
발행: 1890년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 문학



1299, 130 l. 1269.

troch. Septen.

eret dim. - . . .

eret tetrum.

1333 b.



For explanationis the didascalici, Se Introd. 43. The mss. contain acrosti argument to ali the plays except tho Bacchides, hieli os the argumen and the res par of th play by thomutilation o an early s. The ncrostic argument may have been writte in tho dentur alter the deathisi Tereuce I 50-50 B. J, but more probabi dat froni th seeoni centur of the Empire. They are pre- Servexi a very corrupi condition au their metrica laW are sonae vitatuncertain, spe tali in regarit o hiatus of this there are abo ut 35 ases in l66 vss. 20 0 in in the main caesura. The queStion hether illes are accidental or intentional, and ii themare intentionat, hether the are duo to metrient ignorance or O imitationi a supposed hiatus in the plays, cannotae rogardei as etlled. For a Paresul tu ly of the arguments see OpitZ, de argumentorum metri eorum Latinorum arte et origine, in the Leipχiger Studien VI. p. 193-316.

2 Consignat Symdolum is no qui te correet. l. se consignare epistulam, tabellas Curc. 365, 369, Bacch. 935, etc.), topuli ea upon a letter a evidenee o genuinensess, aut not cons.

imitate in Arg. Men. 1, quo erant an Mil. Glor. 2. Perhapsalso in s. . reliquo, in three syllabies, ould e eviden celi late



i h lachii distinet reiprenue tor is i. e. Pseudolus are due to the dissiculties o ac rostic riting, as is alSo the genera coniuSion i


Non-acrostic arguments of 15 8s eaeli Xis to the Aul. Merci, Mil. Glor. and PSeud. beside ne i linvsS. to the Amph. and fragments of two thers , Pers. Stich. The were ritiei in the secondcentur by Some grammari an Oi the Same schoo as Sulpicius Apollinaris, ho rote Simila arguments to the Ene id an to Terendo. They aro for tho mos part in belle condition than the acrosties. 2. EcfliCtim e peridat Amph. J7, an Mith amare, Cas. Prol.

49. incligus is fit si sed by uer and tho dactylic poets for Plautino indigens, hich could notae sed in heXameter. In prosenot unti Plin and Tae.

5. M apud is Common in L e. g. Capt. 99, in libertates ad patrem iri patria. B. mota, it the ensem deinde or postea in narrative, oes noto curaetore the Augusta age, an is no frequent ii Pli ny and



Charinus, Xaρῆνος, is a common nam for n oung man Merci, Andris


Thes lines are rom a prologiae ritiei sor a later presentationo th Psoud alto tho d0athii l. ascis ovident ironi the referenceto rising rom pals ei. Introd. gra), and rom the se of Plautina ei Cas. prol. 2, Plautinas fabulas). The apparenti formitie conclusionis soni johin advic to any of the spectator Whomight se uti illinito sit through a long play. Compare Poen. Prol. 1-45, here advice of the Same genera toti is give to disser-



0nt classes mi spectators concerning thei bellavior durini ho

1. i. Epid. 733, last S. Plaudite et alete e vinbos porgite atque eaesurgite Loreti Z On the analog o Mil. Glor. 1, qui autem sus-culiare nolet, aesurgat foras, alie eaesurgier impersonalty supplying fortis: etter, illi Loewe, Anal. l. P. 49 as a PaSS. Withintibosas subjeci. For the rare but et atteSte trans. Se iis urgere, See Harp. LeX.

FIRS SCENE. - Pseudolus an Calido itis come ut o Simo' hous in themidille os the Stage.

3. te tacente, an ino te tam miseriae misere macerent Suchalliterations furvivat irom an earlier hi nil onversification Introd. ς 21 26), weremiten carrie to a ridiculous extreme, a in Ennius, An n. li 3 alit., o Tite tute ut tibi tanta irati ne tulisti. g. miseriae. The se i abstrae Cord in the tu , found at aliperiod Draeger I. 10-2b), is Speciali frequent in Pl. In many casses his is diae to association it a tui . MOSt. 18, summis opibus et industriis in ther the tu. XPreSSes repetition asamores, I; ut mos irequently the ori has not et alien on abstrae mean ing or has done o ni in pari, and thereior may buused in the tu as ire et a may an concrete ord Metrica necessit has nothinito do illi his Se Miseria generali monias in Pl. an unluch circumStance, missortune, ' cf. 21, here it means the separation rom Phoenicium.



P. DECEASita . . . Sulaigit is intentionali forma an ironicat.

Pl. Se necesse est ut O necesSitate.

B. Sanimatu i a Omie Xaggeration. i. Asin. 265, sed quid illuc quod Xanimatus currit hic Leonidas hos multo cties hic ith a Wordii time in acu. hunc annum,

diem, hoc triduom refers to time extendin either forwardi backWard rom the persent time; heu suc an aec is used with a=n italways refers to the past, Aul. Prol. 4, Merc. 59, Men. 104, iam hos

multos dies. qui est quo . . . geStaS' In theSe question quod is an accus.

