장음표시 사용
aduenit, Ps. 693 789, o to the object 911, 10. c., In som0caSes, Da miX ture o bland c, the acc. illi eccum ould logicallybe the subj. o tho verbi Amph. 1005, sed eccum Amphitruoneiu aduenit, Mil. Glor. 1290, sed eccum Palaestrionem stat cum milite. Vith eccum est ithout predicat is neve used. 37. Suppi perduint, i. Aul. 785, ut illum di inmortales omnes deaeque quantumSi perduint, a very common orna o curse OnquantumAt See bl on eruRAAint 11. The fame fori occursAsin. bl Trin. 381 Cas. II., b, 6, an other orans Oi Si conjug ure ama8sis, a/nassint, cenassit, indicassit, intrassis, etc., indici, amaSSO, SeruiaSSO, enica8So, etc. Neue, II. 510 . 3B. Paulisper is pred. With fui. Theseoss. With thei som0What unus ua PhraseS, solst hei ba, paul fui, repentino, re intendedio b solemn and affecting. go. Ergo, then, ' is frequently used illi the impu. and withurgent an impu. questioris, and has light causa or argumentative force. Se LEX. s. v. II B, 2 andra, ior Xamples. Whethser hisis the origina sensu ironi hicli the se in argument a derived cf. enim', or a colloquia Meaheniti irom thereiore, ' 1 notelear the forme is more probabie. ElSeWhere the orde is quin
gB. Victe . . . ETAS, Uthiuli, ill ou What ou 'ro abolit. sis in si iis is sed ather more than 100 times in i as a courteolis Phras to osten au uipv. Ter. Se Sodes, si inles, more requently.
The construction dithfaa: is alWay paratacile, i. e. the ollowin ver is not subordinate but remalia independent an retainsit prope Inood an tense, in dic. ut an ivt. Peri. Subjunct. Pres audieri For a genera Statententii the nature i parataxis, an understandin o Whicli is necessar to the student i l. and Ter . read illiner Exusi Gram. IL, 757 f., o Draeger Histor.
est an usus est togethse a ii the wer used alitie illi the abi. , but usus est With abi is very rare in later Latin perhaps ni sive times. In Plaut it is more idely used illi ho abi. Whicli ittahes ecause i is a verba SubstantiVe rom utor, RS, . . tactiotahes the aec This abi is a nou With peri part oni here, Asin. 310, audacia usust nobis inuenta, and Bacch. 49. Elsowhere on lytheate. generali facto, Amph. 05, citius quod non factost usus sit quam quod factost opus. 52. uoluptas, se Introd. D42.53. mini uiginti. The samo sum about 400 a price iis flave, Epid. 703 Adelph. 742 in Most. 300 tho pric is 30 mina0; in Epid. 52 40 minae in Pors. 65, 60 minae These re Greeli Prices, an are doubiles talien ithout change troin the Greeli
original. 54. unae in solae Trin. 166 uno se dies, Bacch. 832, tres nos passus also in Cic. Epist. - remorantur, transit here a alWaysin Pl. dela tho mattor, hinde tho completion of the bar-gain. V The intrans meaning given in Lex. hould e confine tolater authorS. 55. Sumtiolum SomeWhat inexacti used in the play either i
th sea stampe in acupon the letter So here 7 16 epistulam et stimbolum 100 sumboluti in Li. e. on epistula, i 986 f.), or i thelette and se a together, a conStituting the tollen i 200 1 f. dedi . . .
