The Tusculanan disputations. Book first. The dream of Scipio ..

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XXI. Quamvis copiose tam spi0Se, quam iS. 48. Nonnullorum . . . . philosophorum. d. e. the Epicureans. Cusque inventori et principi. . . . venerantur ut deum. Thereserene is i Epicurus. Davi cite LucretiuS V. 8 Sqq.: Deus ille fuit, Deus, inclyte Memmi,

Qui princeps vitae rationem in Venit eam, quae Nunc appellatur sapientia quique per artem Fluctibus es tantis vitam tantisque tenebris In tam tranquilla o tam clara luce locavit.

Cf. Cic. de Nat Deor. I civi. 43. Videlicet. Se this ord in Andrews' Latin exicon, B. Acherusia . . . oca. Froni the Andromache os Ennius. The poetica forat of the originat is destroyed by the miS- Sion Os Cicero, ho quote Only those Ord whieli re applicabie to his purposse. These rea ling are Ound in Vari ius edition Acherunsia, cheruntia, Acherontia, - obnubila obsita tenebris, and nubila tenebris. Quod .... cognoverit. Timeat an cognoverit a re in the Subjunctive aster the causal conjunctiori quod, ecause thesentiment is allegod a that of the person spolienis philosophum), and not of the author Seu Beck' Syntax, 151. Quoniam . . . . cressituri fuerunt. O DaviS,Ml OtZ Tregder, Moser, si h ner, and the est SS. relli and thers, qui

. . . . credituri fuerint.

49. Praeclarum autem. illine consider the word LiberatOS.... credituri fuerunt a thrown in parenthetically, and autem a a continuin particle, reSumin the traii of thought interrupted by theparentheSi S. Venisset. Isias timete polienis aster a leadin proposition in the preterite), the luperseet S Sed . . . . t denotean action hich wa tot complete bes ore another Promisime, quum librum perlegiSSem, Sententiam meam dicturum esse


TUSCULA DISPUTATIOΝS. Quod ut ita sit Admitting ha it suo. Ut enim : For evencis. Velle ceteris. Suppi persuadere, Dum the solio in per- auasisse. ischer. Videatur. The present videatur, Say MOSer, is Sed asterclitulit instead of the imperfeci videretur ut Signilscetur non quodnam fuerit ejus consilium, Sed quid allatis rationibus ita effectum sit, ut nobis etiam nunc videatur id ibi persua-

XXII. 50. Quasi capite damnatos. Α Roman citigenwa Said orae capite damnatus, hei he was deprived of his right o liberty, os citigenship and of family. y the Roman law, as Ois hows, i any one a tora punished with leath morte multatus), he had irAt to e capite damnatus. Κilliner. Capite damnari is more rarely used than capitis damnari. MOSer. Quasi vero .... aciem Is is forso oth, the understandrehut it is in the bo citself, ohat iis form, hat iis site, haliis position for Xample, hether, is at this moment ali thingsi a living man, hic are o covered, could e Seen themindiould appear ready to come unde vieis, or hether iisthinnescis o reat acto elude therasennes of sight ' Quasi quasi vero is particularly Sed, hen by Way of est, o to

case. V M. 444 Obs. l. agree illi Hottinger, relli, and Moser, in regarit to the rendering to beatve ut in his passage: - facis the underStand , Dr erample, hether, etc. In homine vivo. Vivo a conjecture fientley, adopted by F A Wolf, obbe, relli, Κuhner, and thers. The MSS.r0ad uno, hicli is defended by ΚlOtZ MOSe conjecture una. 51. Alienae domui I his sermo the old locative case is adopte here by lotet, illiner an in many id editions, it oin Dund in the est MSS. Other editor read domi.

Se Andrews' Latin exicon, unde domus, . . Quasi domum Suam. f. supra, i. 24 animoS, quum e corporibus acesSerint, in caelum, quasi in domicilium

Suum pervenire.


