장음표시 사용
132. Periuri CAPut, i scelerum caput, 446, 1051 and both o-gether Rud. 1098 also scelus, scelus uiri. The ense is ather essen et lying, incarnationi perjury, thau as in Lex.
SECON SCENE. - During the first partis this scene Calidorus an Pseudolus remali nea Simo' house Ballio comes ut of his own horis on the right sideo the stage illi a hi in his haud followed by a lave puer, 170 carrying the crumina As e speaks the rest Ord of the scene, the laves h have been at avor in the hous come ut an stan abo ut the dOOr, Ome of them stili holdin tho utensiis o tools hic the had been Sing. The cene is ne of the oughest an mos bruta in Pl. t primar intention is to exhibit the leno a the villain of the iece, o ad as orae bey0nd ali sympathy, ut no do ubi the horse-play the rachin O the whip the ho ut os Ballio and the contortions of the laVes, muSed the Roman populace Thescen is marked in ne uis Withis , and Was a cauticum in the Specia sense, performe Wit dancing and ut musteal accompaniment.133. male ConCiliati, cf. Trin. 856, melius . . . conciliauerit, Millhave ad a bellor argain,' Eun. 669, 3 odi, male conciliate, invoc. achere come ut, ni bad burgain. V S male uendere, emere, etc. ut male habiti is som0What les clear ordinarit it ould mean badi hept in poor condition, ' ut here apparently oibad disposition. V or comp. Cui c. 698. bene et pudice me domi habuit, an habitus, the noun is no rare in his ense. 134. numquam quiCquam quoiquam, colloquia exaggeration, Whicli ould suum to the hseare tot strongiliora sed by the similari tyos en dira g. S esp. in genera negations ei. 62l, numquam jmquam 73l, nec quoquam neque umquam 1018, numquam suemquam, Most. 25, umquam quicquam in question implyin negative, and osten. quicquam i nec of compas and extent. 135 actio EXemplum ei ad hunc modum, quemadmodum his explaine by a gestur With the hip. On quantity se Introd. 41. The constructior of the res of the s. is a litti peculiar; quibus, abi alter stiram a Verba notan rom utor se notem usus, 50); usurparila origina sense rom usus, mali ing fg etymol. illi usura Render of Whom no use an e made. 136. Ainos, generali referre to a type of stupidit so asineas term os reproauli), here beeauso i iis oughnes of hido magis
asinos in Stendis an adj in compar. a iis sor,hicli I have o been abierio in Mari X aut Parallel in Pl. - neque . . . numquam illi essee o a single Stron negative. So tuque . . . a Mi Bacch. 26,
1037, neque ego haud coimnittam, Pers. 35 Epid. 664, Men. Tl is conjecture), Ter Andr. 20b Epid. 32, teque nunc ubi sit nescio,
Cato, t. l. 66 Curc. 579 f., neque istas luas magnas minas non Pluris fucio u Mn . . . Mil. Glor. 14ll, iura te nociturum non esse
homini de hac re itemini, cf. 19 L .: Also in Properi. II. 19, 32. The usag Seem to belonito early and plebeian Latin Petronius , Willi imitations in Geli an Apul. Loren consider it a Greeli construction, a very improbabie explanation. Brix oti Men. 371 says that neque ad parti tost iis negative in iis connective force, Whiel dous no explain Mil. 11ll. The construction Seem to meto bearin iis face the evidetice of colloquia origin and to e of the Same genera natur a the lieni in ulmo adverbs o time or laeeand the doubling of the Degative in Englisti, ut leas in ali the cases
lupo commisisti, is referre tot Cic. Phil. III. 11, 27 as a commonSVili g, and is iam ilia in th N. T. 1gris brachet0 ou the round that the contrast etWeen thelook of the flaves and their rea character malles a rea in theconuectionii thought Goet Without bracheis.)143. nun acte generali marti a change ironi on subject toanother, and uiri ny introduce an emphati command o determination. So 185, 8J5 Men. 19, Mil. 159 Trin. 55, etc. Render, no then, no thereiore. V ectiCtionem, ais 172, Capt. 8ll, 823. Lor calis attention to the frequene o verbal in tio, si in the comedy. The eas With hicli the were formed hoWs theplastic conditionis the language, and the iaci that thuymiten taliuthe construction of the verb4hows that the were Stili et almostas a partii the Veri, cf. usura, 135).Lqq. The charige rom ut advortetis to res eaemouetis is attribute by Lor. to metrica nocessitS, ut i Alerc. 4581., quid illi quoidam, qui mandauit tibi, si emetur, tum olet: si ego emo illi, qui