sumbolum Seruo tuo, mei eri imagine Obsignatatu epistulam, 1 f.,
1097 and of tun. Whun Ballio receives the letter, he recogulae thesea Without compariniit, illi his copy, 988. 59 6 O. These Ss bring up a dissiculi in the chronolog of thoplay. Froin the est o the tot e. g. 622, argento haec dies praestitutast, quoad referret it appears that the da o the play a thodat fixe to the payment of the money, and this is the dat whichWouldie expected. ut rom these Ss an irom 82 it ould appea that the money a notiue uti the ex day, and that his Mould e the anor ne i the V o the Dionysia festivat. This allusion musti iro the Gree original, and tho texi,ould mali a play presente On the Dionysia Spea of tho Dionysia as
whicli ficili imaginar dat on the Dionysia. i. also Poen. 191,256. Nei thur the conjecturo o Ruschi, progum ad Dionysia, Ortho suggestioni Usener that Dionysia may be nec niter proaeuma remouses the dissicut ty, and it must se seit Among the un0Xplainedcontradictions of the Jot i. Introd. a 45. 62. For the hiatus cum ea se Introd. 35. alio infin fornis in ier, hicli ere stili in iis in the time o Pl by tho sid o thusornas in i, pro larget employed by the dramati popis, ut almost,holi a the en o a VS. Where the long Syllabie -ariar,
emotiona passages, mos frequently a ternas i en dearment. Soocellus, labellum, Poen. 366 animule, mellilia, RS. I. 46 Passerculus,
agnellus, haedillus, Asin. 666 . Tho dares parall0 to this is in the amator poenis of Catullus se lis in Simpson ' ed. p. 185).B heapin thes ternis together, Pt gives to them a comi esseet, Whicli tho domo have in Catuli. and this is increasse disero by the
on lyaecause this hi nil o description is unus ual. The suggestiono Lor. that consuetud/nes is a tranSi. o συνουσίa and conpares of συζυγοι is particulari uia sortunate here, ior no Passage could ear cleare mari sit Roman Spirit hau this. 69. harunci. The Sing. Orm o hic in cerare o used by l. exceptis heu ne is appended. In tu the form in , hisce nom. , dat. abl.), hosce hasce are Sed eiore Vo eis, hi his, has hos be- fore consonanis, hil in the gen Onlfh ιnc, harunc appen bosore
hero. his is De among many illustrations o the ad that Pl. had doubi forins at his command o different metrical uses. IO. Observe here the repetition o dis dis and u- - and thelieapin umo Word Whieli re practicali synonymous for it sus0l0sit attemptrio find in the three Dotin an intentiona expressionisi h orde of evenis, the Parting the absenee, the Consequent oneliness. 22. Ciui apparenti from scisco, o from scio, ut tho distinction set vosen hos verbs in Pt is ot clear, and would repay investigation. i. angen, et tr. 301, o restiti. - ut Cires Curaui. The construetion O curare are extremel varie in Pl. It talises an ut claus in perhapsa ali-a-dogen cases Mil. Glor. 1238, istuc curaui, iit . . . sis, Rud. 192, id curaui, ut cauerem Amph. 87, Pers. 23, 27. th last two at the endii a letterras here oiten in Cicero' lettet S. TA. miAere . . . migerrume Wretehedly, ' tho ii si resorring tolli conditioni the riter, theraecon to thoiandu ri ting.
75. Pumi Ceos. The proverbia drynes os pumice-Stone is alluded to in Aul. 297, pumeae non aequest aridus quam hic est Seneae, and Pers. 41, in tu aquam a pumice hercle postulas, qui ipsus sitiat. II. AiCCoCulum ni here, anilis dotibi coined by l. PB auctes, WiSh, ' Dot dare Vir venture. Somiten in Pl. , Ps. 1317 Mil. Glor. 232, auden participare me quod commentu's Asin. 176, non audes mihi . . . subuenires Men. 149 697 Rud.
PS. meancto mali a forma promiserio pay eheu i demand. BO argentum . . . mutuom, a loan rom a triend contrastud
With a loan at interest ironi a banker i 286 i., Sin. 248, iam si
mutuas se minas non potero, certumst sumam fenore. NeVer mutuom alon in Pl. B3. AtoCine se isto-ce-ne, et harunc, 69. When ne is appended
transtiteration ecam more Xa t.
alWayS, pacisco generalty partis lWaSS, philosopho, S. 687, i. 974, pro scisco iace, obson trient timeS, etc. O Other X amples, Se Lalagen Betti . P. 59 1 f., BriX, Mil. Glor. 172. opino is notio uti in the sS., ut is required by the metre in Some si ore ight Passages, and i Supporte by the analog oi ther verbS. Cf. also the variation in decl. uni in conjug. Introd. DI 8. B9. Allusion to uici de by hungin ure frequent in I. esse asa curse, abi ac suspende te, I 229, Oen. 309, et S. 8lb aud moroelaboratet Poen. 396, capias reStim ac te Suvendas cum ero et ostra familia. i. the curse abi in malam ci ucem. The Ord pensilis, sappear irom Poen. 12 pro uua passa penSilis, Ontain a comic
in prohibition. So 652, Mil. 1311, 0n. 12 Curc. 423 Stich. 333.