of compas and Xtent, an is no diStinguishable ro in the conjunction, into hicli it is passing ove in the Latinii Pl. Vith indita, the regular ood, Aul. 718 Cas. III , 5, 8, Curc. 135, 66, Epid. 560, 570, Most. 69; illi hoc, hoc negoti, istuc, illuc, id, abolit adogen times Vithout est, Se on 79; illi subjunctive 1087.LO. adella regulari in Pl. io letter-tableis, about se epistula. Iauis For ther 3 conj forins Se LeX and Introd. D18.11. Congili Noun in ius, tum have in Pl. alWay gen in i notii Tho ipsi casu i ii in inscription is post-Augustan, tho fit sicasses in poeti Dare in Propertius, except for a se proper ames whiel Would noti hexameter verse e g. Tarquisi , in proSe thecopyisis avo confused lis forms, ut ii id not come into usuboforo te. 12. te Cum sciam. Tho colloquia Latin m ad large us os cum, concei ving ona person a meret conneeted with an action, heretho latur Latin definses the relation more precisely by the acin thedat. o by Some ther repos. O mentionem facere Pers. 109), cauere Most. 112, PS. 909), mutuom facere Curc. 7), pignus dare Bacch. 056), etc. Some of these Ses, est. tecum Sentis, have maintaine themselves into the classica period. 13. I. The neut sing. os pron is idely used in pari Latin inace of compas an eXtent in ne object), osten in connection,itha persona objeci. Cf. Trin. 87, qui tu id prohibere me potes, ne suspicer Amph. 1051 Liv. XXXIX. 45 7.1g. prohilaeAAit for late prohibuerit, prohibessis, Aul. 6l 1 and


100 NOTES.

aliquem certiorem.

19 Cf. Ter Heaut 86, aut consolando aut consilio aut re iuuero:

in both passages re seomito mean hel by Ioan orati os money. Cf. the confid0nc With hicli Pseud promise 2 minae 111 ss. Tho antiolima in his in is consistunt illi the ironica altitudo

tare eae p. ris, ipsae tibi narrabunt, ni Pseud. 1008.


NOTES. 101

25. Bidulla. The torno the book of ured to Tarquin and thoconnection hiuli Vergit ahes et eun the Cumaean Siby and AEneas ho that the Sibylcha been longanown in Romu It is

thereiore unnecessar to refer this A. to in Gh. original. 26. natu nemo, n human eing, V a Plautine phrase, Most.

402 45l Rud. 70, and belo 297 f. nemo quisquam. 2P. inclementor icere is sed illi dat. Rud li4 731 Trvc. 601, a the dat is sed illi male bene dicere. In class. Latinthi change to in illi acci, hicli ad atready 0guti in L, Amph. 42, hic in me inci dicit so that it Was necessar to Xplain mihi by in me i. 372, here tho glos in me is ound in the mss. 27. epictis, lepicta, is a strihin illustration Oi os o mean ingb frequent anil indiscriminato us in conversationa style Introd. 23). It is used as a vague termis prais With homo, caput ollytello V), pater, nugator, dies, forma, fama, facinus, more8, ictuS, ete. Lor. et compare Germ. relaenuci ci Engi. Jolly, ' and withsonaeWhat different meaning splendid, lovely. 2B. an is largely used in Pl. and Ter to introduce a question involviii an inferen e romoliat has been sal sither by tho Speaher Or, as here, by another person. When Such questions follo another question by the fame speaher, the approach the disjunctive question, into hicli the nitorWardioveloped. Xamples

in the Pseud ars 92, 305 309, 14, 851, 853 872 969, 1161 1172.

The independent an question survives in classica Latin. Fordissurent explanation, Se grammarS.J29. quas indefinite. Cf. Asin. 717, an quid est homini salute melius Cist. IV. 1, 17, an quis deus obiecit hanc ante ostium nostrum . . . ' Merc. 145, an boni quid usquamst, . . . Ci alS Cas. III. 5, 38, Mil. Glor. 40, and Brixin Trin. 439. 3O gallina The sanae idea in Engi. hens trachs.' Lor. comp. Germ. Krcihensi se, utch aene ooten, rench pie is demouche The comparison is o much moro sui table to irregular


uncia Writ in illatine a Suspeet the modern phrases of eing traditiona Iroin thesint in. 31. For hiatus in change i Speahers, se Iiitrod. rab.

a causal iunction, an a re commoni but rongi explaine a dueto an ellipsis and thicis o fori ). The e casus in L hereen in may perhaps menti Uior' mari the transition to inter usage, Whiel in Terene is ali ead distinet. From Langen, ei truge, P. 261 f., here many Xample areat ven. The artici in Harp. Lex. also gives illustrations of this se. J32. animum, hi nil, V i. e. attention. ut Cal. ahes it in the en Se i coui age, SpiritS, ' and an SWers, haven ' any. In the ex vSS. there is a referetice to tho menti in heuri ieeling, ut I see o re ason to thin hin that it contains an allusionto mi anime as a term o ende arment.

33. ii tho hiatus tu istinc, se Introd. 35. 35. Seud refers to the nam Phoenicium at tho eginning of the letter, ut ories ut so suddent that Cal. supposes him to e spe hin literalty.

36. CCam. The se of ecce an iis compound in L are peculiar, and a re not harpi desined in Harp. Lex. ecce alone is used a With autem, ecce autem perii, byWith person. Pron. ecce me, ecce nos, c With referene to a person or thin noton the Stago, io vividia es in narration, ecce mulier aduenit, or ian abstrae idea, ecce Grip scelera. The compo uni fornas, eccum eccam e cos, eccas, and 8S irequently ecca eccillum, eccillam, eccillud, eccistam are Sed os perSon Sol things presentin the stage, o vividi thought of as ii present. The constructions are a eo tim, etc. alone, MOSt. 1l27, atque eccum optume, b Withisce or rel. l. this passage and PS. 65, eccum, qui . . . faciet, e Without influoncoin the os of the sentence, eccum refert in ei the to the subjeci, Most. 11, pater eccum