mandauit, tum ille nolet 8 here emam ould O a Wellos emo. Also Mil. Glor. 936, . . . si eo sciam . . . Si hodie hi/nc dolum dolamus, quid . . . mittam ' As l. could Se ei ther res or ut in protas is
With ut in apodosis, he occasionali used both together. 1g6. periAtromata, covering ior in in colaches, ut the reasonior th0irisin callo Campanica is unknown. 14T. Thicli rugs illi figures o animal Woveri in to th fabricw0r fir sim ad in Alexandria, accordinii Pli ny H. N. VIII., 48 74 196. i. Stilli. 378 Labylonica peristroma et tonsilia tapetis, audo the comparison iis courged bach to picture os Epid. 625
and osten in vario iis comi WayS. - tonsiliari a Very unuSunt necent,
foundini in lyrica passages cf. 17 dicere 185 nomine and occasionali in tho fit si Ootii iamb. Senar. 14B. O th many metaphors in Pl draWn rom Roman publiclis cf. 579 1i non is more frequent than his se of prouincia, e g. 158, Capt. 156 158 St. 702, etc., perhaps ecause the wo foret gia provinces, Sicil 24 B. C., Sardinia 235, embodie in ome
voti need to e Warned, have to e rem inde l. ' - mCium, nec ofi liuoli in alter commonerier, cf. Stich. 58 moneatur . . . Dissicium olso here in Pl. and Ter Ont ne ut Pron. ut hoc, etc., niter moneo.
malum means generali in Pl. iunishment, V the lave' evit, and ironi this senserit paSses ver i ut curses, and finali into questions like quid malum . . . 212. 15O 156. The numbers attache to theso As indicate their
you that tris ust themthe way; V that is the Sentene uinciti . . . me ouldie subordinate to animati estis, and 151 Wouldae introduced by an adversativo parti cle. So Ritschb re ad uincere, and Goet essecis the sam thingi readiri ut animati for ita. I under-Stand the struetur to b paratactic, as in 137 f. an frequently in Pl. and in ali colloquia language. si ior omissionii adverSative
particle, Capt. 482-4, and on atque 106. - terginum, Pro Perly an adj. ironi the se i tergum, Hilde. V o apparenti in Lucit. XXIX. 38 M., sol hia dum saluo tergo a tergino licet. The materia of hiel the sco urge a made is also referre t in Trin. 10ll. fibuli cottabi MOSt. 882. 155. Em hould 0 distinguished romuli emotional interjectionhem an ironi the lateri interrogative en It is Properi the aec. of the de mons is, and in iis vario us and frequent,ses in Pl. atidTer. PreServe much o the demotis essech. It is sed mos irequently beiore sentences begirining illi emphati demonstratives. bl em, istis 526 em, ab hoc, 441, 890 em illic, illi sic a here, True. 631, With Word Oi time o direction, em nunc, Merc. 909, Men. 613, illi urbs, o mari the periormaticem the action, em desino, Adelph. 137, o to emphasire the demonstrative ense of the verb, Aul. 33, em tibi ostendo: eccas. Also frequently Qth the inis V.,
892, em . . . vide, MOSt. 333, em tene, illi nn accus of Xclamation
no dependentipon an omitted impub), 751, ein tibi omnem fabulam, em pateram, Amph. 778, em manum, Capt. 859, illi tib alone, Men. 1018, Curc. 195, 625, and occasionali alone, Capt. 70, aspice ad me. em. Brico Trin. 3 and sp Ribboch, Latoin Partili., Pp. 29'. Oileia, as here, to emphasige a low, speciali Pith
15 T. The D nain a vesset for dramin Water is mentione Rud. 413 467, 471, te. 15B. Cum se Curi Xaeti equiV. to qui urnam habes, O t an adj. oritu So osten, 593 967 l287, 1299, Capt. 203 cum catenis sum iis CauctiCali, forme by Pl rom audeae perhaps With id referene to auderim stich, loci head. V Lor. on 22 L. gives theradjj. of the fame form coine for comi esseet, emortualis 123T, esurialis Capt. 468, uapularis Pers. 22, comptionalis Bacch. 976, all
ample in Leg. S V. sino, II. A. -itictem pred. i estis frequently ita. 240 360, 657, sic 677, and iten, ut salis, bene male, Palam, frustra, et e. Draeg. I. 192. This sage, hicli is by nomenia confine I to pari Latin datos roni a limo When esse ad
concrete mean in and could tali an adv. like an other verb; tho PhraseS, nee formed continued in se iter esse ad econi amere copula. The ense here is, don' caro is it is duli so areati Dyou, and et I have to Se ou as et a I can. V or omnes Goet 1 ead plagis ; both Woriis are in the nis , andineti hem is a
16 O numqui is the old abl. of the indef. ci rei qui, 89), hereto XPres degre o disserenue illi minus, and num has the chal- longin tone hicli XPeet a negative anSWer A the negati vesin num and in minus mali an affirmative, tamen is sed a ii tho
Sentence containedio negation.