In these ni as a simple negative, properi stand neX to the verb. The combination quidni is found in questions ithout verb. Innei ther casu is ni conditiona ronder hy houldi' P. . . 'BB. lila ellai This id form of tho se n. st 0ol is found in inscription down to the en of th Republic maint in proper
Douns, and is commente uPOn by the Latin gram murians illi man illustratiotis troin the early literature. In the mss. it hasbeen generali changed by copyist into ae, ut an osten e 0storei on metrical roundes. l. Se Chamnidat, Periphamat, audo common notiti audaciai, fliai comoediai, quat, Siluat, familiai, et norat, and a te more, a Wel a Some adjecti VeS, magnai rei pub
mensure or laudard is more frequent in comed than is suggested by Harp. Lex. I. B, 4, Sp. illi audio, uideo, and veri, O Saying. So Cas. II. 5, 4, Most. 93, ut uerba audis, Capt. 569, ut rem ideo, Capt. 8b, ut perspicio εἰ es. s. 73, 596, 749, 980, ii uestitu's, to
and Yt0n to th conjunction. o Capt. 586, filivin tuom quod redimere se ait, id ne utiquam mihi placet, Amph. 479, nunc de Alcumena dudum quod dixi minus, hodie illa pariet, Mil. Glor. 1114. Th in dic stand in 14 passages rom early Latin the subjunct. iii 13 withiotonti alii conditiona foroe and Brix on Mil. Glor 162),
Lor here ould change to postules. Se on the whole immermanon quod and quia in ari Latin, Progr. Posen 1880. POAtulare, 'o expect destre, cis very common in Pl. an Ter. ,
τον τετρημενον Mei uelle III., P. 299 i. also s. 369.1O4. A the line tandS, bona opera mean by m helpiu servicos V and then aut mala is adde by a second thought ascit occursio the spuaker that his services as a Windle cannot welli called bona. But the ex catinotae regat de a fixe l. 1OS. au Silium argentarium is sed ais by an unknown Poet, Ribbeck, Frag. II p. 2: , ei opes argentariae, Epid. 72, and PS. 300 3l2 424 ali used ior comi essecl. 1O6. atque in partiali adversative ense, and yet, ' is no rare in Pl. i. 278, 309 Trin. 336, nusquam per uirtutem rem confregit atque eget, Capt. 479, Men. 576, Bacch. 8l4, etc. Sp. When a ne person comes Pon the Stage atque eccum is almos equiv. to Sed eccum, cf. Ion. 565 ith 898.1O6. uncte i futurum iCam for ut id futurum sit Thispleonasticis o dicam, hici belong to the colloquia langu age, is ound ni in certain forins o interrogative sentenc s in direct quἈ-question quid, ubi, quam, etc. ΛSin. 587, quidnam esse dicam Curc. 12, quo te dicam ego ire Truc. 689, quam esse
dicam hanc belluam ' Capt. 33, 4l, Curc. 1 Cas. III 4, 26, Mil. Glor. 20l Merc. 16 Ps. 74ό, 966, Pers. 400, Rud. 263, 447, St. 288; b in simila questioris, in direct dependita alWays pon negative ver o PhraSe With nescio, as here, Amph. 825 IIost. 1012, Trin. 2, Truc. 70, With ther negative phrase, Aul. 67 801 Rud. li; e in in direct disjunctivo questions, illi nescio, Capt. 268 Curc. 463, With animi pendeo, Merc. 127, illi nunc cogito, Men. 887, in bothi Whicli the nugativo lean iniis plain. In sen-
tunc questions direct o indirect or in direct disjunctive questions I have ound Do casse os dicam. The veri, is a dubitativo subjunct. inserte Mas a fullo expression o the oel in o uncertainty i. arbitrarer, uost. 89, credam, Mere. 252.1OT. nigi, aiter a senserat negative, to denote an exception is
an in combination illi ut, si, quod, quia it Seem to impi an ollipsis of tho l0 ad in veri, ei the fuit XPresSion in Rud. 75l . . . nescio nisi scio. . .. In his combination quod an quia hau thoir
origina conjunctiona gens that, ' O Ubee auge. V Capt. 394, 62l, neque mi esse ullum morbum nisi quod Seruio, except thesebonds V Pers. 17 Cist. II. 1, 12, neque nisi quia miser non eo pes sum, milia illa abest perdito pernicies in ali these nisi quod, quia expresse an Sception In the ther Si enses, here, 68, et S.
515 3), Ruid. 021, Trin. 938, Truc. 786, risi quia is sed alter
111. aetati meae, nihi, o in uae aetati tuam uae tibi, Capt.
a longilione forna o nunc I hould stili cali it a compound of
read se ruent uerum qui potest '123. in Culum utrumui . . , res eas abolit that. V Thuproper torva o the sayinii gi ven in IIeaut 312, ademptum tibi tum
faxo omnem metuin, in aurem utramuis otiOS ut dormias, Menander,
13O. Atium Crepuit refers to ille creahing of the door ascit wasdra via bael by sonae Person ith in the ouSe. Somen. 318, concrepuit ovilum Iil. Glor ibi, foris co repuit, and osten at tho endo a cense. I 's experiene and hillis a playWright appea in thes carosul and sor a reader, o elaborate introductions o ne veharaeter u pon the Stage, hicli the lach o a play-bili and thoignoratio of the audience bout the tot rendered necessary. Soipse 132, telis hocit is that is coming ut. 131. Crura mavellem refers to the crurifragium, a punishment inflicto Mupon laves an criminals by breali in the an hi or hin bonos illi a ammer Se on 145, 154. The pander' door