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c rating. Consuli Exod 32 29. Lev. 16 32. 1 Chron. 29 5. Allthe paris, hich have been mentioned asaeing place in the handso the riesis, ere at ast burni upon the altar of the remaining paris of the animal sacrisced the bre t was assigned o Moses, ut themthers together illi the nieavene bread and wasers, set to thepriesis and were eaten in the Sanctua . I any thin remained, it Was burn o the following ay, Exod. 29 19 34. Lev. 8 2236. This eremony, Whicli continue sor eight days, oreVer sep rato the riest Do at the ther Israelites, no excepting the Levites; so that there a subsequently no nee of an furtherconSeeration either so themselves, O thei posteri , Exod. 29:35-37. Lev. 10 7 compare Roman 1 1. Ephesian 3 3. Acts 13:2, 3. That the eremontes of inauguration Or consecration, hoWeVer,
I A sor of hose, ad os cotton or linen 'ta din*, hieli ac s- tened around thecioins, and extended down ora i cove the stigiis, Lev. 6 10. Egeh. 44 18. II. M uni os cotton et dis I 2, hiel extended in the days of Josephus, down to the ankles It was furnishe with fleeves, and wassabrieated allisi in piece, ithoutaeing sewn Exod. 28 39 41. 29:5. Josephus, Antiquities, III. 7, 2. comp. Joh 19 23. III. Thestriae, dines. Accordin t Josephus, it was a lianaes breadth in idth, overi in Sueli a manne a to exhibit the appear-ance of Serpents scales, and ornamented illi embroiderexso vers inpurple, dat haliae, scarlet, and white. It was Orn a litile below thebreast, encircle theiod twice, and was ted in a knoties ore. The extremities of theatrille hia nidown nearly to the ankle. The priest he en gage in his saered functions in orde to provent hisaeingimpede by them, thre them ove his est shoulder, Exod 39 27 29. IV. The mire or turban, n rara, as originali acuminate in iis Stiape, as tosty, and was bound upo the head Exod. 28 8, 40. 29:
Not orat a descent froni the famil of Aaron, Egra 2 62. Neh. 7 64. Lis of Josephus, Q. Josephus against Apion 1. T. but also a Deodoni rom ali odii desecis, a requisite in orde to a person's bHin qualifie so the exercise of the sacerdota ossice, Lev. 21 16,
17. The riesis ere commande to Stain, hen persorming the a
lli time o David. IV. TH MITRE, nTn . The mitre of the igh prius Wasthe Same a saris respecte it sorin, illi that of the other priesis, Exod. 28 4 40. 29 5. There might perhaps have been a multdifferene to this effeci, that the mitre of the sol mer Was a litile hi re, than that of the thers. Exodus 39 27, 28. In truth his agreses illi ha Josephus States, Antiquities III. 7 6, vi g. that themitre of the igh priest a surinounte With omething, hieli resembled a secon mitre, the color of hicli a purpi and white
disputes relative to meum an tuum reco ui se a had O the tot in des ulti an other means of decision, ill naturali be Supposed. The whol lund was partitione by tot and that in aster times ille tot continuet to e sed even in colaris os justice, e Se si omProv. 16 33. 18 18; here e re expreSSi taught O remember, that se is Providenoe hic ma et the choice, and that here-
I anno here enter into a philologica an antiquaria inqui concerning rim an Thummim, beeaus it ould e to extensive, particulari considerintho much it has ali eady been the subj0et os
se words, ill findolium in m Notu pon Exod. 28 30 and the passage liene I have principali deduce the explanation heregi ven in 1 Sum. 14 4l, of the Hebre original. ivt was his sacre tot sed likewis in crimina trials Yes;
onlyra discove the uitly notato convici them sor in the only two instanees Osciis se in Such enses, hieli e tur in the whole Bible, vi g. in osti. 7 14 18, and 1 Sam. 14 37-45, e sin the consession of the Wo delinquenis, Achan and Jonathan, annexed. Ituppears also, O have been sed ni in the eas os anmath uingtransgressed, hicli the hole eopte ad ahen or the leader of the
Not belli instruetor os the eopte in the ordinar sense of the inruis, ther ere no requiredo it vel in the cities undisii iuges occupi sed iis the res of the eommunii , bui divolt in illos os theiriwn; a circumstanee hiuli os ita est proves that the were o public
Furthermore the risus by the aere ceremontes, hiel theyperformed revived religious principies in the ind of the eople, but this, certainly, di no constitute them public teacher of religion, in the customar sense of the Ords. TH PROPHET Were uel more like the pastor of hiarches orminister of the present day but stili the differe froin them in many respecis For instance, I. The were tho immediate messenger fro God, and came illia more exalte authori ty. II. Thse had the liberi os expressing thei sentimenta on civit, ab wel us o religious nitere. III. Thei communications ere mademni to the more insormed pur of theseople. IV. The di no instruet a state periods, ut ere tenellera extraordinata, ho augh ace din to the exigene of the times. Thos propheis, lio collecte assemblies o the Sabbath and
unde the Christia dispensation. 372. OFFICER IN THR SYNAGOGUES. The mode o conductin religious instructio and worshi a thepresent uniri Christia chiarches, is derived so the ostiari frona the praetices, hicli ancienti prevalle in Synagogues Andistili here
Were no regula leueher in them, ho ere osscialty quali sed is pronounc discoui se bes Ore the eople: although here ere intem pretera, a m 'ITUTI, Wh rendere irato the vernacula longue,viet the Hebraeo-aramean the sections, hicli ad been publici readin the HebreW. The Synsgogue preacher, Σ , hos busi nescit is in consequenceo his me to addi es the Hople, is an Teia personage, that hasbeen introduced in later times ut least e in no mentionis suchan ne in the e Testament. O the contrary, in the time os Christ the person, ho end the sectiora sor the Sabbath, or an other perSon, ho a respectable Or earning and ad a rendines os
374. O THE ORIGIN F SACRIFICES. SACRIFICES, as it ould seem, aceOrdin t the accounts ivenus in Genesis, ere coeuat illi the existence of the human race, Gen. 4 3 5. 8 20. 12 7 13 4. 15 9-21. 22 13. Moses, here re meret fixe more definitely than ad hi therio been done,
In respeet to the origin os sacri ices, hether it Was human ordivine, it must be ad milled that the cannot be hown by clear an decisive arguments es have inrisem originalty rom an com-