Synodalia : a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to the year 1717 :

발행: 1842년

분량: 459페이지


분류: 미분류


recestu tho Sacramento ministro isto thom Whieli boossoetuat boeauso o Christos institution an promise, although tho bo ministro by 0uyllion. IoΝeuertholosso it appert noth to tho disciplino of tho Churelio that inquir bo ad os suetio, and that thoybo accuso by thoso that hausinowlodge of thoirissoneos,



of the roditions of the Gurch.


Artieles of Religiori. IV.Christian mens yoodes are nos common. Oh ehos and good o Christians, are Ot Ommon, a touchyn tho right titio, an possession of the Same, a certayno Anubaptistes do salsol boaste. Ot-

thstandyn euor man Onglit os suetio thyngos as e spossessoth, liberali to eue almes, accordyn to his habilitie. Christian men may ake an othe. os o confosso that alno an rasti Wearin is forbiddon christian men by ur ori Josu Christ, and Jamos his Apostloci So, iudgo that Christian religion loth no prohibito, ut that a man maye Woare bentho Magistrate sequiroth, in a cause of sayth and charitio, socii bo dono accordyn to the Prophetes eachyng, iniustice, iudgement and trueth. 1 Imprintest at London in Powlos Church barde by Richarde

Cum priuilogio Regiae


Articuli de quibus convonit inter Archiopiscopos et Episcopos

utriusque provinciae,OtClerum univorsum in Synodo Londini io an DOm. 1562. Socundum computationem ecclesia Anglicanae, ad tollondam opinionum dissontionem, et consensum in Vera religione firmandum. 15 Adit authoritate serenissimae RegiUM. Londini,

apud Iohannem Dayum Typographum. Io An Domini.

15 I. i. ' De sde in Sacrosanctam Trinitatem. ΝUS est tuus, O verus deus, aeternus, iti CorporOUS, impartibilis, impassibilis, immensae iotentiae, Sapi-a50ntiae, ac bonitatis, creator, et conseruator omnium, tum

Articuli de quibus Johese Latin Articles and the Englisti translationthat ollows are reprinis, the forme froin the edition o John Daye,und the alter froin that o Jugge an Cnwood, whicli ere both of them issue in the ear 157 1 aster the Article had been newl sub-3o


Artiolos in Religion. V.

visibilium, tum inuisibilium. Et in unitato hujus diuinae

naturae, tres Sunt Personae, eiusdem essontiae, Olentiae ac

aeternitatis, pater, filius, et Spiritus sanetus.

2. io Verbo, simo sit dei, qui erus homo factus est.

Filius, qui est verbum patris, ab aeterno a patre genituS, verus et aeternus Deus, ne patri consubstantialis, in toro boatu virginis, o illius Substantia naturam humanam assumpsit ita ut duae naturae, diu in o liumana, in togrentque persecte in nitate personae morint insoparabiliter

coniuncteto, o quibuS Si nus Christus, Drus Deus, tvorus homo, qui Vere paSSUS St, crucisXus, mortuus, et sepultus, ut patrem nobi reconciliaret, essetquo hostia, non tantium pro culpa originis, verumetiam pro omnibus actualibus 1ominum OeentiS.

3. io descensu Christi ad Inferos.

Quom admodum Christus pro nobis mortuus est, otsopultus, ita os etiam credendii ad in ros descondisse.

scribed by the convo alion os that period und committet to the editor-ship o bisliopiaewel. During the nine cars that lapsed froni the time hen the hirtynino Articles ere adopto by the convocation and rati fied by the crown to the ear 157 When the were ut sorti by the authorit os partiament, litti progress ad been ad by thei means in obtaining uniformit os doctrine and discipline. I does no even appen that theylia passed into genera circulation, a me do no fin more than Dur editions of them publishod illiin that period No notice is alien ofthom in the memorabie Adverti sement issued by the ur libishos undbishops in commission in the ear 564, nor et in the Articlos, inquir provided by the archbishoprio the visitation of his province in the ear 567 although in both hos cases directions are iven or examining into atters of faith and practice. Whateve opinion might be ontei tui ne in soni quarters of the force of the prerogative a prudent bishop ould certainly isti, in casus here the suspension ordeprivation os a benefice a concerned, to e fortificii illi tho authorit o an actis parti ament. A Soon accordingi as taecum evident that the queen ould yicid


