장음표시 사용
added. i. Varro R. R. III. 17 4, hos piscis nemo cocus in ius uocare audet, an Cic. Verr. I. 46, 121, ius Verrinum. Also Epid. 52 3, Poeti. 586. ho mali money as e do by cooking p
19B. Carnaria, irames illi hook ior angin meat upon. i. Capt. 14, deturbauit totum cum carni carnarium. No antry,Vas in LeX. 199. quaAi-item. The se o quasi in actua comparisons is almos confine trio early Latin. i. Asin. 178, quasi piscis, itidemst amator, Trin. 835, ita iam quasi canes, haud secus circumstabant nauem turbines uenii, and osten Also ithout demonstr. St. 559es.
2O1. nimis has here iis usual Plautine Sen Se greatly, Xeeed- ingly; also nimio illi compar an nimium. The meaning 'oo, o much cis rare, ut is ound e g. Most. 292 R., si mulier pulcrast, nimis ornatast. l nimis diu apstineo manum, here both mean ing appea together. 202. iuuentutem is Subj oi pati, hominem Subj oi colere, hielidopen is iapon pati. The se of the infin. illi subjectisce in X- clamation is to b classe With the acu alone in exclamation, and
e g. Aen. I. 37, mene incepto desistere . . . Hor. Sat. I. 9 72,
huncine solem tam nigrum surrere milia i ut is speciali common in colloquia style. The sense is tho fame hether ne is sed or nos, though it was dotabiles first inploy0 in xclamations hicli ad decide int0rrogative tone. - Colere, absol. is Without Supportita l. Most. 765 is entiret uncertain), and Speng. ConjectureSclamare, X pollere the difficult is omeWhat essene by hic, whioli alius th placeti an Ree. 2O3. Amant a se Introd. 42. a lenone. The propos ab is used in colloquia Latin illi an sextensionis hociden os foui e tocΟVer POSSeSSion. So esse ab aliquo pans to bolonito the fami lyoi). V Ps. 73o, possum a me dare rom DPOSSeSSions, Nisi. IV., I, 6, hinc a nobis domo, Mil. 160, quemque a milite, ii the oldiei 'S
flaves, mil. 339, 523, and osten. amare a lenone also Poen. 1092. Cf. 595 690.2OS illine aucteant is a repudiatin question, in hicli the8Peaher repent an rejecis omething that has been sat di implied. Most. 33, dic te daturum. egon dicam dare Curc. 119, salve. legon salua sinis Epid. 18, iamne ego sina in inpunes Trin. 961, . . . in aurum crederem ' PS. 1328, and osten other ornas havo ut or omit ne, ut the ense is the Same. The are connecte onone ideo illi the exclamator in fili. 202) on the ther illiquestions in hieli ne is appende to PerSon an demon Str. PronounS, Dearly adii hicli are Xclamator and rejecting. 2 OG. Th anteced0nt i quibus ould e a dat alter facere quibus depend upon serviant. The ord in brachel are ut outas a glos upo 205-7.2OB. Quom explanatory, ef MOSt. 587, beatus Nero nunc es, quom clamas, Poen. 9ll, lepidu's, quom mones ; mos frequent With verbs Oi emotion, gaudeo, gratiam habere, etc., ut Way With in die in Pl.