BOOK FIRST CHAP XXII. - XXIV. 147 52. Nimirum. oli mirari, ne dubita, h. e. certe, utique. Comp0unde os ne in composition ni, as in nihil an mirum. Milliner. Neque nos corpora sumus. f. Somnium Scipionis viii. p. 82D: sic habeto. . . . demonStrari poteSt. Aliquod otico the adjective sormis the pron Oun. Sic ut tributum deo sit. Somith ne and ischer insteados the reading of many MSS. sic ut tributum a deo sit hoc seipsum posse cognoscere. There Sareat Variance in the ead-ings o MSS. and editioris See Mose and illiner h. l. 53. Ratio - ratiocinatio, argumentatis. In Phaedro p. 45, ed. Steph.

De Re publica. In the omnium Scipionis pp. 82, 3).

XXIII. Nunquam ne moveri quidem. w negative dono deStro One another, in proposition begins illi a generalnegation, and a Single de is then rought prominenti so warda ne- quidem. V M. 460, ObS. 2. O infra, xvii. 66 nihil ne aut humidum quidem aut stabile. 54. A primo primitus, principio. que nata St. . . . et aeterna est. The combinationis anassirmative an negative member i denote by et meque, both - an not, neque - et both not- and les frequently neque - que). M. 458. c. XXIV. 56. Sanguinem, bilem. . . . dicere, unde concreta .... sint. In Objective propoSitions illi conjunctions o independent interrogative prop0Sition fa here, unde . . . . SintJ, we somelime find the irregularit that a Substantive or pronounὶ that ought toto the Subject in the objective proposition, is drawn into the leading proposition either as the objectis the verbi as the subjeci, in caSe the Verbitherwiseratand impersonalty as intransitive or in the pasSive voice. In good proSe, however, thi attractio i ver rare, and is ound after an active ver Only here the writer atirat contemplate anothertur of the discourse, an asterward added the subordinate proposition Simul vereor Pamphilum, ne orata OStra nequ

a diutius celare Ter Hec. IV. i. 60 - ne Pamphilus)U M.


148 TuscULAM DISPUTATION S. 439 Obs. 1. his construction, V says illiner, very frequent in Plautus and Terence, ut rarer in later riterS. The verbs illi hieli his in os attraction is generat lysound areoliose of nowing, saying, et Oishing, and earing. Cic. de Nat Deor. I. xvi. x Istud quasi corpus et quaSi sanguinem, quid Sit, intelligit Fam. VIII. X. 3: Nosti

Marcellum, quam tardu sit. ' his attraction is ver naturalin converSation, an Oeeur osten in the dialogues of Cicero, as et a in the dramatiStS.

Animum ipsum, si nihil esset in eo. An anacoluthon sori animo ipso si nihil esset . . A Wolf. Ram ShOrn Lat. Gr. a 32, note p. 93, ed. 2 consider thisin an accusative absolute, hich e X plain by quod attinet ad Thu besteXplanation, OWever, is that this accusative animum is attracte by the constructior of the precedin propoSition. An instane of this attraction has been cite from Omer,

Odys. I. 275

Killiner. Tam natura ablative. Haec enim e for these hings. The neuter plura pronounis hero used asterit O feminine notans, ecause Cicero reserSno Onlyrio vines an trees, ut o alloind of planis haec haec et talia).57. Plato. . . . superioris. In the Meno, and the Phaedo.

Cf. Cie de Seneci. xi in in . p. 8). In eo sermone. See the Phaedo os Plato. A pueris fro boyhood See Harid's ursellinus I p. 22.58. Quumque nihil esset In sincerasae thought nothingreatly eaeiSic Ουδενος οντως ντος . Olivet, sollowed by Κuh-ner, Say that the wOr esset is noto be talion her in iis common Signification, but in accordance illi the sentiment


os lato, ho sal that nothin reatly eXiStS Xcept ideas. The imperseet esset is sed i accommodate the con Structionto the tens os potuit agnoScere.

