장음표시 사용
them tora a confirmationi Cal. 's Word i 295. 3O1. iE CAECA . . . Culata The ni explanation is fronas est. Paul. Ρ 79 oculatum Pro PraeSetiti posuit Plautus, cum
on credit an set for casti, ' ithout referen curio a risu or sal ofPriee - nos, Deo ut Se a legitimate transaction. 3O3. The e quinauioenaria o leae Plaetoria, o uti sertain dato, divid0 diligens into maiores and minores, and provide a curator for the minor, hoSe preSenee a neceSSarnior the mahin ota in lin contra t. 3OS. autem to Strengthen an Xelamator repetition ni hereati Amph. 901, inimicos . . . t heia autem inimicos ' ut more frequ0nt illi alliud exclamations ille pergin autem Amph. 39, Moro. 998 in Ter both se ure frequent. - Paenitet, iure ouno satisfie . . . 3V o tWay in Pl. paruviri uidetur, Don. nTer Eun. V. 6, 12 either With gen O With ind. quest , and osten illi negative Pam satisfied. i. Bacch. 1l82, satis satis iam uostris conuiui me nil paenitet ut sim acceptus, o Lam satisfiud, ithyour reception i me ther Xamplos in Harp. LeX. S. V. II. C,
ii unc ad amica in ueniis querimonias deferre.
310. Howe verae a be to thers), o far a I ut eas ameon cerne d hecis certaini de ad , heu he tallis lilio that. 311. ilico in-loco is more frequent in l. illi tempora than Mith locative sense, though the alter is ound viait, Se Introd. , 38. The ense is the emphati perfeci, ellano Kn in limufuit. 312. argentata has comi effeci; SilVer-plate our complainis When ou bring them to me. 314. The ni place in Pl. Where the Step-mother is alluded to, but the proverbia vi e v is evidenti ali eady in Ogue. In the laterpoetscit is frequent. - querere is in dic. the de is, ii in moneyii ou an me to isten to ou; Our resent Style o complaintialis on deat ars. ou re tali inito a regular Step-mother. V Lor. niter Pareus, nubio Lundet stantis it tot impu. something tho Q0achbour grandinother o uel eggs, i. e. ou might as elitry that. In ei thermas Ps. reat illa ni in diu in his reply. 317 euoluere is no io uni else here in Pl. Dor in the Fragm. Com , ut Wice in Ter ani sive times in the Fragm. Trag., Mithpersona objeci, illi consilium, dicta, or illi eae an abl. It is a
serious Word sed here V illi argentum for comi effect render insold, disclose, elaborate.
So illi qua laus Cas. II. 5, 1 Capt. 563 Without qua clause, but vitii subjunct. potential a here, Asin. 99, iubea una opera me
piscari in aere, MoSt. 259, tina os era ebur atramento candefacere postules, Men. 91, 796. In 223 and Men. 25 in ut clauso una opera
means at tho fame time, lihewiso, V m eadem opera, Phicli never
319. laotitius mus; be an abi instrumental, a the dat. illi alligare is soland ni in ver late Latin lactis agninas are men-
32 O. Alcino is emphati an repudiatin like hicine, etc. Istha the way Jou thanti me . . . N321 se Oi a round Dumber also Trin. 166, Cist. II. 1, 13. For aliquos ci 283. ne Encta is loosely attache to the preced- in clause, hiel in a simila loOS Way Suggest uolo to e supplied rom uis , ut Deither claus has adustuue far 0yon thseparatacti Stage. 325. qui iam 2 astis for a re ason an is folloWed by an explanation illi quia 953 11 42, and iten quid ais ' so GoetZ iollo ingra refert in backWard ascit ould here, is tollo ed by astatementis iaci, ut neveri quia . 32B. i. Capt. 862 t. iube . . . agnum adferri . . . t cur il ut sacri ices. quo deorum it mihi hercle: nam ego nunc tibi sum
agninis to mali it fuit the nexi s. Ritschi proposed mininis used by Ball. a ii rom mina alia, ut undet stoo by Cal. to mean lambS. OetZ ad n erit. Suggest crumillis millis. The dissi-cult with both is that mina means an id bald sheep, Varro R. R.