700, te ite quid dicam Ph. 211, Poen. 1103 like rogat negas '21B-22 a re put in parenthesis to indicate that the were nodia par of the origina play. In ali ther cases the omen re ad-dressed by name 187, 196, 10, 227), o me specifi demand is
by another person. - prolae, haleVer may have been the originalinea iam obprobus, is sed in i frequently a a mere intensive, errant probe, ulciscar probe, etc. Probabi by degeneration iro iis proper ense like lepide, nimis. 22 O nitictiusCulum, a comparative it dimin ending. Soliquidiusculus Mil. Glor. 66l, meliusculus Capt. 968, plusculus Pers. 21 minusculus Trin 888 Kithia. I. 676, Neu II. 136. Sounctiusculo 22 l. The sens here an iu 22 is literat, notis in Catuli. X. 9 i. quote by Lor. nor is there an specia refereticeto the se of unctus ni a fine inner. 22 O magis unCtiuSCulo, i Bacch. 500, mimrciorem magis, Capt. 611 magι certius, Men. Prol. 5s, uagis maiores 980 magis facilius,
St. 699 Poen. 82, 12, 16l, and the se of aeque illi the compar. Both ho a uakening of the essecti tho compar termination in colloquia Latin and a tendene to mali up for his by ad ling
221. Notice the simplicit os exprsession eaol thought is givonii a Separate Sentence, ithout subordination and without an adversative conjunction.
222. Sine octo, neve milid, ust,ait a While. Cf. sine 159, 239, Most 11 and osten. 223 is uel confuse in the mss. reprehenctam, apparently fin fauit illi Vir vise a hol upo V ior punishment. An early conjecture is rependam, pay ou for. V una opera See n319 must sean in tho fame time, ali together, Vis sense Whicli eadem opera approaches, ut hicli una opera noWhere has. Men. 25 is not parallel.
224. OCi esseCta. f. ecfecta reddat 386, 30 e licatam rem diabo. 92 6, and osten illi reddere, dare nil hic me This se of the eri Picti, hicli is ound occasionali in classico riters is properi colloquia and connected illi the se of eri Pte alter habere, hieli ave iSe to the auXiliar habere in tu Romance
the polutis count in oti the mone tor Our fr00dom. λ' his sal ab Diti mean in o num fra re in L neve pay. 229. L rote Poenichran ph, ch, Dare late combinations and the pun illi poeniceo is thereiore closor than the texi ould indiente.
The threat in theseoss. is sentiret inconsistent illi th plotiith play, a Ballio as expectinito et Phoenicium the ex day or the sam day to the oldier Seu Introd.4 45.
ginia in With non hiel in Cic. ould have nonne. 231. qui mi' au Ctor, ut, ,hat o ou advis me to Send. . . V o Poen. 10, Stich. 128, an in later authors a sui vivat o verba fore in auctor f. 1166. 232 Don' bothor k00Ρ cool. The figur in liquido animois it0n ussed in L so me times illi referone to the clearing oi Wine Aul. 79 defaecato animo, Ps. 759, t. o. With the regs setti sed to the bottom som0timos illi reiurene to the weathor Most. 737, tam liquidust, quam liquida esse tempestas solet.
234. mala res 770 1006 is equivalent to the frequently used
malum l50, 242 and thereiore alie an adj. maturam is notentiret clear, ut appears to reser o antiqua; mur triendshi is an oldine and in present a grOWn large aud ripe, V i. e. readyto immediate presentation. 235. qui opust hat' the Se V i. e. o thes thre ais,
Spenge read . . . iihili. PS. niue me Sis. CAL. Sine. PS. modo
ego abeam, tollo in the Ss. Xactly I Should adoptathis reading, changing oni to sine modo. ego abeam, except to the dissiculi os
explaining mitte me. 241. ego miti CESSO, cf. a me Phras Epid. 341, Phorm. 844, and cesso illi insin in questions mihi dat o diSadvantage. Goetet, mihi quom ceSSO. prae.)242. quia, malum . . . ' malum rom the generalisse ci. 150 Passes ver into curses, MoSt. 55, malum quod si di deaeque omnes
duint, s. 130, and so into questions illi quis 3295, Amph. 403. 592 602, 26, Aul. 429, etc., bout hiri times in ali Also in Cloe, Livy, Catul. XXIX. 21), etc. It Xpresse impatient angertili tho Eno. What the deuce nil elongs Xelusivel tocolloquia Latin.
