장음표시 사용
cur non sub alta vel l .itano vel hac pinu iacentes sic temere et rosa canos odorati a Pillos, is
duin licet Assyriaque nardo Potamus uncti dissipat Euhius
restinguet ardentis Falerni Pocula Praetereunt lympha loquis devium scortum eliciet domo Lyden eburna dic age cum lyra
maturet incomptum Incaenae more coma religata nodum. vultu by POSition Perhaps, has tress se on oris 4 9 26 it may
emphasare the transitorines os faciat expression. l. 2. aeternis . . . animum for the roupin scem P m. consiliis is comparative ablative illi minorem, and instrumenta ablative Wit hiati See nides l. 28. 23).i, non forciis positio Se On OLD 2 9. 3.
com Icire vid Am. 3. 7 7 bracchia eburnea, Her. o. mi eburnea, and
Propertius . i. 9 eburni diciti. The read in eburna Is present Other disticuli te a corrum, especiali is Shy, could hardi aliori a tyre scivo , whether his means in laid with vory Or havin ivor horias O suppor thecmM-Picce, and the ni justification sor the position Os eburnia ips is that Our attention is dra n to more swagger, like Symian nard and Fati non ine.
XII. Nolis longa serae bella Numantiae
nec dirum Hannibalem ne Siculum mare POCn Purpureum Sanguine mollibus aptari citharae modi S, ne Saevos Lapithas et nimium mero Hylaeum domitosque Herculea manu Telluris iuveneS, Unde Periculum fulgens Contremuit domus
hair is uni id like that os a farran Lacaenae is reposited damSel, and sh is bidden to iecit u hastil in a nos note the tres o nodo CominglaSt . Propertium 4 3. Ι4 28 impli es that a Spartan maide tookio great Careo her Colore. I am assure o good feminin authorit that nottin thelial on therio is qui te the qui ches way of mahin i look respectabie. For
and prolepti C. In his read in both incomptum is an nodum place last
have thei prope streSS. the otherian is, rea in co=nsium Lacaenae more coma rellam Io zιm, there S great tres o con tum ps), and weare dri ven to assume that the ea lino was essentiali Spartan . ut thereis a further clim culty Horace has idclen the ad to malae aste and thenadds, in effeci, by tali in time ver an elaborate Coissure' indeed the wordstha folio mature forni an emphati addendum Se P. 3). An other possibilit is that con Ium is a nou coissure ' Se Lucretius I. 88 and that nodum is an accusative of resul in apposition illi con tum
XII. I. longa... Numantiae for the grouping See On . . 2, 3 dirum s i. e. the horror. associatex vitii Hannibal ' See o P. 27, and Oniaee 2. 4. 23. Compare also on O ES 4 4 49. I We rea durum, the POSitio prepares us for the antithesis mollibus is). Siculum s amounts to ne a Sicily' se on des I. I. Horace passes frona Spat an Italyrio Sicil ansit Seas. Compare Ode 3. 4. 28. mare. . . Sanguine so the groupin See On P. 4.3, 4. mollibuS... modis for the rouping, illi astarii intrusive se onP. 46 The os meas ures of the lyre domo Suit ura belli. s. aevom s i. e. the crueities of the Lapithae ' se on P. 27 an on
Sat hirni uctoris tu quo pedestritius dices historiis Proclia a saris io
Maecenas. Clius lucta lue Hr vias rogum colla minaci uin.
me dulcis dominae Musa Licymniae
Cantus me voluit dicere lucidum sutilentis oculos et bene mutuis is fidum pectus amoribus quam nec ferre pedem dedecuit choris nec certare ioco nec dare bracchia ludentem nitidis virginibus sacro Dianae celebris die ro6. Herculea 'ὶ the adjective is like a preposited genitive equivalent to tamed 1 Ilercules by his and ' Se On '. 38, and compare the note at es i. 3. 36. Forahe groti Pin See ais P. O. 8. ulgens psy the orde suggest thato uncis more than a mere epithetis fomus and that tris a true partici pleri. e. ali ablare there trem bled ...':
I cannot resistis ord os commentis this line. Villi in translate thus: Masculine Sappho ould her mus hy the me ure os Archilochus. But sesint in ordermeans anything. e cannot wel separate the groti P qrchia hi musam 'ae . . lay eno rende by Sappho keeps ithin contro the mus O Archilochus hil using the me ureis Archilochus Z
num tu quae tenuit dives Achaemenes aut pinguis Phrygiae Mygdonias opes
permutare velis Crine Licymniae, plenas aut Arabum domOS, cum flagrantia detorquet ad OSCula 25 Cervicem, aut facili saevitia negat, qua POSCente magi gaudeat eripi, interdum rapere occupet Θ
Ille et nefasto te poSuit die, quicumque Primum, et Sacrilega manu produXit, arboS, in nepotum
23. flagrantia 'his causat, hecause the are ut o paSSion. Se also
illum et Parentis crocliderim sui sist is se cervicem Ct wncti alia
hospitis ille venena Colch. ic quicqtii l usquam concipitur nefas tractavit agro qui statuit meo iote triste liniatim te a lucta in in domini caput immerentis. luid quisque vitet, numquam homini satis cautum est in horas. navita Bosphorum Thynus Wrhorrescit neque ultra is caeca timet aliunde sata.
