Sallust's Catiline with explanatory notes and a special vocabulary. For the use of schools

발행: 1878년

분량: 181페이지


분류: 미분류



2. Eadem fama reii the fame evi reportu Abi os Means. 4. Mihi G. 388.- re . . . Procul, way from public t e.

icat after fuit, of Whicli conδilium is subjeci. s. oIendo intentum Colendo is probabi a Dativo dependingvp0 intentum, accordinito G. 391 though it may bo an Abl. 0 Means, lilio negotio, o the precedin page line 18. Intentum agrees Wit me, the omitte subjectis agere. The disparaginitangvage hero applied toagricultura pursuit dissors Do that hic Wo sin in the work of

Otho Roman writer tapon the Same subjeci. T. A quo incesto . . . eodem regressus havinireturne to the fame Sinning . . . rom,hich. S. Muta, nil unfortunate, in te os iis resulis. D. Carptim ut quaeque videbantur, electino uo a seemed Ilit., separalely in proportionis themeach seemed. 10. Eo, o this aceount Abi. Os auge.

11. Partibus rei sub icue, sarty feelinos. The lata os impartialit hero made by th historian suem to e ust. 13. De . . . nucis utisOIvum, Itiil treat os more lit , reii disputoli, Miah . . . in fere dorda. Paucis, Abi. Os Manuer. 15. Cujus hominis i. e. O Catiline. R. Prius quum faciam G. 523 II.

V. The Charaeter of Catiline.


G. 503.-Quicquam pensi, ast matter of any importanee ouiequum, Predicate Accusative pen/i, Partitis Genitive. G. 3 3, 1 396 III. 2.30. In dies. See Syn L. C. 399. 32. Quae utraque both of hich, i. e. his overt an his unguos ulli. 34. Diversa inter se opposed to each other.-Vexabant, corrupted. 36. Res ipsa, the subeo itself-Hortari Suppi me. 37. Sufra repetere, to revio the pa3t. Supra adver os time, formerly further back. Repetere dependa pon hortari, an is usust

instea of the more common constructio ut it the Subj. G. 558, VI. 3.-Instituta. Observo that disserere has here laur different objecis, an Acci, instituta, and three Indirect QueStions quo modo . . . habuerint, quantam reliquerint, an ut . . . faetili an illustration of the Zeugma. G. 01 I. 2. Translate, o reat of the institutions . . . and

5. Urbem . . . Trojani. Notice the considendo ith Whies Sal lus ascribes the oundinio Rome o Aeneas, though hi language implies that there mero disserent opinion upon this potui. s. Sedibus incertis, reithout aedibodei Abi Absol. . Ahorigines connected bac by queri Trojani. s. In una moenia retthin lit., into the realis of α ingle eis. Forthe plura os una, se G. 1 5, 1. issuri genere though of disserent racem lit., reith an nequa race Abi os Characteristic. 10. AIii RIio more, ome in one v othera in another elliptical,

12. Civibus, moribus, regris three essentia conditions os nationa prosperity, territory, citiaens, an institutions. For the omissionos the conjunction, se G. 58 I. 6.13. Sicuti . . . habentur, ascis the case Uit mos thius belonginoto mortali lit., ammos thius of mortalcare held i. e. subjectri enVy. Mortalium, est explaine a possestive genitive, not partitive. 14. Finitimi, pr0babi belonga both t populi an to reges. G. 59 , I. 15. Tentare, assaited. Hist. Infinitive. M. 515,1.-AuxiIio Dat.