IL, 2 6, minam, id est uentre glabro, Bacch. 1129, uetulae sunt ni inae ambae, o tW old en, Merc. 21, ouem tibi illam dabo, natam annos eaeaginta passage is nown hicli it connec mina or
331 s. Pseud is entiret sceptica in rogari io Ballio' statuments and in the fortia i an assent to the orde o Cal. ho intimates ilia Hall. deserves a loggin rather han a Sacrifice. So the
Where the executionera livei and laves ere unished lanios, properi bulcher to hil the victim, ut also ior carnu sices tintin- nubulis, belis noli neclis of the victim and the chain to indBallio. greges uirgarum, the rod are the victim to e sacrificedon the altarii Ballio' baeli For eadem se opera), i the Same
am dum interdum, nondum uiae lum, primumdum, and Ven eliodum
ausculladum, of Whicli ni agedum is found in classica Latin Itis almost,ithout time-iorce, like Engi. Umow, then, ' in similar
339. uiuo uiuam. This fori of the A. etymol. oecur agatu508, memor meminit 940, tacitus taceo, Poen. 906, Epid. bl to thomodern ear it soland fiat, like a rhymo by repetition Pa ord, ut to the Roman steliniit videnti add to the force aud livselinessos the expression frugi is a predicative dati Ve, lihe curae, saluti, usui 30β) whicli, like cordi, cam by frequentis to e an indecl. adj. In l. the change is not complete, and frugi as a noui talies the ad j boliae, Capt. 956 Asin. 602 Cure. 52l Trin. 32J, etc., also Cic. Att. IV. 8, hicli ho A that the sag Survived in col
3go uerum Aerio, tu in ober earnest,' so Amph. 855 dic
tor repetition o non habeo, 32 f. though the formalit o 340givos it somethingit questioning orce. 3g3. quomocto, hoW3V has Wo distinc sensus in Pl. It is used ii nemotionali a in 720, implyin a repetitioni the leadingverbi or emotionalty in the alter case the ea b ii expressed is a verbii sayin in the Peri. quomodo adiurastis Most. 183 q. diaetis
colloquia for hat id ou Say V quomodo like scin quomodo 'is otten corrective an tollowed by a threat. Her Cal. intenda quomodo in the secon Sense hat o o mean ' and Ball. ans ers in firs sense, as ii quomodo uendidisti Ci. Amph. 1023, Poen. 851, 891 and note on 273.
343. Sine ornamentiA. An Xtru priue a somelimes palesior
- quantum hominum This partit gen Plu With neut Sing. Sirequent in Pl. e . oen. Prol. 90, homini . . ., quantum hominum terra sustinet, acerrumo Merc. 663, Capt. 36, etc. animi a favori te
construction illi Catullus III. 2 IX. 10, V. 13, XIV. 7, VI. 15,
823, Epid. 703 Truc. 935, Bacch. 561, 856 Men. 283, 375, Sin. 421, 425, 426 Capt. 703 Cas. II. 2, 4, Pseud 489, 976, 1227. Itdoe Dot appea tot connecte directi With the origina negative
102, 211, Capt. 19, Mil. Glor. 3b, and speciali ruid.
12ll-26. 359. Tho figur in inger mala is explaine by on on Ter. And. IV. 1, 16 quasi tela ita dicit se ingesturum mala, o Men. 717, Bacch. 875 - ctifferam tear to ieces, distraui,' a frequent sensu in Pl. Whicli appears to e colloquial. i. Cist. II. 1, 5, eaeanimor, feror, di feror, distrahor, diripior, and iten, ither illi patiatu or pluasurabie emotionS. 36O-365. his series of abusive term is the longest in Pl. Some of tho rordes, sceleste, inpudice, furcifer, periure fur, re Οmmon, ut bustirape an sociqfraude re found ni liere, an arevery lihely coine by l. The composui se an variset os Ballio's
372AE. Tho ordor of tho seniserico is fr00, ach thought eing expressed ascit comes iamin tho in Without attemptis puriodie structuro 371 is parenthetic, and the nisi clauso is thereiore se pented in si id non adfert note the caretes substitution o si non for nisi and of pres for ut peri. 3Tq. Aiout introduces in acie cases an explanation no thoenuse Oi a revious Statoment, s. nam S Epid. 271 f.
nunc occasiost faciundi, priusquam in urbem aduenerit, sicut i qs hic aderit, a Will b here to-morrom, ou know. V o PoS-
375. oAE opinor faeter exprossus tho indissereno os Ball. to the Sacredues of his promisse. - omotum is usu in Pl. ni in iis origina sons unction, that hi licit is natura for no i do in vie of his conditioni character. it icth ossicium os a good
flaveri care for his master' interest, 1101, iis ad flave t runaway Asin. 380, quin tuom officium facis ergo ac fugis an osten), of a leno or senario defraud here an Asin. 173), i a Windler tos in ille, l3, etc. i. Pus, 140, meum tuom, My Way, ' Trin. l23 445. his is no a colloquia degeneration, ut the earliestani prope Sense, an Should come irest in Lex. 377. operae . . . Ait I ad timet; o Mil. 252, occupatast; operae non est True. 883, Operae mi ubi ei it, and osten, apparenti a
predicate partit gen Roby II.,4 1280,1283, ahes it a pred dat.
