Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


ministring anget, or agent of JehoVah, the me God rom the eoning his instrument, employed by him in the creation, an his constant representative pon aris that he appeare in Adam, an to the patriarchs that he was thesiver of the lava and that heri Was, ho Wasmorstiped in the tabemacie, an in the temple, a the substitute of the rue God and astemarci

This a ming throuo Wit the matteri Without reserve It wil notio everte neessibi sor meto se any thing concerning this strange doctrine, whichio je everiound in thei bibis, as in another places , , ome se years sinoe Pendeavoured torestite ali 3at has been adva ed omine subject bythis valvabie riter Who, in other respects hath deserved seMellis the literary, and christian moriae



this notionis Iusti concerniet Christ. When persons, ho have nochad lassii toto side the subsect are tiad os a long list fleamedmen, early a the days of the apostles, holdingstis particula doctrine of Christis g 4 personi inen of h Moses, a nexi o God, and the sub . ordinate creator of the moridi eri ima and have had this idea of Chis instillect into them solitheiryouth; Seir indeista in and senses are quite ove owered With lach a presuted glareos evidenre, that ostentimes the Will nocheano anythim offeredagainst it de iniit impossibis, diat immed men, se many of them, an sor se. many ages, saould have been istaken in a matter es, so great im

porta in

For it hac en at lysi ared, haesit is noctae ioctrine of the scriptures , ut haesit' origin stoma heathen converto christianity, bout ille eari O, Who brought the notio fio his philosophy. et ind


with a sagaci 4rom God, nablinthim to discover Christrio have been mentione byMoses, an in the old Testament, a the agent of God in stecreationi the worid, and his representative inem Ward in the goverament of it. An a doctrineis this hin heinclai domn it Warm eat, as revelatio fio God himself, coming rom a trudpious nan, in the ery ex age to the possies, impose πω many and eing thus at fust re

mas originalty the soad presumption, and concek, of est. meming, hut istari man, that Moses in Solomon ahe mentio of Christ, asan inserior God ministring to the supreme ather of the universe: his mas tinen pin his auth


rim, by the thlearned ni a fies : ut spreMing by degrees throum thei influence, an aidedastemard by the civi pomeri his doctrine es a secondio pervade est rank of christians andas superstition no here tora , in nolong cour of time, fio looking upo Christ, according to Iustin's sancisul supposition, as an inferior god then gano mae him eques to the infinite u and terna Being as is in public

profession concerning him, to this day throughout christendom.

i Al the leatne christians of that time ere far Domisvourin Justin's ne doctrine of Christ ean a secondGod spolienis in the hebrein scriptures. any whose namesare recorded, Mith numberlessither unknown continue to

id him to e a human eing, with extraordinar poWers hom God Andrit has been amp. proved that whilst Iuctin, and the philosophic christians aster him, indulged them-selves in thei unscriptural speculations conceming the logos, the --, a the Sonis God besere ali time, and his eterna generation ordinar christians, of plain understanding, hept close to the doctrine of the apostles concerninm hrist, as ingra man of the jewis nation, and the Sono God in noother ense, than that of havin received his eing, and extraordinar favour an communications hom God i. Concerning the exin perio inen his reat corruption too place mon christians see Dr. Priemey Ee-elesiastica ui story vol. ii sect iii. p. a , &c. a Workneeessar se every one inho ould obtain a true knowlege of

many importaint thinga oneerning Christ' religion.


vell-niemin man bringing this lamentabis polytheis into in christianishurch, hicli stili continues, and has lined sor so many ages may be warning to est christians, o binare of fixis notions and doctrines of their o mupon the scriptures, instea o caresuli examining the declarations fine propheta, fChrist, and his apostles What it mas liat the reali tauit conceming God an Christ, and teaching and adhering to that onj.

