장음표시 사용
HEXANDRIA MONO GYNIA. Conostylis. 12. Corymbus dense multiflorus, lanato- tomentosus. Flores extus albo-lanati, intus flavi. Pedicelli longitudine forum. Corolla 6-fida : laciniis oblongis acutis, 3. interioribus vix angustioribus, superne glabris fusCO- luteis, inseriae densissime lanatis : pilis plumosis aureis. Filamenta 6. filisormia, glabra, corollae vix bre-Viora. Antheriae ovatae, erectae, aurantiacae. Germeu SuperUID, Subrotundum, glabrum. Stylus subulatus,
3-partibilis, longitudine filamentorum. Stigma Simplex.
This singular and beautis ut perenniat I discoveredabout the year ISO5, and Considered ii as a species of Argolasia os Iussieu or Lanaria of Aiton, untii Ihad the opportunity of seeing Mr. Brown's Prodromus, in whicli the genus Conostylis is the nearest ofany genus I know, though it even differs stom that genus materiai ly by the germ being almost entirely Superior, and not half inserior. D3. ALETRIS. Gen. pl. 579. Mich. l. amer. I. p. 189. I. A. floribus pedicellatis oblongo- tubulosis, corollis fructiferis laeviusculis farinosis, soliis lato-lanceolatis mu-
A. farinosa. Wilid. Sp. pl. 2. p. lS3. Icon. Plusi. amalth. l. 437.f 2. B0t. mag. 1418. In dry graves ly woods, on the fide of hills : New En- gland to Carolina. V. June, July. v. v. Flo erawhite, in a long spike ; known by the name of Slar- grass or Colic-root; the last name, frona iis beingconsidered an excellent remedy in that digease. 2. A. floribus subsessilibus breviter tubulatis subcampanulatis, corollis fructiferis rugosis scaberrimis, foliis lanceo
294. AGAVE. Gen. pl. 582. I. A. acatalis, herbacea; soliis Cartilagineo-Serratis, scapo simplicissimo. Willa. Sp. pl. 2. p. l93.
On the rochy and sertile banks of ri vers : Virginia toCarolina. .. July. v. v. Flowers greeniSh-yello , very fragrant. 295. PHALANGIUM. Tournes. Iuss. gen. pl. 59. 1. P bulbosum ; scapo foliis gramineis multo brevioribus, spica pyramidati, bracteis convoluto-amplexantibus obtusis, seminibus subglobosis laevigatis.-Mich. s.
saffron-coloured; seeti blach. 2. P. bulbosum ; scapo foliis linearibus carinatis longiore, spica racemosa, bracteis linearibus, petatis 5. adSCeddentibus : infimo deflexo, stigmate ObtUSO. On the ut per part of the Missouri, neu the Rochymountains. M. Lewis. V. June. v. s. in Herb. Lewis. Flowers large, pale blue. Bulbus tunicatus, subrotundus. Scapus Simplex, nudUS, CreCtUS, tereS, glaber, pedalis et ultra. Folia radicalia, pauca, longe linearia, SUbtUS Carinata, glabra,
semiunciam lata. Flores spicato-racemosi, bracteati. Bractem marcesCentes, solitariae, lineareS, membranaceae. Pedunculi Solitarii, unifori, teretes, bracteis breviores. Corolla marcescens, insera, hexapetalo- partita. Petala subsequalia, lineari-lanceolata : quinque adscendentia : sextum deflexum. Filamenta Subulata, aequalia, petatis breviora, ad basin petalorum inserta. Germen trigonum. Stylus longitudine corollae, subclavatus. Stigma obtusum. Capsula Sub- rotundo-triquetra, 3- locularis : loculis Polyspermis. Semina oblonga, nigra.
It deviates from the character of Phadongium in somerespeCis, particularly in iis ascending petais, but notsumciently to give materiais to frame a Ue genu S. This plant is known among the Datives by the name Quamash, and the bulbs are caresully Collected by them and bal ed belween hol stones, when they aS- sume the appearanco of bahed pears, and are of an
HEXANDRIA ΜοNO GYNIA. Phalangium. agmeable gweet iaste. They form a great part of their Winter stores. Though an agreeable food to Governor LewiS'S party, they occasioned bowel complainis is eaten in any quantity.
hot. mag. 15O5.1. N. racpmo interdum interrupte spicato laxo, bractea una caulina pedicellum amplexante, altera inferne pedi- cellari paleaceo-setacea, lana filamentorum brevissima. Ker l. C.