Quod semper tale sit, quale δεa appellat ille. 4horter expresSion or quod Semper tale Sit, quale Si quod seu quam ἰδεa appellat ille. ' illiner. Cf. Acad. Ι. viii. 30

Mentem volebat rerum esse judicem solam c nsebat idoneam, cui crederetur; quia sola cerneret id, quod semper esset simpleae et unius modi et tale, quale esset. Hanc illi δεαν ne labant, jam a Platone ita nominatam nos recte Speciem

possumundicere. Haec . . . . agrisScere. Haec an cognita re the δεαι agnoscere here cognoscere. ischer. Idmiratim the wonderint notuli admiration Os. Neque neque vero ut si, and et not.

59. Aut unde naturam the est S S., illiner, Treg., Tiset, Some editor read natam. Simonides, of eos the celebrated lyri poet, is suid o have been the inventor of the nemonio art. ii fine compareSQuintil. Inst. Orat. I. i. Plin. H N. VIII. xxiv. Aelian. V. H. VI. X. Cic. de Divin. I. Xvii. de Orat. I. lxxiv. 299. Theodectes, o Phaselis. Quin semel auditos quamlibet multo versus protinus dicitur reddidissu Theodectes. ' Quintil. Inst. Orat. I. i. I. - f. Aelian. V. R VI. X.

Cineas in ea . . . . miSSu a Pyrrho legatus ad Roma-DOS, OStero die OVu homo et Senatum et Omnem urban3m circumsuSam plebem nominibu Sui perSalutavit.' Seneca,

Contro D. I. Pro Oem f. Plin. H. N. VII. 24. Charmadas, an Academi philosopher, the pupilis Carneades. He a at Ome . . 111. Scepsius Metrodorus. Metrodorus os Scepsi in the Troad. In rogard to theSe two philosophers, uline reser to te de Orat. II. XXXviii.

Hortensius. Hortensius a Sisenna provocatus, in Uetione persedit diem totum, et omne res, et pretia, et emptoreS


Ordine SUO recenSuit, argentariis recognoscentibus, ita ut in nullo salleretur. V Seneca, Controv. Prooem. f. te. Brut. lxxxviii. 301 Quintil. X. i. 4, XI. i. 24. XXV. 60. Illa vis. Non memoriae Solum, Sed totiuSmenti atque animi. Non eSt certe ne ... nec, etc. V. 754. n. m. 460, Obs. 2. IstOS. I. e. thOSe ho retendo understand what the

Nescire. Suppi me. The IODOUD me, te, Se eum, OS, Wherem great StreScis placedipon them in the conStructiono the accusative illi the infinitive are osten Omitted particulari by later riters. In Cicero his omission Os the pro-ΠOun Seld Om OeeurS, excepi, here the infinitive depend uponverba dicendi, fatendi, eristimandi, opinandi, negandi, and thelthe. illiner. Such omission are common in the earlydramatisis and in Some cases both the subjeci and the objectos lis infinitive are lustriora mentali Supplied. Illud An anacoluthon. The fuit constructio is thus given by Moser Illud certe a ce em, Si . . . . animuS jurarem equidem eum esse divinum. 61. Capacitatem. Semper significat spatium vel amplitudinem loci, qui capere aliquid et continere poteSt. Vid. Plexia ui Lerico Philosophicum, p. 195. MOSer. ngere. more precis expreSSion ould e victa continerem . A Wolf. illiner hirilis his se of n-gere Ver elegant: memoria comparatur eum tabula Cerea, cui res imprimuntur. Multo vividius ipsa tabula res ei impreSSa eiungere et quaSi e SeSe efferre dicitur, quam res in tabula effragi. 62. Aut qui .... nomina Suppi ejusne tibi animus et

has terrena natura concretus videtur

Imposuit nomina. lato in tho Cratylus , and the Stoicphilosophers, held that tho ames of things ad their originc: υσει, and nsat, a Pythagora thought θεσει. Praegressiones, institiones. Other reading progreSSioneS, institutiones quel.


