The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류



One upo a time, in a certain i , here live ahin and a queen, and the had three sui daughters. The charm of the wo eide sister mere a fittin anda constant theme of prais sor at man k d, ut thotranscendent lovelines of the o gur bassied the poWeros human language, and Word Were insincient to con-



Ve an adsequato idea of the persectio of her beauty. The bus longue os Fame attracte to the potireat numbers of the citigens, an stranger fro soreignpariS, to Viem the extraordinar spectacle; ut unableto approach the radiant imago, the ali alted osors her presene in ut astonishmoni, and placin theirhand bes oro thei saces in tho attitudo rescribe atthe solemnities of the oddes Venus stoo stupisedand riveted to the spol. ForthWith, ac ordin y ti Lings,ere prea abroad through in adjacent provincesand amon theraeighbourin citius that in celebrated divinity, o ondered in the agure depilis of the ocean, an nourishu on the oamy de of the aves, ada ured e celestiat way, and insed indiscriminatet with mortat in ali paris of the eurth; or at leastiliat another Venus, ther tha the Venus of the ea, had dropped rom tho celestia stars, o been bor onearin Andisom, a the ne S, travollinis romia toda missi in rea sed rapidity, and poedii traversing theisland in the vicinity, extende ove Various of the

continenta proVinees, many ere the mortal Who, is

glorious Specimen of the age, hile the votaries of Venus no longer et ait in Shipso Paphos, nor o Cnidos, nor even to Cythera, to visit e principal

brought to decorate her mages, and coid extinguished


sitori, as dealigod in a human countenanee, and thegreat goddes of Love a Worshippod in the personis a morta maid Whom theleopte conciliated by anqueis and the sacrifico os victims instead of the absent Venus. Arad ver morning as he Wallae abroad the thre flowers and nosegaysinae path, in testimon of their


The tru and real Venus, grieVOusty incensed atteartat the undisguised translationis celestia honour to a creatur of human race, indignantly hoo her heta, an muttoring loud o herseis in her unpatience, exclaimed, illi increusing one of voico, atl hali Venus, the fir8 early parent of the universo the initiative oure of the elements the nurse of the terrestriat orid, o thus realed Submit to participatu illi


a mortes of mea condition a retuli ho Fortune


liquid mountata of the prosolin ocean, Whither thep0Wer of the deep, anticipatis he had 11genderedwisti, an obedient to her call, a d it mere a commandos long ago, arrive to do homage First came thedaughters of Nereus singin in chorus, soliosed by thorough blue-bearded god Neptune, illi his spouse, hali sisti half,oman the suli osome Salacia, and their charioteor, the litu Palaemon, careering on the achos a dolphin, hil in front, ratem, an round about, hosts of Triton surrowed thesbroad brin Waste Thus didrili cortino that Waltedipon Venus proceed to the


bae t his hingilom, and communicated to the Queen hi Spouse, the ominous sentence of the oracle. Andno v ehold the weepin and mourning istin the palae continuod sevorat days, ill a last, heri diro necessit compelled the fuistiment of the divine command the sata ceremonia mas nacted, and the procession filio deadi nuptials arranged in ordor. A funera virgo and bitte lamentations ero substituted so the nuptial ong the pipes, instoad os a hymenea strain, founde a plaintive Lydian melody and a Psyche wiped the ear fromine ch00hs illi tho brida veil, ablac soot dros ovorsproad the me of the orches and obscurod thoir light. But Psyche, though at theeitigens commiserate her ato and the sate of he -- happy relatives, and though the had elosod tho publiedouris and couris of la in token of their sympathy, consolous of the necessit of obediene to the colestialmandate, anticipaled illi eoura eous resolution her destinod ordeat, and bad the procession accompanted by the entire population os the tu, proceed toriis destination. The When the oin solemnities of a marri eand a buriat were ready toto impressivel persormed-when a living ein Was bout octo devoto to thotomb, and syche laid notopon the rida couch, butipo heriter, and while her parenis, VerWhelmedmith grius at the amful sceno stoo agitast an he8itating the damsel herseis adtiesse to thom in sol-


Where, pon iis topmost Summit the multitude, extin