In boggy sields and woods, ora the pine-barrens of Ne Jersey. V. Jurae, July. v. v. Flowers yello . Itapproaches very near to N. Ossifragum, and is oralydifferent in the siluation os iis bracteas, whicli nice distinction was very ingeniolasty observed by Μr. Ker. For a considerable time I considered this plant to beN. glutinosum os Michaux; but the close investigationos Μr. Κer on this subject has convinced me of hav-ing been in an error. Vid. Bol. mag. I 5O5.
umbellatum flamentosa. angustifolia.
1. L. soliis sparsis lineari-lanceolatis, caule unifloro, corolla erecta, petatis longe unguiculatis margine undulatis apice reflexis. IV illa. v. pl. 2. p. 86. Mall. I.
Car. 259. L. spectabile. Salisb. icon. rar. 5. t. 5. L. carolinianum. Liam. encycl. 3. p. 554. Icon. Calesb. car. 2. t. 58. Bot. mag. 259.
In lo sandy meadows: Virginia to Carolina. N.
2. L. λ foliis sparsis lineari-lanceolatis, caule Unifloro, Corolla Campanulata cernua, petatis erectis sessilibus spathulato-obovatis obtusis intus planis. on the head-waters of the Missouri. M. Lewis. V. May. υ. s. in Herb. Lewis. Flower Pale yello ;stem about ten inches high.
This doubiful species is at first sight more related tos ritillaria; but the style, whicli is the tength of the
petais, with an obtuse Stigma, associates it more Closely
NEXANDRIA MONO GYNIA. Lilium. a. L. soliis sparsis lineari-lanceolatis : supremis 4. 5. Ferti- Cillatis floremque subsequantibus, caule stabunt floro Subalato- pentagono, pedunculo lanato, Corolla erectatUrbinatO- patente extus floccoso-lanata, laciniis infimis Ovali- lanceolatis. Ker in bot. mag. 872. Icon. Catmb. car. 3. t. S.
On the mountains of Pensylvania and Virginia. V. July, Aug. v. v. Flower Scarlet, yello at the basemith dark spois. Resembles L. bulbiferum very
4. L. soliis sparsis linearibus brevibus: supremis verticillatis pedunculis brevioribus, floribus 3-5. Umbellatis erectis, petatis recurvo- patentibus subaequalibus ovatO- oblongis subunguiculatis. L. ConColor. Parad. Dnd. 47 λOn the banks of the Μissouri. M. Lewis and Nulluli. V. July. v. S. By ali appearance the plant found by the above genti emen, among the Μandan nationon the Missolari, appears to he the Same with the orae figured in the Paradisus Londinensis; the flowers arctos an unifortia deep scarlet colour, and are highly ornamentat. 5. L. foliis verticillatis lanceolato-linearibus, caule subbifloro, Corolla erecta Campanulata patente, petatis lanceolatis unguiculatis.-Wilia. sp. pl. 2. p. 9O. Icon. Mili. ic. t. I 65. f. I. B0t. mag. 5 I9. In w dg and meadows : Canada to Virginia. V. Gly, AUg. v. v. Flowers large, scarlet, yello near thebottom, With darh red spois ; most generalty it is found with only one flower, but somelimes even With three
6. L. soliis remote verticillatis lanceolatis tri nerviis, subtus ad nervos sub hirsutis, pedunculis terminalibus elongatis plerumque ternis, corollis cernuis turbinato-campanulatis recurvo- patentibus, laciniis lanceolatis.-Wili f. V. pl. 2. p. 89. Icon. Calesb. car. 3. L Il.s . B0t. mag. S . β. Bot. mag. 858. On mountain meadows : Canada to Virginia. d. July,
7. L. soliis plerumqua verticillatis cuneato-lanceolatis seu obovalibus enervibus glaberrimis, ramis floriferis crassis
superbum. lanceolata. Ianceolalum. HEXANDRIA ΜONO GYNIA. Lilium. ternato-terminalibus, floribus reflexis, corollis revolutis.-Mich. . amer. l. p. l97. L. Μartagon. mali. . Car. 123.
In sertile meadoru grounds : Lower Virginia and Carolina. V. June, July. v. v. Resembles L. Martagon Very much ; 1lowers larger and maculated. S. L. soliis lineari-lanceolatis tri nervilius glabris, inferioribus verticillatis intermediis duplo longioribus superioribus Sparsis, floribus racemoso-pyramidatis reflexis, Corollis revolutis.-Wilid. sp. pl. 2. p. 88.
In low Copses and swamps, on blue clay soli: Canada toVirginia. V. July, Aug. v. v. The most Statelyplant of this family in North America; the numberand elegance of iis floruers are astonishing. Ι have, in
graces ut inaniter in forni os a chandelier.