2g3. hodie nate, as a form o addi eSS, 1 a parodympo B. 'Si esserendus to his birth-da in the precedin scene. 245. moramur, ,e Want Ou,' ei. J Iil. 759, tolle . . . , remoue. . . nil moror, don' Want them an longer, Bacch. 990 andoiten. The active meaning should recede the neuter in Harp. Lex. at east Dis the provail in sensu in Pl. se Langen, Bettr. 174 ff.2gB. The emphasis is on the past ense i fuit: nly one hocaii Servelim, notine ho has done So, exist for Ballio. 251 te uolo may be ither complet in iself, H want ou. a in Trin. 516 717, o ma referri Ballio's Word an mea te uolo ut Iuppiter perdat, as in Epid. 23 di te perdant i te uolo percontari, Mil. Glor. 287. Ballio tak0s them in tho latior sense an drepties in the fame Way, at ego uos ambos uolo ut Iuppiter perdat).252 IiCedi lutiet, seu 28 and note . 253. in . . rem 2 c. non licet ' i ut init is som0What quippiam to Four ad vantage may emo speah to ou 3 254. Ditere also in M. Curc. 112, Merc. 465, St. 608, ire, and
So perbit m pereo, interbit se intereo.
respicias, Se Spenget, Rei. P. 3 tuo S O in the mss., ut is required by the sen8 and the metre. - qui EA . . . qui is Sit. In
Pl. the indirect question a stili to a large extetit in the paratacticstage in generat, hei the contieetion etWeen eadin an dependent clauseris light, or hen the main thought is in the question hile the leading ver meret Serves as introduction, the in die. of th diruet quustion is retained. his is the case, especiali alter the impu. o verbs o saying, dic, responde, e)loquere, cedo, Indunde certain condition alter phrase equivalent to an impu. uolo Scire, fac sciam, audi)ὶ scin and a in classica Latin alter nescio
quis. Examplos of the in dic in the PS are , 18, 21, 191 330, 387, 408, 538 6 41, 657 693 696, etc. 264. From 243 to this pollit tho our actor move rapidi about
tho stago dancinito tho Bacchiac-creti measiares of the dialogue. Ballio an his lave appea tot tryin to escape rom Pseud. and Cal. though as Ballio' hous Was noli right fide, ex to the forum-entraneo, his involve a considorabie violationi stago illusion Ballio preten d not to recognig the thors 251, 262), ut this is vid senti mpant by l. asini a pretense. As Pseud Spe akSine ord cuin lucro tuo, Ballio Stops, and the violent actio comes
265. Roman custonis; poricio is the technical or for oldingo ut the en traiis of the victim. - interea loci, Mean hilo. Tho
Seu Madv. Gram grab9.273. qui agitur 'cis som0What les frequent than quid agis flandis osten sexto give opportunit for a literat ansWer, as here arid457. So quid agis hominem optumum teneo, Most. 719. Lor. elicona Pare Pers. 203-8, here compellabo, a literat replnto quid agis fand a parallel to 272 occur.
274. miSETEat, Si . . . Possim, a condition contrar to iaci. SoASin. 188, si ecastor nunc habeas quod des, alia uerba praehibeas
Nunc quia nil habes . . ., Bacch. 35 pol si mihi sit, non pollicear liscis, dares, Asin. 93, si sit domi, dicam tibi, Epid. 331, si hercle habeam, pollicear lubens uerum . . ., et S. 2l5, fatear, si ita sim, MOSt. 55, dicam, si confessus sit in ali these cases the conteael Proves that the condition aro uel as ould have the impi ors lupi subjunc in classica Latin Rothheimer, de nuntiatis condit Pi moti. 1876 p. 37, givos bout 95 cases rom L, ut he includes, e g. Ps. 4l5, 28, 11 and ther cases equali doubt-ful. It is clear, howovser, that this is a genuine early con Struction, and not meret a vivid substitution o tho pres for the impi.
