Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


vereigniord of est; and Jesus, a creatur of the human race, an os metrown nation, his ser


Nan or his last, me have not oesy the testimon os ali in apostles , ut alis of Christhimself. speining stomaeaven declaring himself to have been originalty, and of course, stilicio be, ovi a human Ming. I AM JEsus F AZARETH. Am xxii. . In the fame book The Acts it has also appea ed that St. Paul xvii. 24. i. ver expresidieaches the Athenians that the Divine Being, God, was the creator os ali hings and that Iesiis Christ, in human creature, hi j hono es and distinguisied by him. Whenc it sollows, Messy ould mari hi contradi himself, that when the fame postle, in his episties, malis sal things ein create by Jesus Christ, it is ob understood, notis the origines creationis themorid, ut of a creationis another kind the nemcreation or resormation os the mori by the ML pel: hic has also been shem y learne mento have been hat the a me alone intended, e verae speas of a creation in hic Christ

Novi ali his uret is sussicient sor ou satisfaction, ho, and What anne os person and of

What condition Christ Was via. the testimon os in his


T. Universites. 221 his postles, the testimon of himself that he was in his origin, an stili continue t be oneo me human species. II. But a many have been imposedipon, o raris imagine that the apostles themserues hela the pre- existence of Christ, hecause that doctrine came into the christia church se ver early it sieme to

me expedient an proper aster havin proved, as bove, ha the doctrine of the postles con- cerning thei master Iesiis, Was, o mini ut

when christians egan to deviat fio it, an tomae him a different being rom What the apostlestaught hima be. Andra trusi, that it has been made clearly toappea sto ita prope evidence, in the secondchapter of this ork, that this heathen doctrine os more God than ne took iis rise rom eathen philosephers, ho embrace the gospellat iis very fir preMhing, and who rought in illi themthei notions os one supreme, and of many inserior goti, and maintained Iesus Christio have beenone of these lalter secondar desties. An more-over, a series of proos have been produces, that Iusti Martyr, a the principes, i no the sole author of this polytheisti system in hichhe has been sollowed though,im large improVe

m is pon him, to the present times.


It was no dissiculi mutero ste the latili os this modisan' pretension to inspiration Ponthis subject and the weanes of his argumentsswhere he would dra in oses an Solomon asvoucher of his ne doctrine, hicli made Christ, unde in character of the logos, the Morri a sub- ordinate od an creator, ministring to the su prenae ather of tiae universe, More he hecamenaan. For there is no the ea trace in their rhings, s ath been shewn that,oses Orci Dinon ad an idea that there M an sichperson existin a Christ o that there mas inr

This doctrine of the Divine Unity, and of christbeing altogether one filae human species, essedip Among the jews to serve the extraordinar purposts of the divine providence an famur to anhind;

is ii, laint legibi in very page of the bible,

here Cod an Chri are mentioned that is youca bring person to A their opimon froni that book, and notrio sorcesilao spea oes What 'hu have earned besere frona their urses and priesis, the spei os stiperstitio an polytheis is brohen, and the important potnt setiled Gon illheseund throla iout the scriptures iobe ONE in theth id est sense Jesus Christ, ni his hon re ser-


U. Universitus aetaother si his eminent inues and the Spirit, orhol Spirit, ill e laini discovere to eis

ining ut the divine an extraordinar po er, imparte to Iesus an his Movera, during that se age of our religion in orde to prove lati came rom God and to quasi thema inachit illi effect to the wor IV. It has been osten ound an has been particularia exemplifie above, in the case of than Mod an an eminent reacher of the gospe , Dr Watis that pia ly a the doctrine of the Divine est is delivere in the sacre Writium, many sincere christians are preMented rom steingit, through the strong iasis, hicli their early

educatio has putrapo thei mi scin the wronginterpretation os certain phrases and passages, whichthe could nollet over nor emancipate thems resistom heir forme preiudioes, si a to exercise

theti judgment Deci in inquiry, hether hereare three divine persons, ach of them God, orone person only hocis God. But there is a lino os inquiry, and wayo reasoning po the question, hicli is levet toes capacities and whicli, is me could e reeto se it, ould enabi them to arrive at certaint in his intricate matter, an intricae ho meros christians own maing, hereas it 4 far


It ma be assume as a maxim, hic cannoth controverted that a doctrine of suci impor tanc a that whicli relates to theraeing that madeus, and whom e re to omi, hether it e re Person, ne intelligent agent, or consistingo two or three suci persens canno dependupon one o tW particula passage of scripture,

especiali suchis are doubtiiii an obscure; ut

must e tat is apparent throughout the whola, vhereve the nam os God occura, andae very where plain and intelligibi to the ordinar plowman who akes se of his understanding, a toth greate scholar.