ΒΟΟΚ FIRST. CHAP XXV. XXVI. 161 Non re, sed vocabulo errantia. s. De Nat Deor. II. x. 51 Maxime vero sunt admirabiles motus earum quinque te larum, quaefalso vocantur errantes nihil enim errat quod

in omni aeternitate conservat progreSSu reliquoSque motus constantes et ratOS.

AnimusJ. relli, Moser, and illine brache this ord, whicli, though ound in ali the good SS. Seems ut os place here Sume editor rea animo, an Some omit theword altOgether. 63. Archimedes constructed a Lind of orrery, repreSentingthe movements of the heavenly odies. s. De Nat Deor.

II. XXXV. Quod Si. . . . feri non poteSt, ne . . . . potuisset imitari. Observe his Singula formis a conditional proposition, in hichthe present indicative is placed in the protasis, the lupersectaubjunctive in the apodosis The condition, ' says illiner, cis expressed by the indicative a a fac that is certain theconSequence S Xpresse a dependent pon certain fixed conditions. The sentiment might se ive in the wordsas sollows Quod si pro certo ponimus, hoc in mundo fieri Sine de non OSSeri Sequitur, ut Archimedes, nisi divinum ingenium habuisset, eosdem motus non potuisset imitari. The paSSage an e thus expressed in reek εἰ μεν ουν τουτο ἐν

ριι αεissa ἐδυνηθη Mulinor. XXVI. Poetam . . . fundere. Orat pro Arch. Viii. poetam natura ipsa valere, et mentis viribus aecitari, et quasi divino quodam spiritu inflari. De Orat. II. xlvi. 194 Saepe audivi poetam bonum neminem .... sine infammatione anim9rum Isistere p0SSe et sine quodam assatu furoris Ovid, ust. VI. 5: Est Deus in nobis agitante calescimus illo, Impetus hic sacrae semina mentis habet. Ut Plato Some editor ad ait Plato, Timaeus: τῶθνητι γενει δωρηθεν ἐκ θειον.


TUSCULAM DISPUTATIΟΝS. Ius hominum. In opposition to jus civile. Eodemque. Que in in hori. See Arnoles Introd. to Latin Prose Comp., Par II. 39, 239. For Similar sesos his conjunctiora se infra XXXiv. 82, totumque; liii. 104, totaque; lix. 118, nihilque . 65. Nec in eo. Such soli read in os mos MSS. and editions. illiner, lotZ, and regiter ive nec in deo quidem. It is true that the se of nec sor no eveni is rare in Cicero, though common in Quintilian ut his is no reaSonsor the rejectior of the wor in cases here it is et Supported by the SS. Iuventote. Iuventas, the Hebe os the Greelis. Bibere ministraret. A Greeli conStruction, O potum ministraret. So Liv xl. 47 ut bibere sibi juberet dari. Terent. Inis III. i. Quod jussi ei dari bibere. Laomedonti Laomedon, hingis Troy, and ather os riam. In malitia Ganymede the Son o Laomedon, Cicero differs srom the Homerio account, hicli repreSent him Sthe son farOS. QuiJ. relli omit this ord, although it is ound inalmost ali the est MSS. I we retain it, e HS Supplyest,ith deus, o complete a predicate so the Subjeci animus, dicinus est being of courSe the predicate sequi. Euripides. illine cites his fragment rom Euripides :θεὸς γαρ τις ἐν ημῖν. O the Sentiment, compar Seneca, Epist. 41 Sacer intra nos spiritus sedet, malorum bonorumque noStrorum observator et custos hic prout a nobis tractatus St, ita nos ipse tractat. Cic. Somn. Scip. viii. Deum te igitur Scito SSe, etc. p. 8). See ther Xiracis referre to byDavis, hos edition of the Tusculai Disputation is particulari ricli in citations of illustrative 3SSagOS. Quinta quaedam natura See Supra X. 22. In Consolatione. The reatis De Consolatione, sive de Luctu minuendo, hiuli Cicero composed , t aSSuage hi OWngries, pon the destili of his aughter Tullia, is nox loSt. XXV ΙΙ. 66. Quae sola dirina sunt 'hic are holly