276. Cin qui . . . ' Questions illi scin quid, quam, quo modo, ut and th in dic o Without dependent verb, generali have athreaten in or corrective effect an introduce a request o com
27B. atque, Se On 106 - qui uelis is a good illustration itho in and exton o variation hieli l. allowed imseli onmeta ical roundS. Aiter the impu. confer the in dic. oulda thousual ood se on 262- and i. 696 Aul. 70, loquere, quid uis, Curc. 5l7, 1 cases in all). ut the subjunctive also ould uallowable as an optative or potentiat 3 even ii the question ero
direct Havin thereiore two foris at his command Pl. Se uelis Where it fuit the verse, i. e. at the endii a Senar. O troeli Septen.
th tWent minae hicha promise duo u audin the da he promise it. the clauses quod . . . die precede uiginti minas the sumo mone is referre to by the neut sing. quod M. ut the textis uncertain; ieSSling, Lor rea quamquam id promisit diu. 2B1. The impers pudet, piget are uSed OccaSionali in Si perS., an are frequent in P With a neut sing. Pron. a Subjeci, MOSt. 284, 1l19, 1150, etc. The similarit in ior o pudet an piget gives poliat to the retort. i. 253, Trin. 315, o pudere quam pigere
praestat totidem litteris, Capt. 203, at nos pudet quia cum catenis sumus t at pigeat . . . Tum, Si . . . Timat.
2BS fuit, the origina quantity so Capt. 55, 33, Mil. 751 776, and Sp. at en o us fuimus Capt. 262 fuerim Mil. 1364, fuerit Asin. 782, in ali cases unde the ictus. 2B6. Si amatias, condition contrar to iaci. i. Rud. 379, quid
faceret i si amabat, rogas quid faceret 8 adseruaret . . . Men. 195, nam si amabas, iam oportebat nasum abreptum mordicus, Poen. 16, si properaba . . . oportuit, St. 130, nisi placebant, . . . non oportuit. A comparison o these passages illi Asin. 143 atque ea si erant, magnam habebas miribus dis gratiam, hoWs clearly that this is not a
simple condition in the Past. The apodosis, inuenires, is jussive subjunctive, as are the Ollo in verbs. 2BB. his suggestion has ire ad besen ad by s. himseli in 120 his indignant rejectioni it here is us bor rem artis, alitii fine characterigation finer indeed than is common in Pl. 29 O. ego . . . POSSim; hi forni Oi Xel amator question isto undisithe withi Without ne an implies the rejectioni a pre-vious SuggeStion. - FO Agon, Se Introd. Al. 293. Quom . . . uicteo; quom tali es the in die in Pl in causal clausos excepi possibi tW or three casus as et a in ali iniis o tempora clauSeS.2sq. roges the potentia idea O the subjunct. Whicli is essclearly teli in rei clauses alter a negative anteced in claSS. Latin,
is hero laint percepti ble. o Curc. 171, haud quidquamst magis quod cupiam, Bacch. 92, quid est quod metuas ' ei. 1). 295 quin, ,hy, Ptelloou, V almos adversative. Simila complaint abolit the difficult oi borrowin occur Pers. f., ita fomiser quaerundo argento mutuo, nec quicquam nisi non est sciunt
mihi respondere quos rogo, Trin. 761. 296in mens may be either a anher' counter ci mensarii,
tarpessitae, bankers V or a dining table in the alter sensu tsuggest satis poli insteadii a literat phrase, lavin inade pleia tyoi money. The neX vs gives the means by hicli ho moneyWas made, i. Curc. 37 i. habent hunc morem plerique argentarii, ut alius alium poscant, reddant nemini in ea S. 435, 12 Cas. prol. 26 8, there are ther attach upon the anher a lintriast orthydepositaries of money. Tahen in connection illi iv XXXV., 4l 9, iudicia in faeneratores eo anno 192 n. in the ea buiore the Pseud. a played inulta seuere sunt facta, this passage must mean 0 heres sine last year, heu those isti baiaher made moneyb iraudulent practices an retire from busineSS, the money mar-