De vita excellentium imperatorum

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 208페이지


분류: 전쟁



v RAP. l. is extraction, an private an imNio character. II., is appianted thoonduci an expinmion agitast Corcyra: ne increare in fleet Xerxes inviae Gree e and the Atheniana betata themselves to their ahim. III. Thera ue o Thermopylas ta The naves evagement at Artemisium . Iv. Xerxesbum Athenari Themistocles opposea, Misy an alone, theptans o his infimis countrymen, Mad the ther Greehs and by falas information induce Xerxes is agar die aula ofSalapsis V. Again by false information, Themistocles, Greece of the Barbarian. I. y the advice of Themistocles, in Athenians buit uimpori Pirhus, and evicto repula thematis of the cid Env of the Spartans, and their attemptrio sto the rebulldiis of Athena Themare demate hae a crastyplanis Themistocles, and the cit is rettulit VII. The pq Iof this man. VIII. Through in fear an suspicionis the Ain nians Themistocles a banished by the ostraciam, an Medis refuge sto plane to place. IX lver o Artaxerxes. X. His interviem min, prymises o, and re arta rom, in hii :Ηis de e F. Neocli. The proper genitivo ii vem . variations of this hindare mund in parti armases in Aohilli is nometimes ut

lage o Attica, notiar fro Athens. The inhabitanis of Attica



15. Sine extingetra Construction: eam posse non extingui, sine, M. vis. Celeriterque reperie M. Construction V sve re erigerreperiebat ea, quae rem, O S. The antecedent is osten under-

Id. Maxim peti Arione ciuem iamia M.' IN I revinatim quo satirae: ,hither that a me tendedor potnted. i. e. What it designestinoiadae done. I. Eum enim ligneum liter ly for that mas signi dby the go a the, den mali: ' Crether, for that reas inem den mali, Me ma signified by the Dd. Many ho ever, mouid construeat inmeither of these Ways; ut theraret is dictared by the or Cor the wo da, and the secondis the fame idea expres es in Miter vigilia Thebas agoria recommende toine student' attention, a many auehimur II 2 Classiariis A the marines. d. 'in proelio dia demerant f them thesee Ra an quia

contest. . ta



trom in position. Eodem refers to Themistocles. 2. Cretiorem rem fecit This means more than merebrio inform, or appriete; a it implies that minabere inhen to dotat; and vae rendered, Sint tam ordir Ostire him. It is ostenusad of one' self eertiorem senecto reo pians toruscertain.' B. diei that it Nas in agitation, that exertions Nere m-ing. This is a peculio phrase in pronom id has no antece

12. Post hominum memoriam. his clause qualiues mimo: tacere est Aeet, since in memor of man.' Id quum......uterent- Forsince in Phalerea port vhlehine Athenians made use of Masraeline large nor good. See note re p. Io l. 21. Many suc Simple Sentencec cur, Which

is. Praeci inperimis Stio sit his oWn particular perit.'2I. Nume, vortere, c. ere, reo en that it is necessarnis have a thing, is used tam to amrm that it Nas necessa notato haverit. Dimimisso ossim the numine and the neue aiive partis negarentishould hereae transferred to haberi or toiugam; thus, ahe might assim or maintain that it Nas neces-- that any id hould notabe ad i. e. that no citcshouldhe had Myon in Peloponnesus. A simitur expressioni occurs



ple vere.16. Apud eos metuendit. Not contende Wit inem,' ut 'o- fore them; orbather complaine to thain. mae, in the neri clause, means in Ephori a this pronou refers to the personsor ining Iast mentioned.IT. Illos viros mittere Constructiom illos mittere homos,

Is Gestus est ei mos complianceri yielded in him. Morem

gerere, reo comply. 25. Athenienses fuisse. Construction Athenienses, ratio consilio Susisse muris mos miliarum que patrios eos, Penates,(quod possem sacrae communi jure gentium sui Mesene quoreo facilitia defendere eos in hoste neque eo mirae, quod ea et inmiti Graeciae.- quo facilius. See note i p. d, l. 13, D. 52 sexta id potius induerentur, quod, c. ho ad their ve


live pluria, ut the singular of the tiar deciension, neuter Mnder Argos, gen Argeos or Argia, as in line 13 belom. Gree novns of tho inir deciension,idne osten met Nith in this mori.

II. Crimine: accusationis indiciment 'IS si tuere r. Monstruction: ut inemetur se ereptum

quo eo inviore resigione See note re p. d, I. 13, 2 . e mone this mord is sed by Nepos to signi good aith, res

means os subsistence.' In navem ascendit embarhed o boardi hip.

M. tibi esse perrendum. Gr. R. XXXII. No. I.. m. Diem noctemque da and a night, or da an night.'Tho formosis in more probabie since in thera ter sense, inemuria is more common.