10. A . . . uberant, kept out os daver. 417 Intenti festinure, intent uson mei reork prelaed forrear 'it., intent hastene l. his sentenc Vividi portray the activit an energyof tho Romans.-HOStibus iat dependin lupo obviam m. 392 II. 20. Dandis Beneficiis, is Ging favors. M. 566 L22. Imperium Iegitimum asovernnient regulate by lare. It Wasa limite o constitutiona monarchy.-Nomen imperii regium, thenum of the puler that os ins regius m regis Their uter Was called

23. Delecti . . . ConguItubant. Accordin to Sallust Wo havo here the germis tho Roman Senate a muncit of old men, quibus comus annis infrinum, ingenium sapientia validum erat. Comullabant, comδidebant, a raro se of the ord, illustrating ur author' laudites forfrequentatives.-Quibus Dat of Possessor Wit erat. 25. Curae similitudine l. c., their care so their peopte resembleda sather' care fortis children. 26. Conservandae Iibertatis fuerat, had tende to pr erve, etc. ;lit., had been of etc. m. 663, 5. 28. Immutat more. Thi change in the fori of overtiment lasupposed' have been ad about 500 B. .-Bino imperatoreS. Theyinere callo atrars praetors, asterWard consuls. Observe therio e

T. Eus enm this, this i. e. to e thus conspicuous in War These Pronoun are attracte Dona d. m. 445, 4 and . s. Pecuniae G. 399.-Ingentem, honestas Predicate adjectives astur esse tora Supplied. 10. OSSem . . . ni . . . traheret G. 10. Mnximus Ostium copias Observo the order of the words. M. 598, 3.14. Em i. e. fortuna. 15. Ex accordinito lit., out os. 18. Feruntur, the are reprciented.-Scristorum ingenium scriptore munia ingeniis.


20. Pro maximis, a the greatest. G. 362 2, 3).-Ita . . . ingenia. In his Way ur minor accounts so the sume o Athoniati achiovemenis. The were celebrate in the ork of poet an his

23. Negotiosus, devoterio bu8iness, occupiessi 25. Bene facta, good deedi lit., hings et dono. Facta, as a participio, is modified by the adver bene, ut is used substantively. 26. Ipse agree Willi quisque the subject O malebat.-AIiorum, those of others, governe by factu, tot supplied. 28 Ius bonumque that hiemreas right and good. 29. Natura, rom holoe lit., b nature. In his picture of tho virtve of a primitive age, Whether true O salSe Sallust present a striking contrast to the vices of his oW age. 31. De virtute cortubunt, te in firme.-In suppIiciis deorum, in the reorsh, of the fori, illi imposiniceremontes an costly




D. Eis oneri fuere G. 390. 610. Optunda. For agreement, Se G. 439, 2, 3).-ΛΙius, underother iroumstances. The Roman flaund that prosperity, calth, undp0Wer, th0ugh deSirable in themSelves involve Specia temptation aud

11. En theses i. e. pecunire cupido an imperii cupido. 13. Artes, traiis of character.-Superbium one of the w obbocis of edocuit. Ilio Aec of the person is omitted. s. 3 4 1.14. Deos neglegere G. 3 4 4. 15. FuIsos deceit fu -Subegit, impelled. IT. Non ex re, te. i. e. no in and of themgelves, ut Domihuadvantage to e derived Do them They consultet Oni persona inter-eSt. MagiSquo UuItum . . . habere; i. e. t appea g0Od, atherthan tote OOd. 19. Vindicari, dere punished. M. 545, 1. 20. Immutata factum suppi est,ithisaeli. 23. Primo mugis ambitio. Se primo pecunia above, lino 10.

The apparent contradictio is explaine by the lac that ab0vo Sallust is speahingis the gr0Wth crevit os avarico and ambition among the Romanpeoplo s00 after the falli Carthag0, Whil hero e is considering tho relative influenc os the tWo during tho age proceding the dictat0rshipis

Sulla. Primo in tho tW passages reserito different periodS. 24. Exercebat, occupiod.-Quod tumen Vitium . . . erat,rehich, though a fauit, das et, etc.-Virtutem G. 437, 1. 26. IIIe, the former. G. 450 2.-Huic Dat dependitanupon desunt G. 386, 2. Translate a inhio Were used a the subjue os eontendit tho

28. Studium habet, involvos the destre lit., has i. e. has in it-


35. Huc uocedebat quod, o his reos added the Det that Thosubjuctis accedebat is the clause, quod . . . molliverant. 3o. Quo faceret G. 489 49 .-Fidum suppi eum reserrinito


