The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


shori, henes camerio contemptatem transformation

become changed into an a8S. No ooner a Paware of the missortune stat ad besalle me than, bes ore I Was ille to give ulterane tolamentation, Fotis a that ver moment returned into

maine in thy present condition Now, alas i ere I


death. ut more mature reflectio prevented my QOm

mal sorino a noster, then ill that hors nolintroeat me illi contino hospitali , ut si bellaveri me, a tho Romans ohave to thei ambassadors, most

magnificently But, oh Jupiter hospitalis, an ali e secret guardians of good salth, it Was just the contra rni

and plotted scheme sor destruction Concluding


toward the lovel prige, hen a reflectio important


Boon III. TRANSFORMATIO X DEFERRED. 99srain fro m present inclination. For, thought Ptomyself, et accomplisi in transformation rom the assio th sor of Lucius, in tho idst of a band of robbers, ere ni t rusti to certain destruction; ither Would thonta thoessor a Wigard, and theres ore destroythee, o deprive thoe of life at ali evenis, in ordo topreVent the appearaneo os a livin Witnes of thoirdeeds.' Such considerations compullud meri yield todire necessity, and accordi gly, illi patient resignation, relinquishing the de of eat ng roses sor in present, I continued to cham the ridie unde th sorinos an as sor a longe period.


tiona inducemen to attempt m transsormation undercireumstances vliere, after WalloWing the remed and

at a litti distance, I spied predominant among the solia e thybright vermilion hue of roses Delighted at