The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


an Uppe Chamber.

subjectu him to the penalty attache to tho breuel os hi militarymath, agree to id hi in sor somo time in


ine alter assertion, gre eXeeedin y clamorous and maintained amois altercation With ur host violently calling on the nam os Caesar o lines stat e erein the hous to a certainty, andae asserting the direct


BOOK IX. LUCIUS AND THEMARDENER CAPTURED. 27 and some of them instantly Without more ado, Coming


Whos polisti Was even moro rilliant stan that of the helmei and laStly a potir, remarkablo so the longilios iis haudio. With Which alter, more in aut so the Sahe of terris ying oo travollers o the oad than in strict compliance illi regulations and to completo thestyle os marchin order,-he ook eare Conspicuoudyto crown the ea of the various other articles that Composed my load. e travellod long a tolerablygood road through the olds, ill e arrived ut asinali city here, instead of goin to the inn, Welut upin in holis os a certain decurion, and I Was desiveredove in charge fine of the servant bos, during the sene of the oldior, ho instanti departe in orderto A the os of his a to his ossicer, the commander of a thousand men. We remalae in his ity sor severat days, during ich period a very readfui crime a committed there, of Whicli, reader, I 00 inclino to includo tho relatio in m narrative, in ordo that thou as et as Self may be made aequainted With it.


At ut evenis, hilo the littio Cupid was ot in his

insaney, and unshilsul in the elements of his artistrove in seoblo strengili, the patient Wissi comparative eas repre8Sed heroisin colour, an successsuli re-


The passage of whic tho bove ell-known line of r. JaehSon are a Sufficienti Dear translation is a sollows:- At ubi completis igne vesano totis praecordiis, immodice bacchatus


hensibio oro in distinction, although he e nothingos a doctori

Whil such Was the state of the love-sic Stepmother, her Silenue, long protracted beeomin more and moreunboarabie, and the concestiment of the real ause of hermaiah no longe possibie Wing to the continua presenee of the numerous attendanis, the awsul secret made iis Wayat ast toler son-in-law, Who, the moment tho intelligende Was conveye to him, doterminod to scapo rom the

his sumib. coordingly, sortisied in his resolve by the