8. hospitis eo properi has emphasis Se On des 4 9 26ὶ For theg rouplia muturno cruore hospitis se On P. S. 0. neias sor iis separation rom quicquid se Onides I. 27. I, 2, and sor it position l. 3. 6. io tractavit should have tres. se on des 4 9 26 - hasiad conStant
le miles sagitta et Celerem fugam Parthi, Catenas Parthus et Italum robur Sed improvisa leti
Sappho puellis de popularibus, et s
23. piorum has a lial comi Stressa Horace imagines himself in the placewhere a great gut is fixed, but he adds o the right si de of t. Probabi, discristas colour both se es md fiormn Compare nides I. I9. I, an See P. 49 piorum et See nide Ι. 33. 39. 24, 23. Aeoliis p): the orde ma dra attention to the fac that Sappho, though a Lesbian wrote in Aeolic Note the adverbia phrases Aeoliis Mus and puellis de fosularibus place on ei ther si de of querentem. Compare OdeS . . I, 2, an See o P. 34 ad .
ut rhina lue sacro linia silcntio miratitur umbra re scd AI is DPugnas ct i Xacti , tyranni, Adensum umori, Libit aure vulgus.
quid iraim ubi illis carminibus tui Mns demittit atra bClua contic Psauris et intorti capillis ast uinciai tu in recreantur angues'
quin et Prometheus et I'clopis parcns dulci lab ,rem decipitur Sono, nec curat Orion leones aut timidos agitare lyncaS. HXIV. Eheu fugaces, Postume, POSt Ume, labuntur anni nec Pieta moram rugis et instanti senectae meret indomitaeque morti:
26. plenius I p) contrast thecies vig orous u Sem Sappho. aureo si contraSt the comparati vel speciking, Silveria music Os Sappho. 27. Alcaee so this intervening vocative se ora Odes . . . 20. Sacro 's): a Silence notis interest meret but o a e See also
XIV. a. fugaces 's equat an adverti See o P. I. r. anni sor iis positio se Otae l. 3. 6. 3. instanti ' i. e. the onset os age)' se on P. 27, and OmPare institutis Franni fides 3 3. 3.
non, Si treceniS, quotquot eunt dies, amice, places illacrimabilem Plutona tauris, qui ter amplum Geryonen Tityonque tristi Compescit unda, Scilicet omnibus,
fractisque rauci fluctibus Hadriae,
Visendus ater flumine languido Cocyto errans et Danai genus infame damnatusque longi Sisyphus Aeolides laboriS. O
I9, O damnatusque longi misyphus... laboris for the groupin se on
O DES i in sollinquenda tellus Ct domus et lacci q
ulla brevem dominum C tu Ctur. ab timet heres Caecuba dignior is
servata Cratum lavibus et mero tinguet pavim Cntum H PCrtio. I, inlisi cum Potior CCnis.
26. Semata centum Clavibus these ord Sound like an emphaticaddendum se P. 33 i. c. ou hundred key Will O avail Oti then. It is possitile however, to rogard heres Caecula inire seret Iara a groupingoster the type os hos quoted atra'. 6. 27. Superbo sin the purpos O the position is to emphasiae the magnificent prodigalit os the heir. I may even e a partia compliment illi resere iaceri the potiringis libations. e ma Suspectri fiat Ost peoptem sed et in or ina ire so this purpose, no the oldestra Omine . 28. pontificum is has emphasis i. e. even than a Lord Mayo si inquet The positio of the genitive a be due to the generi sense, scis, had ponti calibus Isὶ S in P. 37 adfln Compares Diaribus aliaees i. 37. a.
XV. Iam pauca aratro iugera regiae mole relinquent, undique latius extenta visentur Lucrino stagna lacu platanusque caelebs evincet ulmos tum Violaria et smyrtu et omni copia narium Spargent olivetis odorem
fertilibus domino priori, tum spissa rami laurea fervidos excludet ictus, non ita Romuli io PraeScriptum et intonsi Catonis
auspicii veterumqUe norm R. privatus illis census erat breviS, Commune magnUm nulla decempedis metata privati OPACam is porticu eXCipiebat Arcton,
XV. a. pauca s is emphati i. e. law, o few.' regiae s): the contras is Mund in the rustic simplicit suggeste byaratro arid fauca...ta era Compare a Cincinnatus ho quattuor iugorum colebat agrum Liv 3. 26 8 . 2, 3. undique latius j extenta these ordS, a the orde Shows, go CloSelywith the predicate visentur. 3, 4. Lucrino is listagna lacu there is an antithesis belween Lucrino an Sta na, o Lucrino i no Onlyis, but a a light ause after it at theend of the line. Lucrinus suggest a liuge public orta; sta na Acinae)a oor piecem private luxury A Lucrinus an stan alone in the ense of the Lucrine lake, the additionis lacu reinforces the antithesi i. e. fishponds fragoa wide than Iahe. 5. ulmos: See onides I. 3. 6. For violaria et Seetae I. 33. 39.6 omnis copia narium for the groupin See o P. 33 iut it is possibi et regar copia rariu=n a a quaSi-Compound Seein P. S).8 fertilibus. . priori the Sentenceri grammaticali complete at odorem these ord therefore are emphati addenda Seein P. 3), an fertilibus is concessive though productive. '9. fervidos pshi. e. the heat of the ab S ' See On P. 27, and ni Somi P. I. IO Ia Romuli fS ... Catonis f)... veterum f): the genitives are logical subjecis see o P. 38), as ii Not o di RomuluS, o Cato, o the mei of old