With malus, callidus, etc. his is a colloquiali stan use Dot anearly menti ing.
3B6. uigilana ctormiat, ris hali-asleemin the day-timo. Thumore frequent lagitans somniat, Amph. 697 Men. 395 Capt. 48, has dream Whil hucis aWahe. 'cis u8edii ne ho mahes absurdmistahes, an in connection illi delim menta loquitur, Sanan es ' etc. 3BB. Dis iterar to go ver it Wice. V iterare means uo goove in ord What has been done or is to e done in auis, ' and so, on the ne an simply to teli, ' Cas. V. 2, 5, dum mea facta uero, Sin. 567, tua male facta iteram, on the ther haud it in De repent a stor Whicli has been tot betore, V Amph. 211, Poen. 921 and in his sense a be Strengthenedi bis iterum, cf. Propere celeriter, repente subito. Langen, Bettr. 282 f. For thodestruction o stage illusion in the resti the S. cf. 720 . Cas. V. 4, 27, Poen. 920 s. 3B9. orare in dicere is ver frequent in L, Sp. illi bonum, aequom. i. Orator, Spenker,' an Aen. X. 96, talibus orabat Iuno. The meaning to eg, ray, ' hicli predominate in classical Latin is in g0nera iis in Ter . , ut i jus coming up illi pron. ne ut nec in i l. 39O-392. These Vss. re put in parenthesis to indicat that theywer adde When the play a represente a Secon time, by omeon Whomotice the iaci that the person hom Cal. reatly brings 694 i. is not an astutus, doctus, callidus, i. e. a trichy lave, buta personat triend. For the sense, ei Trin. 1 f. sunt quos Scio esse
amicos, Sunt quos suspicor, sed tu e amicis certis mi es certissumus.
THΙRD CENE. - Calidorus Des o tomar the market, The soli loqu os Ps. ho v that he had n plan in min&When mala in his confident promise totaL his is almos invariabi the case in the labrs, and the suddennes With Whicli the plo is halched is an essentia part of the comedy.
397. gutta Certi consili, in dro os fixed plan, aut the figuredoes no occur elsewhere in L Epid. 554 guttura pectus ardens mi
a. ersisti is Ome hat titillar, an Luer. IV. 1000, has Veneris
39B. The word in brach et a re a glos eXPhinator of the Si tuation the were introducet in to the ex by the error i a copyist, and hau cro dedi ut the prope enilingit the s. his musti avo containe illa ordis Pon hicli argenti depended lik inueniundi ulla spes adest Rit. O nummus usquam gentium Bugge Lor. . 399. Xorctiri is the technical Word ior attaching certain thr0adsto the wars beiore eginia in to eave, hi te deleaeere means to ,eave off, to eave to an nil that illiso uitravol. V i. id do orat. II. 38, 158, ante XOrsa et potius deleaela, in arguments
mon place in modern literaturo.
go si . The sentence S loosely ut together quasi Whicli is not confine in Loo imaginar comparisons introduces quaerit an reperit, then the dea Seem to nee turther clearingi and 403 is ut in parentheticallyrio explain What is meanti Usuehingwhat dodsi ' sex is and findiniit in spite i iis ot existing. Bythis time tho ad that the Sentence egari illi quasi is o obscured that the main thought is introducei Without an correlative loquasi or ather the whol idea i 01- is ut ries in uno ego poeta fani, and What ould have been the main claus follows in ει iginti minae, etc. To ut ut 403 Kie88ling, Lor.), is to tali out th idea hiel thre the sentenc into confusion, Without reatly
removin the confusion. gog minae . . . inueniam. i. Trin. 137, ille, qui mandauit, eaeturbasti eae aedibus, Curc. 296 f., tum isti qui ludunt serui scurrarum in uia et diatores et faciores omnis subdam sub solum for istos seruos more frequently the nee for nom. Cui c. 4l9. Sed istum quem quaeris