300. FRITILLARIA. Gen. pl. 559.
1. F. caule solioso 1-2-floro, foliis lineari-lanceolatis obtusiusculis : inferioribus verticillatis, petatis lanceolatis. Lilium canaschalcense. Wrlid. Sp. pl. 2. p. 89. On the head-waters of the Missouri and Columbia. M. LewiS. . July. v. s. Flo ers dark purplewith brown SPOtS. In the tentii volume of the Linnean TransactionS, A. B. Lamberi, Esq. in his account of the Pallasian Herbarium, has gi ven an excellent figure of this plant, and
301. ERYTHRONIUΜ. Gen. pl. 562.
1. E. petatis lanceolatis basi dilatatis obtusiusculis, germine subgloboso, foliis lanceolatis. E. Dens canis. Mich. s. amer. l. p. I98. In WΟods, near the roots of old trees, and on ille banksos rivuleis: Canada to Virginia, and on the Missouri.
longo, foliis lineari- lanceolati S. on the Kooshoos hv. M. LewiS. V. Μay, June. v. s. Flowers double the Sige of the preceding, and of a pale yello COIOUr. 302. UUULARIA. Gen. pl. 56O. Mich. f. amer. I. p. I98.1. U. soliis persollatis ellipticis obtusis, corolla Campania lata intus scabrata, antheris cuspidatis. -- Wilia. Sp. pl. 2. p. 94. Smith Gol. b0l. I. 95. U. persoliata minor. Mich. . amer. I. p. 199. Icon. Smilh l. c. t. 49. In Shady Woods, among roclis, in ricli vegetable mould Canada to Carolina. V. Μay, JUne. v. v. Flowers pale yello . 2. U. foliis persollatis elliptico- oblongis obtusis basi undulatis, corolla basi attenuata intus sCabrata, antheris Cuspidatis. Smith ero f. bot. l. p. 97. t. IO. Anonymos pudica. mali. f. Car. 123. Icon. Lot. mag. 955. Smith l. c. In sh ady woods, in sandy soli : New Jersey to Lower Carolina. V. Μay, June. v. v. Flo ers larger than No. I, of a deeper yello . 3. U. foliis persollatis oblongis acutis, petatis intus laevibus, antheris obtusiusculis, nectariis sub rotundis. Smilhezol. bot. I. p. 99. t. 5 l. U. persoliata major. Mich. . amer . l. p. 199. U. lanceolata. Willa. Sp. pl. 2. p. 94. Icon. Corn. Canad. t. 39. Smith l. c. On sh ady hilis, in fertile soli, and among rocks : Canadato Carolina. V. June. v. v. Flowers larger than theother species, of a beautiful yello N. The V lanceolata of the Hortus Kewensis is the fame with Dr. Smitti's V. grandi folia, according to specimens in the Herbarium os A. B. Lamberi, Esq. 4. U. caule glabro, foliis sessilibus lanceolato-ovalibus subtus glaucescentibus, corollae laciniis planis intus laevibus, capsula stipi tata. ilia. U. pl. 2. p. 95. Ιcon. Smith Gol. bot. l. p. IOI. t. 52. BOt. mag. 14O2. In sh ady woods: Canada to Carolina. d. May, June. v. υ. Flo ers pale yello . 23I
5. U. caule puberulo, foliis subamplexicaulibus ovalibus basi rotundatis utrinque concoloribus, corollae laciniis acutis intus laevibus, capsula seSSili. -Mich. l. amer. I. p. I99. On the mountains of Carolina. Micha uae. V. in . Resembles the sol egoing species ; nowers larger. 303. STREPI OPUS. Mich. l. amer. I. p. 2OO. 1. S. glaber; foliis amplexicaulibus, pedi cellis solitariis medio distorto-geniculatis. Mich. l. amer. I. p. 2 . Uvularia amplexifolia. Wilia. v. pl. 2. p. 93. Ιcon. PL rar. hunR. t. I 67. In shady woods: Canada to Pensylvania on high mountain S. V. May, Juve. v. v. Flowers greenish-yelle , the fige of Convallaria nifalis. 2. S. glaber lucidus ; soliis amplexicaulibus serrulato-ciliolatis, antheris brevibus bicornibus. Mich. s. amer. I.
p. 2Ol. Icon. Mich. l. c. t. 18.on the high mountains of Carolina, Pensylvania, and in
3. S. subcandicanti-lanuginosus ; soliis sessilibus basi sub- cordatis acuminatis, pedi cellis in brevissimo stipite geminatis. Mich. l. amer. 1. p. 2OI. On the high mountains: Ρensylvania to Carolina. V. June. v. v. Flo ers large, yello ish-green ; berries