The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


covered With litterin masses of old that the objectishone, ascit ere, in des ance of the sun by the light of their Wn created day. Truly, o abundanti divinoand boundios Was the wealth displayed VeryWhere, that ne might have imaginod great Jove himself,ereth fabricatoris a domicile to commune illi the chil-

the round est the way he ent, a sti Wandered tothe nethermos portion of the apariment of the divine architect. In aut there exist nothin valvabie under the sun that a no there But Jhile he continuedio admire suci indescribable riches, the riches, ascit


were, of the universat ori est Uin together, ne Circumstance surprised her and wrapped hor indi Wonde moro than Ver ining There a no ard animate nor inanimateri ei ther man nor Chain,


soon, alas Wil thou repent, and then to late, theserious admonition I ave thee. VPsyche noverthelos persiste in or supplications in spite of the bove remonstraneos, ill by violententreatie and actuali threatening to ut an on tollor is in case of a refusal, he extorte her us-band' compliance to her Wishes, and notinb obta inedhis consent to eo her sisters, and do ali in herlowerto ooth thei sorroW, ut gaine permission to ma hostem as many handsomo present of olden ornaments an nooklaces as he thought proper Butae tricibemoined her and repeate the injunctio osten, illhe ad her tremble-to eo tho invisibilit os his form a profound secret, est, by ieldin to a sacrilegious curiosi , he might voluntarib cast hersolf romthe pinnacle of her present good ortune andrae tornsrom his embraces O QVer. Psyche hadio oone expresse her grates ut thank8


1roslied thom by the delicacies of a divine banquet tili, satiated illi copious abundance of celestia viands, enV Was generate in the lowest opilis of thei bo-Soms, and ne speciali inquisitiVel inquirin particular of he hvsband the lor an master os ueliboundies mealth, demande incessantly What manneros an e Was, ho, and liene he came But Psyche mladful of his injunctions res alae from violatin her promise an preserve the secret of herbosom; but, et in a tale so the occasion, aidae, yoUn an handsome a ovili ho passo his timoamong the mountatas in rura occupations and hi inting,


are hos of a laborious urge, to rub his crooked