Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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He then returned froin the Most hol into the Holy placem Sanctuary, and besmeare the horris of the olden altar, hich was there placed, illi the blood of the ulloe and the goat, and scattered the

nes and the sis of the hildren os Israel Lev. 16 11 19. Thoaigh priest then, going ut into the our of the Tabernacle, place both and with great solemnit o the ea of the cape-goa , Sub a symboli representation that the animal a loadedwith the ins of the eople. It was then delivere to a man, holexit awa into th wilderness, and let it o Dee, to signis the liberatio of the Israelites from the punishment due to thei sing. ut the goat, hieli Was statis o the ins of the eople, and the bulloch, slain or thos of the high priest, ere designe to signis y that theyWere uitly, and that the merite punishment and were to eburni hole, beyon the limits of the campi the ci , Lev. 16 2022, 26-28. At lenoli theaigh priest, pultin ost his litte egimenis, and sumin the splendid robes of his osside sacrificed a holocaustrior himself and the eople, and the offere another sin-offering LeV. 16:23 25. Num 29 7 11. The Jews assert, stat the igh prios ment into themoly of holies a this time so the ui pose of bringing Way the enSer, but this a no necessary sor e might have alien it Way henhe returne the secon time Mith the lood That he went into


I. Th0 17th da of the ourth monili, viz. AMMU o July. Thissast was instituted in memor O the capture of Jerusalem, Jer. 52:6, 7. Zech. 8 19. II. The ninth da of the fifth monili, AB or August, in memoryos the burning of the Temple Zech. 7 3 8 19. III. The hird da of the severith monili, TISIIRI or October, inmemor of the deathis Gedaliali, Jer. 40 4 Zech. 7 5 8 19. IV. The tentii da of the tentii monili, TEBETH, o January, inmemor of the commericement of the attach O Jerusalem, Zech. 8 19. The prophet Zechariali, in reserene to inquiries hieli eremad of him, asserted that these mourtim OeeaSion were, at Somelatur time, o be converte into estival of oy but the Jews, not-withstanding, have ver continue to Observe them, a sagis Zech. 8 19. NOΤΕ.-It is et a matter of uncertainty, What the meaning was of that effusion os ater o the ast-day, hicli is mentionedin 1 Sam 7 6, 7. Perhaps it a done, as a symbol, a trace of hicli a stili e considered, a current in the ast in theshape os ei in tropica expressions, to denote that ulnes orover-ilo in Of heari, illi hicli the Jews er no destr0usos o vin theniselves up to God. Os the expressions to hicli,ereser it,ill e Sussicient to a in his connection, Mahat me σει -


The Temple a prosane by Antioelius Epiphanes in theyear 167, and was purissed in the ear l64 besor Christ. It dedicatio at the time oscit bella purissed, a celebrated ight Vs With many aurisces, eginning at the 25lh of the moralli is LEVor December. his dedication a convertet in t an annivei Sary, whicli a calle by Various ames, vi κ. ENCAENIA, Iκαινιπις the


stood in iis origina application, i. e. thei separation an ConSecration to the worstiis of the triae God, a noli in g, that continuedor a perpetuat, although it u osten the case, hut there existud at the Same time a reat corruption Of morales This a eo unis sor

12 13 15 25, 26 16 2 te.


We have spolien, in another plaee, of the Levites, as ein theservant of God in a civi or politicu captiui ty, i. e. the servant of God con Sidered, a the in or uter of the si ut 0. e si nil spesk of them here, as his servant O minister in the publio ordiniinceso religion. The cvites ore a Clas os persons, substitui sed in the place of the si st-born, Wh vere originultu riosis by birth, but in the age of Moses telded their right in his rospeet, nil ere everas ter orae redeemed rom servin ut the altar, Num 3 5-l3 4 51 8 16-l9. From his TRIBE that o Levi. Aaron and his posterit mere


With respectato the servant8, WhO, subsequently to the time o M Ses, Ere emplOyed about the Sanctuary, and later stillisere occupied in persorining the menia omees, connected illi the Templo, i maybe rema rhed that they ad their origin, as a separate clus in the communi ty frona a religio u praetice among the Hebreri s. vig. o de-VOt in by R VOW hQmSel VES, R On or a Servant to Services of Such a Lind. It was in reserene to this praetiee, that the la Was nacted, whieli is recorde in Lov. 27 1-8, and whicli fixed the rice, at whiel a person, ho had thus devoted himself, mightae redeemed. In the time of Joshua, the number of the perSonS, Who ere employed in the capacit os servant in persor ming the religious eremontes, a in ei Hased by the neesession of the Gib0onites the Beerothites, th Kephirites, and thu inhabitant of ii athesearim, ho ere compell0d to labor in the sana mentu occupatioris, Jos h. 9 23 29. Their number u inereused like vis in the age of David ani Nolo



With thes ceremontes, the Levites and thei posterit were se apar to the service of God of the riesis, and of the tabe naele, Num 8 5-22. comp. Acts 13 2, 3. The were o obliged by a to ea an particular Sor of reSS. There a this exception however, Vig. that the musician and ingers, in thetime o David an Solomon, an also those, ho ore the ar of the Covenant, ere lothed in a robe of White linen 1 Chron. 15:27 2 Chron. 5 12. comp. Josephus, Antiquities, VIII 3 8. XX.

