The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


in his and an continuod o distributo his lows sothic ovo ali paris of m body that I actuali thoughtho ould havo kille me. Anyso, ind00d, ad I not


and was stantinitiis canis pon the arth, hen emere ali once more lediu of the stille, an a heavier


among the theraeast os burdon, and lem me a preyto the Wolves and vultures Withoiit Wroahing thei ven-geanee o me an further. No Ooner, hoWeVer, ad I complotod tho arrangement of this admirabie scheme

stem, unde the circum8tanees, seomed in period os amari' sisse, and too counse together acto hat a tobe done in the emergency. Considering the animal nob0tter than fine ore dead, o made of tone, they


cipie into in valle bolom. Ain Warning theressere, by the sate of m miserable comrade, and knowinglis the conversation Phad overheard among the obbers that thei place of habitation, heremur ourne Would

henoesortii Icilies have to describe alitio require it. First then, illi rogar to the loeulit of the pol,


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In consequone of the latior assurane of the oldwoman the obber immediatet ui ressed themselves,


road distant rom ne nother, an in numeroUSs milies eaeli person pay more rogar to his oWns et stan tho propert of the mastor 3 ut th frugalsolitis inhabitant of a mali Wolfing, hether thevaluillosa has to protecti se or many invariablymae a vigorous resiStanc in bellais of his proporty,


SO oon a me had arrived in the evenetaled cit os Thebes, ascis the sua practice of our proseSSion, ediliguntly ad inquities relatis to the properi ofine inhabitants. Accordius me ear of a certainbanker, calle Chryseros, ho ad the reputation fpoSSe88m a reat des of money, though, sor ear of bein appo ted in consequence of his ealth to various ossices and civiliutios h did ali that la in his pomerto coneeat his reasure and mahe eople belleve he waspoor. Diri in iis person and resse in rugs, heoccupie a ous Whiel though mal l a stronglybarrod and bottod notWithstanding, and there, living in silene and solitudo ho sat liue a hen pon her est, brood n ali da ouercisis money-b s. The holis of this anhe w determine to attach, imagining eshould bo abieno posses o solves of in his riches Without dissiculi or i terruption and a the resistance of Onesingle patris arm Was a matter of titile consideration, We made no reparatio sor the enterpris otherwigethan to asse te urgelvos ne evening ali together at


account of their Wn proporty, a me running to thespot illi alacri , so that e liould poedily have been ovorwhelmed illi numbers, o reduce to thenecessit os abundoning Lamachus, ha no h himsoli devi sed a desperate expedient uite to tho oritical juncture. Instanti cultis ossat arm right throughthe houlder Oint, and leaviniit anging to the door,