3. Tubulus Pictus, aintinos I liti, uinte tablata. . Privatim et pubIico, fro individuals and froincitates. Somescholar render, for themselves and for thecitate. s. Nihi reliqui fecere, est nomini; lit., made caused nothing t bo of the remuindem i. e. t be est. Reliqui is redicate Gen. vitii fecere. M. 403. S. NOHII temperarent, do nos think, then that they ou , etc., or

Is DPerne pretium est, it is orth,hiles; lit , is the prio of the labor i. e. Willia for the troublo. The subjue os est is the clausevisere templa, etc. -Domo sintque viIIa. referrinito the magnificent villas of Wealthy Roman in the ago of Sallust, a thos o Clodius and Lucullus. Seo Smithys lici of Antiq., inde mu8e.


23. Proinde quasi, jus as U.-Id demum, that in shori. Id, in apposition With injuriam facere, is inserte for emphaSis. 24. Esset G. 503, ΙΙ.-Imperio uti Predicate aster enet. G. 553 I. 419. 25. Quid memorem, hould I mention G. 485.--Eis, nemini dependent pon credibilia. 2G. Subversos reserring speciali to the dili cu by Lucullus throuo the illisua Baiae, to admit the water fro tho se into his

XIV. XVII. The Assocrates of Catiline.

I. I quod erat, hich re G. 445, . 2. Ingitiorum, of infumous person I lit , of infumoua uota the crime so the criminali metonymy. 4. Non patria acerriverat, had quandered his patrimons lit., paterna so0δε. 5. Quo . . . redimeret, that he might purchas impunity for, etc.; i. e. by setiling,ith the injuro parties ori bribing the udge. S. Ad hoc moreovem lit., to this i. o. in addition to t. Munus Iingua periurio . . . unguine civili contra Sted roups tu in inverte ordor, he hand by the laod of itiae , i. e. by murder thetongue by per jury.


3 his spirite doscription of tho companion os Catilino is ver similari a passage o the Same subject in Cicero's econ oratio against Catiline, chas. 4. 13. Pur simiIisque, precisely like.-Pur equa in quantiti Simi- Iis, like in qualis Thus par similisque ceteris means like the est in me extent an quali of his rete e res. 14. MoIIes . . . nuxi, tende and pliable eoause of their,outh. 16. Ut . . . Studium . . . flagrabat; i. e. accordinito the de-Sire of each ne.-Praebere, he Catiline furnished i. e. he panderedio the passioris of thos Whomi gathere about him.

19. Qui existimarent. G. 501 Ι.-Itu; Sed omeWhat redundantlyri represent the clauso juventutem . . . habui88e. M. 04 II 6. i21. Parum honeste habuisse, id not properifregard. 22. Cuiquam compertum foret, as nown to any one ForM00d se G. 520, 3. 24. Iam primum no in the με placeo a common expression inentering upo a neW 0pio,'Speciali in passing rom genera to specisio

31. Facinoris i. e. the conSpiracy. 32. InfeStus, hostile.-Neque . . . quietibus, netther rea in inor


33. Ita conscientia vastabat, o suo a degre di me sens os

3. Habere dependent pon imperabat.-Post uti . . . attriverat . . . imperabat, afterward rehen he had destroyed lit., reorn areis . . . e imposcit i. e. upo them other greater crimes. 5. Minus suppetebat, id not present Del . G. Circumvenire i. e. in person o by th aid of his associatos. G. 45, 1.-SciΙicet Potius inulus erat he Gubiles preferre to ebai-Ne torpescerent Negative Purpose. M. 491.τ. Gratuito, reithout hos of advaritage i. e. eVen Without temptation. S. Amicis m. 419, ΙΙ.-Simul quod, t quod both beectus and