365. O TH DUTIES OF HE LEVITES.It was the ut of the Levites to render such asSistanc toth priest a Was required, o Lee guar around the tabernacle, an subsequently round the temple. In the ourne through the Arabian wilderness, it fel to them to transpor the different paris of the tabernacle, and the various aere utensiis, that pertainedio it. It was their uty, furthermore, to eo that both the tabernacle and the temple ere epi lean, an to repare SuP-plies sor the sanctuary, Such a Wine, Oil, incense, etc. Theyhad the care of the sacre revenues, and Subsequently to the time os David, Mere require to in in the temple an to play


460 g 365. GF HE DUTIES OF ΤΠ0 LEVITES. upo instruments and in the more recent perlocis of the emishstate, it et to them likeu is to lay the victim so the altar, in asmuch a the Hebrows havinisor a time discontinuet it, ad beeomeunskilsu in the persormarice of this Service There ere alSO certain civit ilices, hicii the were require t persorna, but these οno come into consideration here. The Levites, in consequerice of thei descent frona the three fonso Levi, viz. oliath Gershon, an Merari, ere divide into three families These familius bore separate and distinet paris of the tabernaclo and of the sui niture, hieli elongedo it during the marchos their eountrymen through the Arabian desert This laborious se Vice as exucted from them, rom the thii tuenti to the sistititii earo thei age. ut romo venty-sve to thii ty, and Subsequently tolli sistioth year, the employmonis, hiel the were X pected OattendoO, erem acies arduous nature, uel a Leopin Walch, and

the like, Num 3 1 36. 4 1, 30, 35 42 46 49 8 23 26. Ituppears that in later times, the commenue the performatice of theles dissidui duites at a stili earlier period Vi Z ut tu ens year Os age, Chron. 23 24, 27 2 Chron. 31 17. Egra 3 8. Aster the erectionis the temple in Palestine, a the Levites ad much lesso do than previ usi to that time, David divide thethii ty-eight thousand of them into Our classes, a solio S. Wen

thousan judges and genealogists, 1 Chron. 23 3-5, 2 32. 24:20 31. 26 1-28. The musicians, ho ere subjecte to a minor division into



Eaeli clas Obeyed iis Wn preseci or uter. The clas JOJΑ-R1 was thes si in order, and the claS ABIA Was the et V, 1 Mace 2 1. Luk0 1 2 1 Chron. 24 3-19. his division os the riest-hood a continue a a permanent arrangement uster the timeo David, 2 Chron. 8 14. 31 2 35 4 5. Indeed, although nlys ur classes returne froin the Captivity the distinctiori etweenthem an also the ancient names ere still retained Egra 2 36 39. Noli 7 39-42. 12 1. Josephus, DE VITA SUA D1 and Antiquities, VII. 14, 7. The rs bore succeeded Aaron in theaigh priesthood. Josephus Antiquities V. 11, 5. VIII. 1, 3. asseris that Eli, thehigh priest, a not of the posterit o Eleagar, the si st-bor of Aaron, but of the familym Ithamar, and that Solomon too his ossideawaydrom Abiathar, a descendantis Ithamar, and conserre itis ponZadoh, ho descended froni Eleazar, 1 ings 2 26, 27. ut it oesno appear, hether the ources, rom hicli Josephus dre his inso mation, b entiret worthy oneredit. Aster the Captivity the posterit o Eleazar succoede to this osside by hereditar right, ill the time o Antiochus Epiphanes, hosold it to th highest bidder. In the ear 152 bes re Christ Alexander, the in of Syria, conferre the ossice of high pries ori the heroi genera JΟΝΑΤΗΑΝ, hobelonge to the clas J arib, 1 Maec. 10 18-20; hos brother Simon a aftemard create by the Jews both piine and ighpriest, 1 Maec. 14 35-47. Hi poSteri , hora the fame time sustained the me of hings, occupied the stationi high priest tili the time o Herod, horioohthe libert to change the incumbent in that ossice at his leastare; a liberty, hic the Romans ver uter exhibite no restraint in



tion. Hei mini et witti the lood ille ii os the right ea os the est' thoe thum, of the right haud, and the arca toe of the