장음표시 사용
adversitatibus et errori- ali adversi ty and errorsbus universis, Secura tibi being removed, She may serviat libertate. Ρer Serve thee in perfeci lib- Dominum nOStrum, etc. erty ; through Our Lorcl.
Or for I e Pope. DEUS, omnium fide- GODl the Pastortium pastor et and Go vernor ofreCtor, famulum tuum ali the faith fui, lookN. quem PaStorem EC- dOWia, in thy merCy. CleSiae tuae praeeSSe Volu- UPon thy Servant δ ., isti, propitius respice: Whom thou hast beenda ei, quaeSumuS, Verbo PleaSed to appoint pas- et exemplo, quibus prae- tor of thy Church: grantest, prosiCere ut ad vi- him, We beseeCh thee, tam, una Cum grege sibi that both by word ano Credito, perveniat Sem- example he may edi sypiternam. Per Dominum ali those that are under
IN diebus illis : Dixit T N those days, Isaias
Isaias Dominus I si id : The Lord Deus aperuit mihi au- God hath opened myrem, ego autem non Con- ear, and I do not resist:
tradico : retrorsum non I have not gone bach; abii. Corpus meum dedi I have given my bodyperCutientibus, et genas to the Strihers, and mymeas vellentibus; faciem Cheeks to them that meam non averti ab in- pluCked them. I have crepantibu S, et ConSpu- not turn ed aWay my saceentibus in me. Dominus hom them that rebuked Deus, auxiliator meuS, me, and Spit UPOn me. ideo non sum ConfuSus The Lord God is myideo posui faciem meam helper, the refore am Iut petram durissimam, not Coniunded: there- et sCio quoniam non fore have I set my face Confundar. Juxta eSi as a most hard roch, and qui justificat me, quis Ι know that I shali notcontradicet mihi Θ Ste- be conmunded. He ismus Simul, quiS est ad- near that justifieth me, versarius meus 8 aCCedat who will contend with ad me. Ecce Dominus me Θ let iis stand to Deus, auxiliator meus : gether. Who is my pd- quis est, qui condemnet versary Θ let him come
near to me. Behold the Lord God is my helper: who is he that shali condemn me Z Lo, theyshali ait be destroyed asa garment, the moth shali eat them up. Whois there among you that Dareth the Lord, thatheareth the voice of his Servant, that hath walhed in darkness, and liath nolight y Let him hope in the name of the Lord, and lean upon his God.
EX URGE, Domine, A RI SE, O Lordi and
V. Effunde frameam, V. Bring out theet ConClude adversus eos sWord, and Shut up the ui me persequuntur. Way against them that
nostra, quae feCimuS nos; to the SinS We have Com- neque secundum iniqui- mitted, nor re Ward ustates nostras retribuas aCCording to our iniqui-Dobis. ties Hosiod by COOsteme 8 Ecce omnes quaSi vestimentum Conterentur, tinea Comedit eos. Quis ex vobis timens Dominum, audienS VΟ-Cem servi sui Θ Qui ambulavit in tenebriS, et non est lumen ei, Speret in nomine Domini, et innitatur super Deum
V. Domine, ne memi- V. O Lord i remem neris iniquitatum nostra- ber not our former ini-rum antiquarum ; cito quities : let thy mercies anticipent nos miseri- speedily prevent iis; sor Cordiae tuae, quia paupe- We are beCome eXCeed- res facti sumus nimis. ing POOr.
Adjuva nos, Deus salu- Help us, O God our Satari S noSter, et propter violiri and for the glorygloriam nominis tui, of thy name, O Lord lDomine, libera nos ; et deliver us; and forgive propitius eSto peccatis his our Sins, for thy
tuum. Munda Cor meum, etc., y. 29. CleanSe my heari, etc., f. 29.