BOOK FIRST CHAP XXVII. XXVIII. 163His usitatis notisque naturis The our elements. 67. Quae .... vellem. The sul idea conveyed heroi thouSe of the impers. Subj is, quae habere vellem, si feri posset. Ut se ipsum ipse videat. So Moser, illiner, and TiScher, from the est SS. F. A. Wolf, relli, and obbe, Ut sese ipse videat. Fortasse quamquam id quoque H. e. OrtaSSe formam Suam non videt quamquam id quoque feri potest, c. ut animi Orma aliqua mente comprehendatur. V illiner. Id refers to videre formam suam. Beuk. Motum iis susceptibility. The internatio veris motion Os the Oul, a a res vegeta. V F. A. Wolf The SuSceptibility of the soli sor ever impression. relli. Qua facie quidem. Quidem Jut. Se Riddie ' Luxicon, S. V. D. The adversative Signification os his particle may beseen in the ullo in passage Infra, li. 99 di immortales sciunt hominem quidem scire arbitror neminem; liii. 102 Theodori quidem, etc. The peculia genera Signification os this ord, however, is distinguishable here in additioni iis adversative Orce. XXVIII. 68. Ut correspond with sic mentem hominis,

Sho S, a Stron argument in favor of Our reading. See AndrewS' Latin Lexicon, S. v. deminuo in init. Quasi fastorum of a calendar. In apposition illi luminis. V Lumen lunae comparat Cicero cum faSti aut calendario, quia hoc lumine accrescente et decrescente die et

menSe notabantur.

Nolantem et signiscantem. So almost ali ho MSS. Davis read notantem et signantem. Ernesti , . . olf, and Orelli, nolis Signantem. Orbe in duodecim partes distribulo. Theriodia c. Quinque stellas. The planet Saturn Jupiter, MarS, Ve


164 TuscULAN DISPUTATIONS. Duabus oris The two temperate OneS. Sub aXe .... nives. Froin the Philoctetam Accius Theverse is iambic trimeter. Id towarri. Stellas septem the Ursa Minor Aquilonis The scis elide in Scanning. 69. Caelum . . . . convestirier. The verse is iambic trimeter the lines are froni the Eumenides o Ennius according G. Hermann). Eleganter dicitur caelum nitescere. Cf. Lucret. I. 9 Tibi Voneri suaveis Daedala tellus

Summittit floros, tibi rident aequora ponti, Placatumqus nitet diffuso lumine caelum

Laetiscae. Adjectivus endisi in cus, Visays illiner, 'elon particulari to the old language, in hicli the have Osten the Same Orce a the simple formes aster ardS. V egive aS Xample vastinctis, luctiscus, regisce, tabiscus allo whicli occur in the Tusculantisputations in tristiscus, ingratiscus, deleniscus A sew, a magniscus, munis S,

benescus, honoriscus, continued in common Se. Scatere. The penuit O this ord, a Manutius howS, Shere hortoso that the second oot of the line is an anapaest: Scater 'her . f. Lucret. V. 597, 950. Ofervere, Stridere, tergere, an Some ther verbs, re found in id riters illithe fornis of the third conjugation instead of the correSpond- in forins of the second in hiel the were always Sed by later authors Convestirier S. 162. 6. Ad escendum, etc. Ad for This reposition is ostenusexto denote the en d sor hich any thiniis designed. Eorumque relli read ipsorumque. 70. Iis S Moser, illiner Tiselier. Orelli and obbe, hiS. Vim divinam mentis repetition of the object mentem hominis), in consequence of the interveniri parentheSiS. XXIX. Ad id. Ad, ii regarito. 1. Plumbei. Cf. Terent. Heaut V. i. 3, 4 in me quidvis

harum rerum convenit, Quae sunt dicta in Stultum, caudeae, Stipes, SinuS, plumbeu S.