Artiolos in Religion

4 De Resurrectione Christi. Christus vor a mortuis resurreXit, Suumque OrPUSCUm carne, Ossibus, Omnibusque ad integritatoni humanae naturae portinentibus, recepit eum quibus in coelum ascendit, ibiquo rosidot, quoad Oxtremo die ad iudicandos 5 hominos reuersurus Sit. 5. De Spiritu sancto. Spiritus sanctus a patro, o silio procedons, iusdem est cum patro, o silio Ossontiae, maieStati S, et gloriae, Verus,

ne aeternus, Deus. Io

6. io diuinis Scripturis, quod sussciant ad salutem.

Scriptura sacra continet omnia, quae nil salutem sunt necossaria, ita, Vt quicquid in ea nec logitur, sequo inde probari potest, non it a quoquam Xigendum, ut tanquam articulus fidei credatur, ut ad saluti necessi-1statoni requiri nitetur. Sacrae Scriptura nomine, eo Cnnonico libros pleris,

to the des ire of the commons, and the hirty-nine Articles ould e confirme by statute, the bishops too mensures fortiving them complete effect in ali spirituat an ecclesiastica cases It was ordere incio convocation on the ih of ny the da astor the bd was sent ut Domthe common to the ous o lorils that when the book of Arti testouchini loctrine isti ali e fuit agreed poli, that then the sanae halibe ut in print by the appotniment of in lori of Sarum, an a pricerate so the fame tot sold. Item, that the sanae eing printed ever asbi Shopo have a convenient number thereo to e publistic in their synods, througho ut heir severa dioceses, an to e rea in veryparish-church Dur times ver year. Willi. Cone vol. v. p. 262.)Theanglisti translationis tho Articles ad notos et received Synodicat authori ty, ut a S. copy, correspondita Mith the precediniso edition o Jugge and Cawood, excepi that the wenty-ninth Articlumas replaced was no approve in his convocation. The Same copy, bearing the signatures of the archi ishoi and bishops, is stili preserve di the Parho librar ut Corpus Christi College, Cumbridge.


Artioles of RHigion. V. o noui Testam senti in tolligimus, do quorum authoritate, in Ecclesia nunquam dubitatum est. De nominibus, et uniero librorum sacro canoni ne Scrip- turre reteris Testamenti.


Ruth. Prior libor SamueliS. Secundus lib. Samuelis. Prior liber RegUm. Soeundus liber Regum.

Alios autoni libros ut Prior liber Paralipom.

Socundus liber Paralipomen. Primus libor Esdrae. Sociandus liber Esdrae. Libo HeSter. Libo Iob. Io

Psalmi. Prouerbi R. Ecclesiastes, vel concionator. Cantica SalomoniS. 4. Prophetae maiores. 512. Prophetae minoreS.

ait Hi0ronimus legit quidem

The ollowing descriptionis the ulterations made by bisho Jewel indischarginitiis dui as editor is taen froin the work of Dr. Lamb. Ume reduce in tities of est the Articles to the fame form by pre zofixing the preposition de in the Latin and of in the English. In the fixili Articleae adde to therapocrypha books,

Historia Susannae. De Bel et Dracone. Oratio ManRSSES.

Liber obiae. Baruch Propheta. Canticum trium puerorum Oratio Manasses. 5 In the leventi Article the wor cooperante had been translated working in; thisae cooected o ,orking With. I his mistahe was firs made in the translationis Edward' Articles in I 353, and was no corrected untii his period. In the stateenti Articlo, in the last sentence, the Latin Opy ad o poenitentiae locum denegant, theranglisti the place of largi veness 'he ad these agro b substitutini veniae in the Latin or icenitentiae. An in the forme par of this Article e change 'placerior penitence into graunt of penitence. In Edward' Englisti Articles locum poenitentiae was translatex the placerio penitentS. 35 In the wentieth Articlo in the Latin copy scripto is omitted aster