Sequentia Sancti Evan- A Continuation of the gelii secundum Joan- Ηoly Gospei accordita g
Bethaniam, ubi LazaruS Came to Bethania, Where fuerat mortuUS, quem LaZarus h ad been dead. suscitavit Jesus. FeCe- Whom Jesus rat sed torunt autem ei Coenam lise. And they madeibi: et Μartha ministra- him a Supper there and bat, LagaruS Vero unuS Μartha served, but La. erat ex disCumbentibus Zaria S Was one of them Cum eo. Maria ergo that were at table withaccepit libram unguenti him. Μary theres ore nardi pistici pretiosi, et took a pound of oin t- unxit Dedes deSu, et ex ment of right spikenard, Hosiod by COOste
suis : et domus impleta est ex Odore unguenti. Dixit ergo unus ex diScipulis ejus, Judas ISCariotes, qui erat eum traditurus : Quare hOC Unguentum non Vseniit trecentis denariis, et datum est egenis λ Dixit autemhOC, non quia de egenis pertinebat ad eum, Sed quia fur erat, et loculos habens, ea quae mittebantur, portabat. Dixit ergo Jesus : Sinite illam, ut in diem sepulturae
meae Servet illud. Pau- PereS enim Semper habetis vobiscum me RU-tem non Semper habetis. Cognovit ergo turba multa ex Judaeis quia illic
propter JeSum tantUm, sed ut Lagarum Viderent, quem Suscitavit a mortuis.
cis meis, Domine : my enenates, soad te confugi, doce me Lord l to thee have IsaCere voluntatem tuam, ned, teacti me to do thyquia Deus meus es tu. Wili, for thou art my God.
HAEC sacrificia nos, RANT O Almight y
omnipotens De- God i that, beingus, potenti virtute mun- purified by the powerfui
riis servientes: ut divinis assist at thy mysterieS. rebus inhaerentes, et Cor- that, our in indS beingpore tibi famulemur et applied to divine things, mente. Ρer Dominum We may serve thee bothnΟStrum, etC. in fovi and body through our Lord, etC.
revereantur Simul, qui gratulantur malis meis: induantur pudore et reverentia, qui ma- igna loquuntur adver
tua Sancta servorem: quo eorum Pariter et actu delectemur, et fruCtu. Per Dominum noStrum,
teries, o Lord linspire us With a divine servor; that We may delight both in their effect and celebration:
vina tribuis participa- thou hast permitted totione gaudere, humanis partake of these divine non sinas subjacere pe- mysteries, hom the dan-riculis. Per Dominum gers incident to humannoStrum, etc. lila; through our Lord,
pita vestra Deo. D heads to God. Adjuva nos, Deus Sa- Help us, O God, ourlutaris noSter : et ad be- salvation i and grantneficia recolenda, quibus that we may Celebrate nos instaurare dignatus With joy the memory ofeS, tribue Venire gauden- those benefits by whichtes. Per Dominum nos- thou hast been pleased
oportet in CruCe Domini nostri, Jesu Christi, in quo eSt Salu S, vita, et reSurreCtio noStra : per quem Salvati et liberati sumus. Haiamus. Deus misereatur nostri, et benediCat nobis : illuminet Vultum
Sempiterne Deus, evertasting God id a nobis ita Dominicae grant that We may SOpaSSioniS SaCramenta pe- Celebrate the mysteriesragere, ut indvilgentiam of our Lord's passion as
percipere mereamur. Per to obtain thy pardon; eundem Dominum noS- through the sanie Lord,
Lectio Jeremiae Prophe- The Lesson froin thetae, CAP. Xi. I 8-2o. Prophet Jeremias, xi.
Jeremias : Domine, A mias sald : Thou, o demonstrasti mihi, et Lord i hast showed me. Cognovi: tunC ostendisti and I have known : thenmihi studia eorum. Et thou fhowedst me their ego quasi agnus mansu- do ingS. And I Was as aetus, qui portatur ad viC- meek lamb, that is Cartimam : et non Cognovi ried to be a victim : and quia Cogitaverunt Super I knew not that they had me consilia, dicentes : devised Counseis against Mittamus lignum in pa- me, Saying, Let US Putnem ejuS, et eradamus Wood on his bread, and eum de terra viventium, cui him off hom the landet nomen ejus non me- of the living, and let his moretur amplius. Tu name be remembered noautem, Domine Sabaoth, more. But thou, O Lord qui judicas juste, et pro- of Sabaoth l Who judg-bad renes et Corda, Vide- est justly, and triest theam ultionem tuam ex reins and the hearis, leteis : tibi enim revelavi me See thy revenge on Causam meam, Domine, them : for to thee have Deus meus. I revealed my cause, o