The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


procured a rug of the mos deadi qualit so the

stroying the lis of her guiloles rotative, infused it in cup of Wine illi insane impatience and anxious andover ager o have the sata draught ready prepared bus Orohand, of tho diluto mixture to aWait thyliopodsor opportuni . While tho mistres and her flave eresecreti laying thei head togother, an consultingupo the mos appropriat methodis administering tho

potion to thei Victim, the ounge boy the ea sonos the nos arious oman, Who, after the laborious stu

whil amid the numerous assemblage, o Oon a thenoxiou beVerage a dis overed toto the cause of thos atat calamity, various ero tho disserent opinion and pre8umption relating to the authors of the execrabie deed


Conscience, alike alious to the missortune and rius ostior hiasband, and the melanchol preparations so the funerat, ut o the contrar Wholly absorbo in horthirs of vengeance, meditato the further destructionos her ami ly. coordingly, With infinito effrontery, she oldine hvsband whos retur home, bein absentat the moment at a litti distanco, sh had hastoned by

ae ordin y, o oon a the pompotas funera ceremontes of his de passe son mere concludod Whilo the toars mere


decurions, he denounced the oesy on stat remained tollim notini a the murderer of his brother, bullas a fratricide, ho also had made an attemptrio asSassinate his tepmother. eoping, beSeeching, and Xertingliis passionate seolings to thei utinos soro against the accused Such Was the degre os commiseration e X-cited among the senate, and uel the indignation aroused by the pathetic expression os his orro , that in Sensation, speedit communicated to the eoplo, inurea sed

graduallyrio uel, a pitch that, edomin impatient of the odious sormalit of stablishing the accusation ni contestille proos, and conducting the crimines' des nee through the premeditaten an tortuous invings of the advocato thoy shouted oudi and simultaneoudy, 40 the public inflictoli punishment sor a publicerime Letis ston him o dea th pon this ho

searing est tho public indignation proceed in froma mali beginning might end in the destructionis orderan in doWnright sedition parti conciliatin the de-CUTions, and parti exerting thei influendo by allinean in thei power o pacis the eopte implored that tho tria might 0 Hlow0yto procoed in a regular


That suci, Was the manne os proeeeding on the occasion in question Plearn from Vorheuring the conversationis ver many peopte though so sar a regard the preciso ord of the orators the extent of thei speeches, in gis of thei altercations 'o the advocate of the accuser Stirredis a Conflagration, and o tho advo


the ther, earin his intention a to produce thepotion in evidenc against him, Subsequently gaverit o


During the courso os a longisse,' saidino, lavingliad si satisfactio of gaining the approbatio of my


lio Tho doctor findin his character impellched by the villain in public, and stimulatsed by the fons of his

religiolis obligation, multiplied his arguments and usedes the means in his pomor o confuto the imputationcast pon him, Whilo the magistrates ordere thoossicors of the courto solet the and of the lave and compare the impression of the ea o tho money bagwith in iron in on his finger The suspicio pre-viousty entertainedioinis uti corrobora ted by the ex

modialet administere to hi bus ore aes the spectators.


you may adopi an sarther means ou thin properito investigate the cause of his deceaso.' The boveaddres of the doctor ein received illi universalapprobation, here aros ii nediates a genera rusti ospeople hurryin With in ulmost haste ut of the sonate holis to the sepulchre, here theiod of the orith, supposed tot deceased, a deposited. Such Was theimpetuous degre of cu osit amon them, that nota single person emained bellind, ut ali the spectators, includin person of irs rank, eople of the iddie classes, Senator an in burs sorti, together in a