The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


yielythus a through th natura simplicit os dispo-


rechoning the intervening monili an da ys, contem


ili presene of the buoyant breege; ut Zephyr, everintndful of tho divino mandate, supported them n


ironi thei preconcerte Scheme Aecordingly theyb0gan immediatet to ea herooWard the nare is turning the conversation to the subject of he hvsband, and troacherouslyrio mali inquiries about his parentageand condition. syche meanWhile, through the extrem simplicit of her nature, orgo ut of the accountsho ad give bos ore, an inventin an entiret neWstor 1Or the occasion, no replied in an8We to the interrogations of her sisters that he hvsband was a


home to ur arenis, and there conside sarthe whut


b a similar Voyage a bes ore, ac again to the roch, the thre themselves nee more sp the precipice, andonee more, by the kindi uid of Zephyr, though atherroughi handio on the descent Da violent lust os

anxious in verything that concern thee, are in terror

Pythian Apollo, ho promised and soretoid the a


When Psyche had dono speaking the wo ichedWomen, pereeiVing the had mado a reach in horheari, and that her inmost thought lay akod ind


ragor,-Which tWere eiter, in orde to rendo theedge Stili more acute, to passislong the palm of thy

bed, o the fide here thou ar accustome to te,

vat thy right harid, and With a vigorous an e r asin strengili can command divide the noxious Serpent's vertebrae at the nape of his necti, and completeibi cutisshis Oad. ear no that e hali leave the alone without assistance in thy enterprise so the momentiliou ast ille the serpent, an Seeure illine own