Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


μ. The nobility ho maer, include pedimns elationito an in raees Multa inmu garn It is true that in his clam the Hungarianspirit m predominant; ut he ws ad nostincto Misit this, it Was the traditionalsiurit of thsaody. It is, heresere, evident statour arist ratio organietation Was the base of the

Hungaria element, and the fures means os

develainniae est, in I848 me meritaedaeus immense historical adontage in sevour os generia Merni me Manquished ur aristocrati pomeris the Quantage of demo suis principies, onuhie Mound themungaria element thoughsul a majorit a compare missi eae racetam separates' Was a minori 'ompare Mithan ita other races united. Yo Me, then, stat themungaria race, in Ι848, spontane si relinquished the duam tumus position assigne is it no by the laus,

but is usto an universa consent; anriuiouis fissi amis stat ita aristocratio serm a se iis nationalit an impregnabis estinet, it villimis gavo i up an preferre Haing, not


ITER VI. 12s

us preponderiince or domination, but almos iis existence, in orde to est liis the popular liber ιν os the whola mascos citiaens. Desyo no thin i ver astonishing, sir that in presene os inis ML raster imprudent stan magnanimo χ ο pari, the other races in id stili leta an ear to ita deceptive promise of Austria Had the no Hready very nece sar latitude so manifesting thei nationa a

piratio 2 ad thesno recenti obtaine theuimos politica libertyy ad the no Men


ver vas it Men in Hungarn a a Rome, in France, an in England Where the Italia by the Romana the Gaula by the Franks the glaciamns by the Nomans, ere pere 'torij exeludia fio an hiis omes an dignuties. As early as St. Stephen, thea hest disenities, militam an ecclesiastio, vere osten heldis suntlies of s reis orion m se in asterstat me notis Hungaria Mood vere


med in theatra comes in tho landi Belus Palatine in I 272DWas a Serb Myae Palatine in I289 was a Bulgarian Gara Palatine in I 455hWas a Croat Stibor WoiWode a Tram sylvania Was a Savonian Franmian Banes Croatia Was an Italian; ille Niceronwas a German. Mur hings made grandi os land, and gave tulis os nobilit to estigens os merit sit ut an regata in memor orion. Thus Nemo that tho hin; tu i 224, eonferre almostroya privi m in orian, obrogos 'letani, Tadoli, Manis, Blag, Fridricli Damian Vest, allisames denotini liis, lave, mat, erimis, or Bulgarian semilies. That this equitabis principi preside in the distribution os ali privileges is fuit prove by the sint of things existiniat the present V. It Will e Buta, on examination stat in ali in eo tries Where the population is Hungaria the obles aboboloniis ita race and Where the eos are Walla o Save, Creat o Sub the nobili ala, long to the predominant race. 2. Μ seeon pro aetio is, stat in t


ines territory thei autonomy, more hanmunicipat, or it Was provinciat, a scru

. even indured hom love os conmes, thoughmissi reluctanee, their religio Intolera e theis exesurive particularim paris of thei constitutio unsavo able in progress Croatia thus

si in aliud os inu oriram in imperio, and Wasperseeu master of he oo amurcas a nation.


Did in ereat a literature Nothinios ille vind. The single lintea mal ine possesse in

1846 My had 450 subseribere. A, eum, a galle intings, a scientssio est lishmentos ali hin havinia nationat character Notone. In iis provincia Dies, in the assemblies of the counties, a the nationa langua spoliena No, indein the spine Latin cand limas preesset Arahis diom, their -n that the quarrelle Nithis some time besere l848. Even in stat memorabie ea os radieat reforms, Ne shοWed an excessis delicae in notis hin thes provincial eonstitutions. Gahe

sponds,it them in German, themungariangoverament of I 848 authoriae them in ca in albe respondenee in the creatam age.


Orthe disserent reis colonies Which, durius

the eo se os centuries, immigrate ui tomum

Christi amores laus liber exiles, lata toeultivate an alistis Mithou any detriment tothei nationat character se in that res et allibes races are jus the fame inina as My ere When ineffiret eam inmungary. inmmer, o ome of these coloniis ve


Flemings, ho, about II 40, obtaine a Whola distrio in Transylvania. est, at these provinces have relatae, stela privileges entire unde the Hungarian constitution. e allowedinem to sor in many peti states in the reat state. The nationalit of these races tili I 848Was a pure a When inestis interin Hungar' They governe themselves reely, My adhered


hic generosit is arrie to the extent of imprudence, even to the neglec os,hat ne -- ο one' seis Themungarians no onlydidiso mari politica right dependis considerations os race, ut theri the conquerore, granis other races, te provinces and seo .hie the exclude themselves, hereas the neve made an reserves in stetis msamur, neve exclude an os the ther races Min therio. an munines themserues inhabited. 3. In the stir plaeea in aha Whereveris hostile principies exist in an sociem astrumle must necessarii ensue etwem them.


ine pinsanis and the privilege classes, and in sequently be,een Catholicisin and Prote tantism an these antagonim diri indeta, provoke lood strumles, hic alWays terminate euher in the vietornos ne os the parties, o in a reo marin mutua eo cessions. ut in ali ou histor vera no findeister a maris a revolution arisinis omis sonat atre o the oppression os a race; ence e ma fides conclude, stat is suta revolutions neve occurre it must be manse

This truth is confirme is a very important testimony, allata more convincing. causerit is negative. allude to ur ancient annalista, Whο, sto age in age, re u contempora chronicies Whichio suppinus Wit ricli stores of historica information These annalisis long to an the disserent races, Sime German, Slovis, and Croa mih in thei Writino eta nostin indieatin an irae os nationaltatred against themungarians ste complainor no oppression the do novam erus os anim