subjunct.162. leotiSterniator Vetr. λεγ., is apparenti directi ironi ecli- sternium, and as thi Word is Sed onlymi a religio u ceremony, thereis an intentional Xaggeration here a in 158. dein is Domin . exstruito has for obj otii Such Word a mensas, Men. 101, o cani
163. offenctam, find.V Xees Da ei cases of the litera sensu isti ille against V Cure 282 Poen. 483, ostendere means in Pl. and Ter alWay find, come Pon,' et ther illi Persona obj., Curc. 291, eos ego nunc si ostendero, or illi noui and te in here, Most 26. hocine modo hic rem curatam ostendet suam ' and osten. 16A. Lor. refers to a Similar ouSe-clean in in Stich. 347 . Where dotalis aro iveri and the Same technical Word are sed
nufe 707, at in the last syllabiem a compotin dieiores. ut forat thos the mss. give ornas illi , an genera considerations in-
didato that in his as in s many poliat the orthographyli the time
8έ8 Epid. 277, and in Apul, alWays of the bilye and not in con-n0etion illi a definite rice argento in Epid. a pretio here). Itilous not me an impi to buy, V a Lex. SayS, ut o agre tapon aprice, to mali one' own by an agreemen t pay to bargain for. Cf. Paul. Fest. p. 223 M , praestinare apud Plautum est praeemere, deSt, emendo tenere. i. Se i destinare Rud. 15 . mitiis triginta sibi puellam destinat atque arrabonem et iureiurando adlegat, me
agrees totu for a certain price, pay Partat ficthelai gain,' etc. LV is incorrect in seire, havinito the foui th oot quisl quum perit undat an no proper caeSura, ut o the Various conjecturestione is entiret Satisfactory. - puere Salven by the mss. in abolita doren places so here 241, 12, 249), is required by the stre in other places, and is supporte by quotation in the grammarians,
171. At quo qui has normali the in dio in L Trin. 91,
Sunt quos scis amicos SSe Sunt quos Suspicor, Sin. 232, S . . . quod
uolo loqui, Capt. 263 sunt quae . . . scitari uolo, Ps. 462 and iten. Ci quis est qui regulari With in dic. When est qui has the subjunct. it is ither iud0pondent i h relative jussive, optati ve), Trin. 3l0, est quod gaudeas, 160, est quod mihi suscenseas orcit is the be- ginning of the subjunct. o characteristic. 171. Blitus fui. Forms illi fui, fuse, etc. for sum est Oeeur in Pl. bout 2 times, esse in deponenis oblitus fui, Cas. V. 6 12, Merc. 8l, Amph. 457, Poen. 40, fueram Most 487, o to e distinguished in sense rom oblitus sum, Poen. 1l8 For ther X-
o the whole person tiam caput tuo uae tibi, and i. n. On aetaS,
1ll), is speciali frequent of the reein or urelias Oi a lave, e . g. 225 pro capite, Urior Our ireedom, ' andis Most. 211, 30 l. Here it suggest the iis ot eiuri to cari Dout the contrast. In 176 experiar is again the ea ling ver and credam sese n. on dicam 106)mustae supplied with uenti m. - ss. 176 and 177 may be catinseda anap. octon. With hiatus in the principat caesura. 179 i. The vocabular o Pt is ver ricli in term os endea ment, hicli are osten sed as here in great profusion. f. Poen.