Now Dyo apply this ut to the doctrine of the Divine Unity, to there eing one God oesy, one in the stricte sense, ne persen: o findthis to e the o plain and evident, in very page M the sacre Writings, here the Divine

si,und understanding that God is ne single person, cyon the possibilit os consutation and necessarii exclude Iesus Christ, and every ther Person taloever, stom ein God.


Eut missi res et to the Trimo, ascit is calledito there being Three Divine Persπε, horare eacho inem God, and tot adored by dimn pe sonat invocations God the Fatuer, God the Son. an God the holi Ghost there is no onei hos the vi Testament vheres a man of a plainu rejudiced underita ing, could find that there

Mere any 0re persens than ne or an other


into the possessionis fiat in and an obligatiora in oberi the doctrine laudit by Christ, it - thori rimm God the ather, an confirmed by the holy Spirit, vis the miraculous poWem imparte Mo Christ and his possies. Τhis has been stem bove is have hem in that our Lota intende by this baptistitiam tis that he was intiret unacquainte missi thedoctrinem a Trini , although his follomers havet de him a par of it. St. Ρaur plaus fare et salutation to the christians a Corintho a Cor. xiii. 4. is noster passage much restedispon, as eachin the doctrine

stis ali. An by the oly Spirit, of hic theaposue iste them tote partiners, he assureddintende no divine person, ut the divine gliis and poWers a that perio dispense to bellavera, and necessar in generat so the estissitanent of thegospe in the orta. The grace or famur of the Lota Iesiis Christ, is nothin more than an sua phras to signis' the levings of the gospes, the favis a God of

ich - have the most perses assurance by Iesus Christ.


Christ. In a more abri ed may of Writim, urvos te stiles iturae or famur Mone. s Coloss. iv. Ig. Grace e th Iou. When ine love of God is added incit, as here, it signifies that grace, or favour o God. hic procredet Dominis lovem maniund, and was meiae torus is Christ. The other passage of scripture, and the oesy one

ita canae frought se any memor semblance of proos os a Trinit in Uni , of three persens beingone God is I Iota V. 7. For there are three that bear remia fin heaven the ather, the Word, and the hol Spirit: in these three te ne Andthere are three stat bear vim Moii earth ueBirit, and the mater, and the buod and these three agrae

merali achno lege to e spurious, y at thelearnes Who have an regatarior their haractere, as scholare and theresere ein no a par of scripture, or of the postla's riting, cannot beallem as a proo os an ining to a christian. TRY no taether his ut o seun and justreasoning missi respectrio Iesus Christ eing God,

Mao have done missi respecto the Trinit'. Ah the writere, an at the character introducta, in the L Testament, lino notan such God o divine person, a Iesus Christ spea os no person a God but one IEHOVAH, in maero heaven an earth. nd where any thinciam by the propheta concerning Christ, hecis al-


may mentione a a human eing, and wonred servant of God that was in ome future time tobe essedis by him, to serve his reat designfsor the whiae human me. It has also been particulari an fuit proveo in the fies chapter of this Work, that ali the writera of the ne Testamen an ali the postlas, helclthei lord, and masteri Jesus, o be nothing morethan ne of mankind, and the highly distinguished messenge and servant of the supreme Father, and severeim Lor o ali an moreover, that this mas the constant languam o Jesus concerning himself thos se passages heret he eas of his remis down rem eaven and the like, havin been stem noto reser to any ormerstate in hich he had lived, ut o denote his dignit an office rom God in the present Worid. But even supposing the could not satisfactorii heproved to have his signification stillis oughtto e determine by the genera tenor an lan- mage of the scriptures, an notis a mobscure phrases And this is an evidence of the Divine Unity, and of the lessed Jestis Ming oni thocreature, the servant, the messenge of God tomankind by hic the niearne ma abide in opposition to at the subtuties, an difficultieawhicli me vallat wisse, id ratis about the dinserent meaning of particular Word and phrasis, and therein entangle themselves an othera L an mali

' assum


pacit ma see early, and e persecti satisfied

It was by takin thes opinion from the scrip . tures oesy that at the e nning of the resorna. ation, besere Socinus o Sociniam mere hear ocmans in men of good understandings, an ii ne inquiring minci, Without learning, hecame Unkarians And that this plain self evident doctrine of the Divine Unim, self evident, I mean, to very anprejudice reader of the scriptiires, would have gone domis aprea itfel by the poWerfui sesce of ruth and geat of iis professors, and have brontis ove the me to it in a curseo time, cannot be doubted is it had nothet withtha m. barbarotis opposition, hicli it is noe ordinarii in the pomer of human nature to miti

possitae. I mean the burniniit nobi martyrean conseor alive, or burying them ut os soli Ioathsem prisons, hicli is far more mei and soage, and more fata an adverse to the spreMing of the truth, by suppressing mens glorious testimon to it, unde the most horribi tormenta.