장음표시 사용
litile oviarm offering suffcient occupatio soria iis citiaens, m 'ad n occasion to Mehelae here an penins se Seir enterpris and talenta. Sue municipes seli, veramenti tuas a the sanie time in vita prineiple os our constitution, and lis est ut A. Toattac Mince ne hundred and stat assemblies, in .hie thousand os electore mere legalismet together, a n eas ina in vanquis them.ould have been impossibie Without the Russians.
Eata muniri stus organista, Was a mali republie, inresuli retaining Ar iiset wme se reatly fovere. rights. At Hl evenis, his et goverament, haviniunGubis righta, and aet ali exercising them, iust e regarde a theeonstitution est ealculate in ove me an interest in public assura, is accustom them to sinem, to amuso stela paulatim an legiti-
mat ambition is a ling them constant opportunium es action, an in develo indivi, dualities stron in sentiment an ready in
action. I Willio enter into surther delatis respecting
iis ne sar aerumpaniment, the sp system, the missortuno an di grae M many eiviliata
Is sto ungarians preserre unconuolsed elaeulation and the mos absolute reedom ofladomotion to ita vexatimis pampor system, it .as Mea e the liked -restriete liber , attended With some tristing inconvenience, belle 'than sinet orde obtaine is a multitude os
obnoxisus regulations. V stomungarians neglecterio mise a revenueis emone dum, Mamrdin, monopolim, andoster Mea expedient of the fame nature, it
nor Maus in municipat administration involved lituo expense, goo patriola haringundeditaken in peri in ali omisi duum gratis-it was cause the deteste ali impost vhiesi eouldoni bo ollacte is means os toll-gates, and haramin regulations hie greatly intersere .u indi, id i liber Iraemungarians separate themselves Dom
ui Austria prori es by a customs' amerito the injur of their m commerce, it Was cause the destre in marante ita elissis ever possibi means against in arbitra system Whic prevalle there, decliniiaca thea Mintam os the wealthaole obtained by trade, raster hanciis tari si sy, hic Was est secured by this isolation. Is insinungarians hel dea the o of meiation it ut avincto in permiscimo si central overinent, an is is iis steedom os actis the Bunde in eum' scientisio an literar societies, lubs, agriculturalsocieties, and ther amoesations calculate todevelo an promoto the mora an materialinterest op ih count , it vas Mauso My gaesed that liberulas a mere extension os the right whie everseitiaen has is attenda his o natalis it Was Mea est y thought me activiuste best means os interestinime bod in publicanira, and os amaening and eherishing in eve boso a spirit a patriolis and devotetaeas toste common eat, the reates os civis virium.
All their institutions ad ne and the sameen is inserve thei liberty in re theg meminent of thei munusexclusivel in theiro chandi in eonduet the administration them- vives in every paris , , and distriet, an tommage ali assaira os nationes interest in the die
in eommoti missi their foveream.
Well, at these libertim, at this activit essetfgoverament, at these constitutiona rictis,
abolis Latisne suo . In Austria thereis ni one human einno do no say, Whοα- but, inlis Franeis Ioseph alone andis exeruis hic illo has in ams, ne is thebureaucram, a pacific instrument the ther theam, a violent instrumenti Sue is the Austria of the priment v, sh does no sive in her opte ine lives soleb in herioverament, a , si aucteri in her amy the sinis of si eris her norma condition. But Francis oseph s
activit 3 o imagine statis eos longaec inmed is inrestricte se domis spe hWili submi in absolute mutisma IIo dream stat a nation Whos politica axiom smin time immemorial has Me Nirari bis sine bis '' ill patiently allo soreignere is have the pedipetua dis sal onus Ariunm iis Mood, ita very
During the las tenoeam a moria tange os the ulmos importanc has tam place in Hunga . Is in monarchica principis su vived besse 1849, at leas partiali' among the population os Hungary, it has Mess-nig disa' mare at presenti The monare has sappedine Aundations of his poWer Wit his oWn hanci. The aristoemenstemserues no lao um thedynasty a the sole ause of the woes of their unt . No one longerinopes in the reigning use in the contra , every d Ioas se Ward is a tange in the dynast a the sole means a saring the ount . In sum that is no the universat Wis iniungary. At an evenis, o ma res assured, sir that
henetano vague promises, almeam , par uia concessio , Willio satisθ Hungary. The elimiges sta mali re pilae armas Allowsr- I. The restitutum os her ancient historicallimus. his allore sint: have Wom tomaintain and defend. his is si uiso the unanimo istis of Oroatia, Transylvania, the wdina, and the Militarn mitem Whitabo in Men violenti detaehed fiomata mother
2. The -- tablishment of he old constitution, Me diu in Whie ste legislative poWer resides in the fovere cand the nation omyintly ille alter actius by means os inoesiambere, one heredita , ita oster elective. 3. The restoratio of her municipat aut seno , the mos essentiat parcos her constitution, as it supi cita best uisar against the --er tamenis of the centra Muemment, sives his ste neulty and evadit Ar seis overament, an is tho est se es trianinia eo tantsuccession os pulsi men. ε in re anoMe ment mali in laus
ὐ treatlas hic Me in ita polium and national independe e os stelinium; civit atapolitica equalit omelaimed in I 84M as also the right os associatio sor ad the inhabitandi; the votinios Se budge and fixing the numberos rectuit is ille Diet nishori. the more complete participatio in ali in interna and
external assair os the hingilom. 5. Mily the maintenane os the Pragmatie Sanction, stat is in say, dynastio union,it me Austria provinces, ut oesy on eo uionias απ riuali hane a conuitution lar it is impossibie
tionalty othera despotically. ungar does notassere to any exceptiones position what in astaser heraeis, is also asta sor the other provinees. Nothin ea be easter stan to effect uiis
change os system. I Would oesyae necessary:L That Francis Joseph inould eaneel aliae has dono during tho last tem ars fio I 84s tol8bs, as stat great fovere M Joseph II., armeelle Missi sublime eo age ali he had done
eonsiderations ste Minis at issu are the existene os an empire a regatas Europe sterestoration os liberinan nationality, a regatas IIungary and uie eontinuanee o bis dynas , ac gaes himselfstrae must name, provisionalty a Palatine,
as constitutional Mad os the stri When ste hingis absent stoma ala om3. Heius convoke the Diet, in accordanee vis the electora lavs of 848 .hie stallae M a eoninium as- , the relations os Hungar Wit the ther provinces necessarilyrmiuris modification, to vovi boeonstitutional states. 4. Ho mus enter Mon an Asso u iniseonstitutiona an progressive polic sinceretris anhly, and wit ut reserve The more reamns nations have to mistrus a dynasty the more disseescit icto gain their eonfidence, and that iseertates ita ni basis o vhie a ne and po eri ut Austria canae unded.