365'. mea uoluptas meae deliciae, mea uita, mea amoenitas, meus ocellus, meum labellum, mea Salus meum savium, eun mel meum cor mea colustra, meus molliculus caseus. i. Cas. IV. 4, 14, 19,
Iun. 802, 79, Mil. 591 and belo 368. Also dehibuisti, Trin. 426,
1Bq. eo seemito referri ubi and to bring in the s. illi som0thingit adversative essect ou care for nothing ut in thatyou falli drown Oursetve With. Langen, Betti . , p. 147 saysthat adeo here is unitatelligibie it seeius to me to ad to the contrasting effect i eo ci Merc. δέ, ea linia adeo . . . uenit Butthe s. is qui te uncertatu in ex an mean ing. - quom is adver-Sative, ,hile. V1B5. factus optumum ut Neither factu nor the it claus is remarkable it optumum est, but the combination o th two is rare perhaps ut here and Aul. 582, nunc hoc milia factust optumum, ut ted auferam. - quemque, em for quamque In the feni. of the interrog. l. ho S a referen cecio quis quis haec, quis mulier, etc. though quae is also Sed The simple indes is more requently quam quae, ut in the compotand quisquam is the regulariem in Pl. an quisque is ound also Poen prol. 107 Hec. 2l6.
gen fornis ci ono an too instea the en O the posseSS., mei tui, nostrum, ostrum, the last Wo eiu nothinibu thumartygen in um ci deum, sestertium an no essentiali disserent romnostrorum, ostrorum. Sage graduntly eStriete nostrum, ostrum to the person pron. but in Pl. nostrorum, ostrorum an even thesem fornis are stili in usu. o pars ostrorum MOSt. 280, neutram vostrarum St. 141, quaeque nostrarum True. 252, uter OStrorum
1B9. This exaggerate descriptionis tho amountis grai in the poss0ssionii the dealers probabi alludos to att0mpis to corne thewheat marhet, hich two ears later, in 189 brough down a fineupon the frumentarii, Livy, XXXVIII , 35 5.
191. atque carries the folio in claus bach to fac, mahin it parallel illi si delatum in o goes illi V MDu citi troduc in the ut clausos iii l 92. The hole X Pression is ea reless, ut O beyondu hat is permissibi in conversation, and the attem picto emen d by substitutin usque sor atque Briae, Goet Z), or by omittin ut nitselii or ut ue Lor. Lang. are ni Partia remedies. 193. e denotin change is commoni USed alter esse, facere, reddere, e g. 32J, Tl 96J, 237, ut ei. St. 138, quin uos capitis
condicionem eae pes in prima rimul MOSt. 53. - regem Iasonem, notthe Argonautic hero, ho a Dot a type i,ealth, ut the tyranto Pherae in Thessaly, a successivi adventure like Agathocles,
194. From this pol ut to the nil o the scen the speeches givenii tho sex to Psoud arealven by Oet to Calid uni vice versa fur Cifer is ne of the mos frequent term o reproach in L satin satisne is sed abo ut 0 times in Pl u With the prop0rsenseti satis satin habes si satin est si ii 2, illi Veri,S, satin audis, 166, intellegis, scis, etc. at thes may be ansu eredi satis, an althave parallelisses in declarative Sentences But in qu0stions b)satis passes ver satis scio Would formo id ite tephto the mean in se reatly, actually, ' and satin ecomes almos an interrogative partiele so satin abiit ' Most. 76 has se actualty gono fi VPs. 32l Rud. 62, 1l93, Mil. Glor. 93, 462 999, etc. Transi. her don't ou se ho h is howin himseli ii 3 V ut theesse et oi nonne is no pro dueed by satis alone, i. Most 622195. han rem gere, atten to the matte in haud, ' o Men.
82b, satis iocalus nunc hanc rem gere, and ci the more Common hoc aste. 196. AeAChroctora Ἀωχροδωρa,in eoine nam for a meretriae,
apparenti no io uti in Greuli. 197. The wori lanii includes o only the ut hors ut also heopers of Sinai eating-houses here cooked me ais e re furnished. Ci Epid. 199, here lanienae se tabernae are mentioned amongother places o public resori There is a uia pon iure, ei ther illi iurando, an ath, ' or illi malo, poor broth, V an it is for thusa se of the puta that iurando is ut uiore iure and the ad . malo is