Os Iustin i Character. From Iusti Martyr, ther ore, e studiou rout though livinis very nea the time of the φpostles, o cannot learn the right method of terpreting the scriptures, o a justan lege of the personi Jesus Christ to What classis heings hebelonged human, o divine sor his philosophylia ted hi assi monita both these respects. But e mill reac D piety, probity, a justgoVernment of our passions, an ardent love of truth, an to refuse ψ ain to attain, an torecommensit to thera. in ali his Writings I have not observedine pro id, concelle thought He neve appears studious to


nivesties. aismen to virme and to the gospei. Where he happens o spea in such ainio tone, and aes ponhim to censure the eW so thei ignorance of thei οὐ scriptures , it Was ecaustine belleved himself inspired. o matricis no the es and boastos a vai man, ut o an hones enthusiast. ohe benevolence of his minctis most conspicuous ver Where, in his labours o bring ait menout of the darknes and miseries of vice, and ido

latry to the knowlege of the supreme creator andiather of the universe.

Socia frona saying any thin againstri se hohelieved Christ tot a human creature nly, heu speising of them, he stem rathera apologize cr)for the novelt of his own opinions. Ver disserent in his fio Eusebius me ecclesiastices storian,

doctrine of Christ' preexistence an divinit Wasgrow old, and stablime and supporte by the

secular poWers, iis Way to much any abuseand calumn against those Who deniectit. And who, o account of his violent preiudices, is tot read With caution hen e pronounces concerning the personis Christ, or smah of unitarians. Iusti more eri although fatali mistae minis ne potnt, eli undeinood, and has give a

Just exhibitionis the sublime moralit of the gos Pel, and every here me s that he had imbibedine spiritis it d, in hos times of flar triat,


The testimon Vasi the apostles rancernis the DIVINE UNITY, and he character and condition V α- ista an master Iesus Chris, albeis entires meo the human rare. The cause of the early falliet amast os ehrisians fram this doctrine of the apo fles. Ne lainaes of this doctrine concerniet Go and Christ, a lata down in re scripture. A ruis di miis meo ne ma be abis to decide for himself eone iniit B fossi et his ruis manu ursians Meam unitarians at the berinnivo the reformation, and mav are nom rem set to the doctrine of the postus concernin Godaia Chrs. his an osseu Gisi sit more besem, hen ne great impediment is removeri γε in the feripturas Diri laiddefore them in the

ΙΝ the in hapter of this Woin there hasbeen an examination os very thin related


Luhe, an Isin, hic canae suppost to reserto an prior existence hic he possesse besere hebecam man and also a very minute analysis ofali in passages in St. Luta' secondorealise, The Acts tendin to exhibit a just dea os,hat his apostles though and aught concerning him in that

respeet, after his resurrection. Τhe ther riter si Wile of the e. in men have come in revie-besore in and their sen- timent concerning our Smiour have been in

single person os iam horis the God, and athero Iesus Christ, and of ali mankiud the selecreator, an severe n ordofall. Anda That Iesus Christ mas nothin more than aman, orn, an bre in Judea a prophet, a messenge of the o hio God, and reacher of his mill in mainind. But a many Who achno lege stat Christ mas human Ming, contend in that besere that hebad an existence in heaven me have examines allinat language of our Lord, concerning himself,


τ. Universites. i. Dunded vis his coming domni in heaven comis freth fram the ather, eis sent rom Gog havi demdefore Abraham; having had Nordi tibibe ather boore the mori mas and we have discovered fiom me explanation giveni our ordhinniself of this languam that it didio relate to any ein that he had in another orid, ut toste dignit an ossice intended sortim, and whichhe received rom God in his orid. This has been proved tot our Lord' meminii fuc phrases by assciust rules of criticiis, an fair interpretation. An it is also in persectayeement illi his genera stile concerning --

self, viz. that he was one Whom he ather hadflni his messenger. It is to remactatae a circumstanc tote passedove umoticed that his doctrine concerning our Lord Jesus Christieiniintiret one of the humanrace, is most extraordinarii confirmedi St. Luke in The Acts where that historian exhibita continuas and mostdistinctly the sentiments of the apostles con- ceming their lord and mine Jesus and the mannerin whicli thens he of him, and reached liis religion to eWs and heathens, after his resurrection. Here me semetime findisne postle Acts ii. I . a. in the nam of the est; somelimes two of them iii. 3. 4. separalely at nother time est the apostles Oined together in an ac of solemn