Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


independent kinmom a to the serm and systemos idiis miniment, stat it stati neverae madem Minate to any ther munt , and ballinvariabifretain iis constitution, and be ovemed

e ne bes e the exinration os si monita aster his accession I ma here observe stat χοmnation implies the signinios ste diploma an taring the oath to the constitution as a vestates, and that at the privileges an righis emanatini m aling, has nos en ero nedare nuss and void incla.. When ine aps et iso si tute os Emperor of Austria, the tango ad nodisseretine, ou relations Mi them nor Mihine oster states It Willie sincient in quot onthis subiret a passage rom in manifesto os Franess L, dat in Ibin os Augus '804, in WHeb, aster anno eius his M.tiue, he mis raelare



That ou king - principalities, and pr vineis inali invariabifretain thei tities, eo ut tiona, and prerogatives, a the at present exist; ha this is speciali the Me,st inp- of ungum a to the commilans that have been celebrate ser urselves an o predecessore as,ng o Hungam, it inali arua be invariabi the sameras in times pasti' But o manas me here is the position ofHuno , missi regata toriis dynasty, has notheen

totali change by the evenis of I848 and I849 3That question appears superquo , ut Ι Will

I. That the rorem Mic ino piae in Hungar in l848 Vere the resul es involutionar me ures, ut mere adopte and introduce in tho mos lega manno, discussedand voted by the tW Chambere, accepted and sanctione by the in Ferdinando Thalsovere nisent of his om amor is mov


Presburo, here the tam Chambere tu, insanino in person the laws he had acceptin Ae stili a Vienna, de an ira


but ad them arrested, and one os them asino some time astematas. o. rasuri stat ungar neve asked sermore stan ille maintemne 'os What his Mene firmeri Maranteed, and sWom by the dynastriand that the latis mado Warin us in overthroWour ancient constitution an annihilate urnational independenoe.

What did, desendi The eae and the existinctam. - in the war Thedynasty certainly. The dynast revolied against legalii' and must ther ore bear theoproach of havin tari u revolutiona Mound in 1848. Were it true, as in dynast asserte in iis proclamati scitaresse in Europe stat it Wasoninmising War on a pari' a mali minori , Wh Nas the wholo natio punished by ingdeprived os ali iis right and liberties 3 dilemma here presenta itini stom inita the dynasty annot escape Elther it Wasdesimus osci estabitisini Me and right, and in stat eam it,ould have had nothiniis Gange


i ou legat eo titution or it Minime thectaracter es a conqueror is so the hereseretistanee hies it provori Was perseehlagitii te and justitabis. This Iast horn os the dilemma present theimst, is me may u e by the subsequent acinos in dynasty is Hungar resolve in oppose violene mit Arce, it a the dynast stat impelle his sorio do is the lauer abando diu ground os rimi, an too u that os brute eri or in other morti stat os insurrection, onstat ground the eos mus necessariis me invictorious. Wit respeet to the divineis natural a , there is a perseet analog tWeen the Italian, Poliis, and Hungaria questions in muta asine three nations destre in change Wbat existari facto, an aspire in nationes liberi an indepen- neo: ut there is a great dissere e et enium positioncas regatas humaniaw; Ar, Whust theatalians and Poles have against them inis nationes reatlasMich oughit, finiannulleα- sine ther demand an existence Which requires the


inneso os ille lin os nations, emungaria beloniis Austria solet is reason os our ac and Med, a Weseely made in conditioncmith thedynasty, and the dynasty reely accepte them. there re meret the observanceos the historical right On Whic οὐ eonstitutionmas based nine centuries ago; e M so the Lithlal executionis the motu connensu Whichinisu cas have neve been replaeed by other pacis, and the strie observanee os,hie οὐ insides is the oesy means os permanently seisingand ring the relations emeen Hungar asalinio and Austria is an empire not onlys as in satius the right M ossi states, butalis to the advantage of thei materia interesta.


morai and Marseandat istino individualchoingenseria inis a contraici on an mauer Whalave one os them s ut prelan in escape sto hisen gements by simplf.tearing up the aper 3 c. .hat is Arbitae in privato contracta, hie concer oni individua interest' be pedimitted in international eonventions assecting the essu e the exure e the hapsenem os natis 3I Was nesther more nor tem stan the validityo a synallagmatis and diplomatio eontraet whiesi Hungam defended in arm in I 848-49, Whereas in dynasty Wantexto res se ilaeis, is it o nsole aut rity, oin the condition it ad solemnifaecepted.

Is it is aetvicibus, in opposition, at the principies os morsit and justice, stat fovere mea Machi riseopte in res et autho infandine laus Are there is hiud os justi de and


This historica inest vili seu DR I trus mine stant notion a the generat character M.

constitution, vlaich, though neVer ver scrupulo in serve by the dynasty ascit, mundis embarras and limit ita action in inlingsith sordigi powers, secure in us intereatly the mos perseet liber an national esse

The legislative pomer Was veste in the hingandabo tW Chambere therapper ne composedos hereditary peers, the lower os deputies elected se eae session an revocabie by thei constituenta is the latre had ream tote dissatisfied wit thes voles Thi Was the Diet, Wit ut hos consent the inccould netther imposelaxes nor esse recruits Wit ut in sanctiono the Die aes es no even declare War, noreonclude poce. What is more, the executis poWer Wasequali divide belWeen the foveresin and thenas , inamve a sto sermo eould ear nothiniinis execution excepi by the competent


b iis Melita composed os est the electorar linivistin iis limitia his a vi masine principat orsan es our municipa seisgoVerminentio elem ita deputies star eae session. an ali the micipes siem a sor ne or three rear the deputies a Neli a the ossicer vere uinci ove an account os thei minuet at the expiratis of thei functions. The assemblyhad ρο- to suspend revove, o punish inem, is necessa . The administrative deerres of the hinc ere alWay addresse in his assembly .hic instruete iis mersa ensore stem isti consormit missi in lam, or is ster ere

eme illegat, it immediates presente ammonstrance to the fovere n.

is assemMy. Whic me a leas seu times Danaad a right to diseus the generat assursos in munim, an e responde faeely, notoni iniuriis deputies during the session os theraei, ut Wit oster amemblies ala me question Os genera interest Nas there re fullydise sed an mammed is sto diuisent iurisdi uo unties of the munus sero it came


But his assembi hia a liberi os actionalmost unlimiteri specialis est οὐ assium. Besides iis right of electing the deputies in t Diei and ita own loca ossicera smin tho presectio homo si ballis . , ali received thela salaries fram fiat a calle the domestiebudget, at the administration, even in muris of justice, mere concentratin in iis hanci QRhavinia budget ostiis omn, it made and re laedmavi, bri es, and other, k of publie uultu. It also had charge of the publio mace, Sur intende the administration os the communes, regulate the diseipsine of the in isons, conuolledine accounts oscit offeres, an sometimes, linpelle by the spiri es patriolum o an honou able rivalr Mith other jurisdictions Bundae assums, hospitali, librariis, and the publio institutions It could even para loca laWs obligator sor in person Mihin iis limus. t Wit the important proviso that the must neve be contrar in the genera iam os the