theΝe Testament, ut in non of them hesorem tent centum. The person, homin cited his suspected versea Min reatly ritte by the postle John, WasVigilius Tapsensis, a bimop, Who lived about theend of the si centur : the iam person, homost probabi semed the creed, hic goes about unde the nam o Athanasius. But r. Emlyn' inquir into his ex of the three mune es, an his repl to a Dutch divineupon it, have stablime the spuriousnes of itso suli a to leave nothin tot adde by thosethat come aster him. And in vain has r. Travis fought tori eac his integrity, and to elude the force os his argumenta. I am concernesto have Cause to remassi ilia Μr Emlyn' addres a to the bissiops an clero, ea seu core e sago, o remoVe his ex out f the bible, hasbeen sociites attended to. I massisive ou thehead os t. An what has been Uvance justnow in timur of this spurious texi, in Wo printe traeis the ne, in indicatio of the doctrine


trines, and the other, An apolog so the sit gr an clero f the church o Englandue fremto render in arguments an admonition whichri contains, easonabis and properiis Adhesu both ho es of Convocation in 7 IS. 1. Mith ali respect, I beseech Dua consideras in the sis of Gos Whether there e notri Dficient evidence, that this texi, ither certaino, ora least ver proba IF neve ma originali in thehol Gritius os St. Iolin, ut imWarrantabi thras in os later times. An is se, hether fio the Conscientious regard yo bear to the sacred scriptures, tiae ought nota be purged os ali suta in jurious additions. a. Whether such evidence ascis brouis against this vers besere us, ould not ebu ed by 3οusufficient against an pas geri avolasse auctorwhateverit V, Would a coin os judicatur aluto an paragraph to e good, in a .ritin os consequence, for hich no more, and against whius muta cante falal said t3. M Whether an wsul regis to that read-ful anathema, o denunciation, est on record by St. Johra, Rev. xxii. I 8 against est,ho ad to, o diminis from his ritings, ill permis tobe unconcerne in the matteries ea d


Neo Testament, ister tanti or separalely muchles is the Spirituald tot με mire themathemandue Son. I read of one Spiris, o Loia, a Godani ther, Eph. v. ut no that these three areone Andris theres in Gher teri Whichinys this, it is no the more luel in have been St. Iota's saying here; ut the more grievous o have inserte by any ha no his authori .

Whether, po the whola, iliis passage shallis Dur direction, iniur pristia books, e fairly


Jude XXV.

This is the reading of the Alexandrian Vaticanpn roya Parisian manuscript optes of the Nevi Testament of both the Syriac the Arabian and Coptic versions and of the Vulgate, hicli is heldguthentic in the church os Rome Father Simon accordingi rendere it; mih seul notre Sau-veur, par Jesus Christ notre eigneur, appartientlasiloire la magnificence, P empire, et a uis-


j rs Griemach, Withou hesitation, adopis his reading into the text. That honest man and most mortii divine archbisto Tiliocon hI, declares his approbation oscit. His motas I have put in the margin And the may teac sonae persons, that Iesus Christ ela called our Savisur a Wellias Almight God is no proof of the divinit of theso er: e Ming only the insti ument inpi ed

b Tilloison' sermons, vul ii. p. 6 I9. in Jude xV. Besore I passis to the ther particular containe in these inorda I cannot but ahe notice, uiat thia wνε οδ, here spolien os, is iled, our aliour, hic seme understand of our Savio Hesus Christ, and bring this as an argument to prove his divinity.---But althoughes,ould not il- Gingi par init ari place that may be Lairly brouot sor the mos of the divinit o Christ, et seeingahere are so many plain texta in scripture se the proos of it, ave the les reason to Hrete doubisul places and that this is ' se, ill appea to any one Wbo considors that the titie of Samioti is severa timescio scripture a ab e to Sod stes ather besides ehat in a very antient an authenti copy we sita the word read somevhat oster iis, and to put


False readiu. St. Johnb Mon mori. -δε tu, Iam alpha Fing bat thouand omega, the fies and feest, rite in a boo . the lin and what thoufes ,rite in a boo . Thuris in reading of the Alexandrian Vaticaniandis a Parisian manuscript optes of the ne Testament, illi man othersa and esse of the mostantient versions. The me reaciniis restore in the edition of the gree item Testament, at VieMI by the prime to the emperor, hii Hardy, in England hold sortii the spurious re in a genuine, to ur)Duilis, ho mine se of his M. Testament. It is mel known that Dr Dod-drrige professes, fiat this texi more than nyother in the bible, ut vhicli reatly mahes no

Jesus Christ is have been a creatum.


Throughout the bible, gues, hol ghose, to bexhanged into pirit, hol sirit , hecause in term Dos countenantes the ignorance an prejudices of many Who imagine that hereb is to b -- dein d a divine person, distinet sommod, and no the divine extraordinar po eri influen .

Τhroughout me bitae, here mention is madepf,ουhipis Christ, in changerit into homingdown dolet homue, o pastin respecto him; because the word, in englim, misse ad inconsiderate readerso imagine, that it is religious orsa that is es t Christ and thence to concludelaim to e God. Whereas by the fame argument, it might e maintained that the postleΡeter as God cause Acts x. s. the roman

icer Cornelius πουbjechim. Isaiah