The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


his comaeadeS. VLamachus in vain continuod o persuade suo accedet his isties, sor se unanimousi refuse to commit acrimo that, considere no es than parricide, o at

ratio sor his courage, e speedily rapped iis remainsin a linen garment, and committed his bod to the rivor,


procoeda relate ho by the sinister influence of fortune Alcimus, nother of ouae brave ea ders, a deprived os existenue, and homine miserabi perished in spite os


116 FOURTI EPISODE. BOOK IV. Demochares, rema rhille so the splendour of his publicentertainmenis, a speedit a bout tolive a gladiatoria lexhibition orth of his reat ealth and the preparations then in progress ere on a sese of uel magnificenco that the mos eloquent person live couldhardi s d ord to expres the extent and arte . Already there pro collecte from Variou paris, andassemblod in the ity, and of practised gladiator8. hianter celebrate sor pedestria proWe88, an gangs of oriminals Who, condemne to b d ovoured by Wildbeast in the arena, ere meanwhile pampering their

the number and appe anee, though amon them ereatio a great number of bear procured in the neighbour-hood. any of the alter animais, in addition to the ordinar apparatus of the ensuin Spectacle, in immense fortune os Demochares ad nillo him to obtain bypurcha8e, thers ere taken in the hac is his own SerVanis, an SeVerat,ere iven him is friendri ho


BOOK IV. FOURΤΗ PISODE. 117on the present occasio vied With one another in howin simila tokens of generosity. MeanWhile the en- violis glance of Ovit Fortune et upo Demochares, and marrod these oblo reparations for the publie musement. Although at the bears ere cares uti and Sumptuousi provide sor the were suddent visited by a dire pestilenee, Wilioli, hether in consequenee of thoi long confinemen and an os exercise Orowin to the burniis heat of the sun reduced them to savi emaciate stato, and killed the greator number. Such, indoed, a the wsul mortalit that prevalled, that ver se mero est sive and reader, o mighthave Seen in the Streeis hereVer ou ent, the dea l

poveri compelle to feod Without discrimination, ore flocking rom ali quarters to tho it to fili thoirinrunken bellies, and batten o the sordi ossa of tho

The latior circumstanc suggeste to ur Comrade


hear stan odit strengst, ut a volunteer above allthings-shouldie se in in the hido, an carrio in the formis assivo boarito the ous os Demochares, in

An enterprige so plausibi stimulate no a se ofour brave college to underiae the execution, and finali ou comrado tu asyleo a seleeled from umong many ther to indorgo the hagard of th dio. Witha Serene Ountenanee, heres ore, Thrasyleo oo hold


Booc IV. FOURTH PISODE. 119 boast's age sor a mali sum os money, into hicli Thrasyleo, ho a no transforme into the persectrese lance of a bear, Withinstinching courage craWled. Aster in above preliminaries ere arranged, and We had thus made a beginning in orde to Carry theremainder of ur desim into execution e completed the manceuVre a solioW8 Havin ascertained that in the eighbourhood thorowas a particulari intimate friend of Demochares bynam Nicanor, me addre88ed a countersei lette in Nicanor' nam to Demochares, expressive of his destre


examine sim rathe to inquisitively hadio Thrasyloo played his par so ell, and o leveri managed his menaeing gestures that he Contrived to k00 thom allat prope distance. The declare unanimousi that Demochares, Meienti celebratedies ore in man pre-vious instances, a the happiest and luchiost man alive, Whom Forthino, determine to assis in one Way orother, noW that he had sussered 8 heau aclos among his iidieasis, hadince more condescended to phold by this ne arrivat. At last, heu es the eopte present ore satisfied With in inspectionis the bear, Demochares issu ed order sor iis immediato remova to oneos his sarms, and was giving most particular directions relative to the manne of cares uti transportua it thither. When, aid I addressing 1 self to Demochares, urbear, oble sir hath sussered severelydro sati me and tho hoat os in sun during the long ourney beWare, theres ore, to rus her illi iners of horaind among th hord, hicli, methiniis, are hardi yet recovered


sWord in hand ready to sulfi the obligations os uroath. at the appotntedipol. In like manner Thrasyleo. With intuitive bur artous instinet, avin hit pon

chamber that Thrasyleo hoWed iis, here, as he had sagaciousi remarhed the Vening osore, a large quan

oach ta a much of the gold an silver reasure ashe was able to carry, and conveyri With the ulmostsppod to the columbarium, there tot lest in charge osthos Who, os ali other mortes in the orid, re ost