D. Aes alienum . . . ingens occasioned by the extravagatice of the age and the extortions of Roma magistrates.

1O. SuIIuni milites. At thesciose of the civit Wars betW00n Marius and Sulla, the latior Atablisliud colonies for his soldier in Etruria aridother partios Italy. Not a se of these colonisis, havinisquandere allthe had, esp0used the caus o Catiline in the ope of ne sp0ils and

booty.-LargiuS, O profu8ely. 13. In extremis terris. Pomp0 Was,aginiWar against Mithridates, Linio Pontus, an Tigranes, Linios Armenia.-Issi referringio Catiline.-ConsuIatum petenti as a candidate for the considεhi Ilit., eekὶng, etc. The consulS i Willi rememberod W0r the two chius magistrates, or otia president of the commonwealth. 14. Nihil sane intentus, notis alliatchol. 15. En thes thiugs i. e. the state of things jus describsid. 17. HuIendus. For Roman calendar, Se G. 08.-CaeSare . . . consuIitius i. e. in the ea 6 B. C. Se Introduction, p. 44. L. Caesar Was a relative of Julius Caesar. 18. Singulos, individua . 20. Docere, he Ghibited.-ExpIoratu sunt suppineta, the omit-

ted antecedent of qVae. 21. In unum convocat, e calle together. Hist. Present. In unum, as an adverbial XpreSSion, means impi together. There SeemAt boloide os supplying locum. Indeed unum is probabi neuter. 22. Necessitudo, neeL-Inerui applicabie to plurimum audaciae,



ossices: Vig. that os consul, praetor, curule aedile, O quaeStor Ordinis, Gen. os Characteristic. G. 396 IV.-P. Lentulus Publius Cornelius Lentulus, Surname Sura H ha been consul, ut o account of his scandalous life ho had subsequently bee expelle frum the Senate. R0ma citigo usuali ha throe ames: Publius Cornelius Lentulus. The sirst, or praenJmen, designated the individual the SeeOnd O nomen, thesens oraribes and the third, o cognomen, the family. Thus, Publius Cornelius Lentulus was Publius of th Lentulus saniit os the Cornelian

ad lud Thus Sura Was addexto P. C. Lentulus. The nomen as ostenomitted as in mos of the namos hero mentioned by Sallust Thus thonomen, Cornelius, is omitte in the names of Lentulus, Cethegus, and the Sullas. Ometimes, hoWever, the nomen is retatne and the cognomen omitted Thus Cicero calis L. Cassius Longinus, Simpi L. CasSius. See in Third ratio against Catilino, chap. 4.-P. AutroniuS. P. Autronius Pasitus. Se Introduction, p. 43. 24. PubIius et Servius SuIIae. Publius Cornelius Sulla and Servius Cornelius Sulla, th sons os Servius Cornelius Sulla, the brotheros horia molis Dictator Sulla 25. L. Vargunteius On os the mos darinios Catiline caec0mplices, an ono of tho tWο Wh asterWarxengaged O assassinate Cicero, the consul, in his Kn ouse Se page 15, line 18.-Q. Annius. Probabi Q. Annius Chilo.-M. Porcius necu. he conspirator at Whos holis Catiline and his ass0ciates me attigi, a Stior time bosoretho discovor of thoi plans. 26. Q. Curius. Se Introduction, p. 45.-EX equestri ordine, of queatria rank. his ordo occupie an intermediate positio be- tWeon the senatu and tho plebs It comprised eatili citigens Who hadnotoet attainod senatorial rank. 27. P. Gabinius Capito Ono of tho clites conspirators, called by Cicero Publius Gabinius and Cimber Gabinius.-C. CorneIius. heassociat of Vargunteius in the attemptrio assa88inate Cicero. Se p. 15, line 16. 28. Coloniis et municipiis Coloni is a colon mundo by Romans, Whilo municipium is a municipabo Dee toWn, One Whichias received th fuli Roman ranchise, ut stili rotain the right of SelingoverD-men in ali localiauers.-Domi, at homo i. e. in thei OWn toWns.

32. Quibus vivere copia erui, ho ad me abilis to live G.

563, 6.