The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


having vindicated the cause of peuce havin protected tho ous of m host, and havin laboure so the welsar of the public I should have imagine myse deservin os public approbation ather than tablo topunishment. I have neve bos ore been accused of a ostende Phave alWay been esteemed and weli regarded

Ward the spectator in the Cavea, I beheld, ascis the


mavo i ,' said she, lave pity in the nam os the public in the me of the common iam, an intho nam os humani , on the relictis , outh hasbeen crueli murdered, and render her, I beseechyou the consolation Os Vengeance in her idowhood


io the ortunes of a child est destituto in his insandy, and by the blood of the assassi Wh has infringe&your

mitt0d Whicli, Leven he himselfis able to deny a heavypunishment musti inflicted but a part rom the questionis his individuat uili, there remulas it u theimportant consideratio ho to dimove the accomplices of the atroclous desed For thout accomplices it is incredibi one solitar person could have anquished and deprive of lis three so robust me a the deceased. No it ill bo indispensabie to have reco se to

plices of the prisoner me ali run Way an madethei QScape, in thim comes simplyrio his,-that thoquestion bo administere to himself Thon illa bocompelle to say ho the are, in We hali avo the means of thorougiat pultin an endri this sormidabio banditii. V en the magistrate ad conclude his harangue,

At his moment, hilo I Was terrified an horror- strue at these formidabie appearances, and y ears


The spectator assente to the proposui of tho oldwoma by acclamation, and the magistrate a cordingly6rdorod thydead bodios that tu on theater tot unco-Vered, and the covering t be removed by mysulf With hand8. In obediene to tho command thelictors, Without more ado, compelle me, a qui klyas the were ille, to comply. UnWillinito revive, sit mere, ni crime of the a bes ore by a rosi dis


fami ly, and mylody the private propert of ProSerpine. Nom, in a single instant, theriae os assairs a totallyreversed, and I stood staring in mute astonishmenti Word are incapille of describin tho es et of the picture that appeared bos ore mytyes In Shori, the

than three Wine hins piorced Whil in a state of inflation illi various holes that sociar a I could cassas myrecollection, exacti Corresponded, apertur sor aperture,

With the ga ping ound I remembered to have inflictedon in robbers, in m batile of the night bos oro. At this


buried in m bosom, that Deither ero the magistrates themselves more successsul They illi thoi attendant and ali in insignia fissice camerio urinous on

the ames of your nobi celebrate ancestor areknown throughout the whole province Comsor thy-8elf then, e pra thee, and ast aWay the Sorro ind

'tis a pleasan invention, an innocent agree te prank,su his eael, revolVing year, contrive iuste da Whenwe celebrate ur sestiva in orde to propitiate and en-


ther, havin ordere bastin implement to e sentaster iis, e en immediatoly.


to retire t m Chamber.



in existenee no even thou thysols could persuade

me. Nor an innocent intentions even through themeertain tym perversit of hanee, ever e rendered