B, Gratiam rem a Gratiam referre, to express thania hyactions ' iam hiarae, to enteriain sentiments of gratitude; gratias gere, to expres thanhs by morta. . Proximus erat, Di note is p. s,l. Is Id. Ipse l. e. ego ipse esse coepi.' In the teri, ipse thoum here in theriirat person, is mentali referre to coepit at the end.I6. Eum certiorem feci. Me note is p. 12 l. 2. cogi. Se note in p. 12, t. 3.23. Colloqui, and also loqui, re osten used actively, i. e. Withan accusative, an may be rendered by the semiliar expressionis tale re; ut the ablative is more conunon thus, eo quia Psid, o de aliqua re. m. Litteris semotaque Persarum: totae incis reae anda in the Persia language. The litera meanin is obvious, binthiaris in sense in Engliah. 28. A d Regem. Not cum rege: the lauer meam meheia in personiab; ut in former, at thesia ce of thesine, atrae hi,' emri familiarly, ut the hiu's. Apud rem in French,

III. ARISTI DES.I. Publi character an singular rectitude of Aristides: Ηisbanishment an recati. II m Mad the Athenians at thebatile o Plataea, ruris in commaend regether Wit Pausanias the Spartan in the batues the Grecia fleet against Mardonius; and procures the achnowladment, cal Greece of the superiori of Athens ver Sparta. III. The publio confidenre 'him: His poveri and destin. 18. trectarunt timem se his vere is generaticum in a



-hichris heres e neuter. Me Gr. R. LVII. under oba. 2.23. Tes Zam. See note re p. id, l. 6. M. Qui quidem, Q. The Euthor refers to the hi ricia fac moabruptly Η supposes Aristides tone presentit an assembl of theseopte in the forum, to perceive that in stelings of the ple cannot be appeased, andri, an in actis retiring eedemque .

5. Seacto fere anno, quam: i. e. post quam Post an ante ITare osten omitte besere etiam in expressiona o time, Where noambiguit movidae occaala d. et Autem. Me note in p. 8, I. M. 13. AEquitatis comid.' sed of the manners, an implies auchia domo assume a superioriv, but achnowledge an equalid. Is nam emaneae flaughtinere. It is in opposite, o v isa, and meam devotis an merbraris mannera. 22. Qvo Dessiva. Me noterio p. d, l. 13. U. M. Ad es res constitueret Construction: Aristides inmisceat, qui constitueret quantum mutaue quaque ciuesta dare ad

M. Volverunt. Me note re p. 13, l. i

I Bis character an exploila Ee conquere Mardonius, and arrogantly senta a tropho Delphi II in ambition indareret vereones, is recalled, tried an taed. III., retumst in arm of his ob accord; asumes the via equipage;

haves it great haumtineas is recalle by the a tala fine Ephori is thrown into prison; ut is set at liberi formant of pro . IV. II ab ecthe confidem o Argilium; hobetrus iam to the Ephori Thela plavit malae iam botrachim


23. Grama the considerate pruden .'28. Nefas. Me note is p. I, l. 15.2s. Eo in index eo vit, c. i. e. a Urio preserve his lise, for,hic hebas in ea sto Pausanias me temples of thogod Nere an inviolabis refuge, as it Was in greates impiet tolaylanda ovione Wholad fled init r. II. In itinere, quum jam in eo raser, ut eomprehenderetur in Ithe way m n e mas justis the potat o Minctahun. See note tos et, i. m. Then construe iste exit e militi, M. Is Magno natu: great age. Gr. R. VII. Obs. 2.23. CUM .datis Construction: Quum nonnulli dirarento mirae corpus evitia mortui inferri eodem, quo hi illati sunt, Di, e

I. Cimon' hard fortune in early life stom hie heras relieved by his sister and wise Elpii ire. II. e mon aiecomes popular an is made a commander Severat of his expiuit areenumexalad. III. Thmum enu in Athenios binis iam tennara by the atrariam; of Which, homever, thecam repent, an recal him in negotiate a pere betmeen them and the Lacedaemonians , an dies on an expedition against Cyprus. IV. Regret of the Athenians: Instances of Cimon a liberaliband beneficenm.


ido NOTES.

S. Sororem germanam note re p. I, l. 12.2. Eodem patre natas. The Athenians mere orbidde tomara sistera by the fame mother, ut notathos by the fame

8. Ηviva ramve cum a Constraretion evitas conjugii hujus. viva means apinice, an is govemed by ovium intho genitive. Io. Egit rem Cimone: pro sed is Cimon.' Me note top. 12, t. 3.12. Pecuniam soluturum ut discha e the money Pemisiam reddere is usedini in the sensem diaetamine a diae; and cannot theresere, mea here that he Wiahe to glae monebsor the woman; ut that he ovi ductare me sine fistytalenta, hic ha been im sed on Miltiades, an for hichias son Cimon mas by the lam o Athens, held responsible.16. Praestitisset. Me page Id, l. 22, and tha note. 23. Primum impervior fugarit, c. uiam cte uas fir made commander, et the fidit timerae Maa mada commander, heput to flight. The true meaning cannot be expressed in English, excepta supplying some suciam G. Me note is p. 12 I. Id.23 3. Sessores inhabitants. It is notanown that this mord isthus used in an other place. 15. Deriderium This mor implius a de resor, hine nee Meraia, Methre uiri regret for ira lora Boin the nou and the correspondin vere ma osten e med rendered by reeret. edine 25 below.18. Contendem LM---- laeto directinio Sparta.'28. Ne ma fruemeevr Construction: ne tit impia redire, quo minua frueretur sus retas, quibus quisque iatae stulta deat annone shout be prevented rem morum,' c. Me note in

22. A me offensum fortuna: any one Whom hebet hchance. This is unquestion ly the me interpretation and offensum alone Nould be nearly the fame, as the vere means tomere, Crather Might ym. The passage has gene ly been supposed is mean onere utam'risne is tinfanorabis.