The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


tem Pilatus locutus est Cast into prison. Andad eos, volens dimittere Pilate spoke to them Jesum. At illi succla- again, destring to releagemabant dicentes: Cru- Jesus. But they cri edcifige, Crucifige eum. out aying: Crucisy him, Ille autem tertio dixit crucisy him. And he saidad illos : Quid enim to them the third time :mali fecit iste 8 nullam Why, what evit hath this

CauSam mortis invenio man done λ I find noin eo : Corripiam ergo cause of death in him; Iillum, et dimittam. At Will chastise him there illi instabant vocibus fore, and let hina go. But magnis poStulantes ut they Were instant with crucifigeretur; et inva- loud Volces requiring

Et Ρilatus adjudicavit sied ; and their voices fieri petitionem eorum. prevalled. Aiad Pilate Dimisit autem illis eum, gave Sentence, that their qui propter homicidium petition should be grant-

et seditionem missus fu- ed. And he releasederat in CarCerem, quem unio them him, Who, forpetebant; Iesum Vero murder and Sedition, had tradidit voluntati eorum. been CaSt into PriSon, Et Cum ducerent eum, Whom they had destred: apprehenderunt Simo- but Jesus he deli veredriem quemdam Cyrenen- up to their Will. Andnem, venientem de Villa; as they ted hi in aWay, et imposuerunt illi cru- they laid hold on onecem portare post Iesum. Simon os Cyrene, that WaS Coming out of the COUntry and they laid


bu Squebatur autem illum multa turba populi, et mulierum quae Plangebant et lamentabantur

eum. ConverSUS autem

ad illas Jesus, dixit :Filiae Ierusalem, nolite

flere super me, Sed Super vos ipsas flete, et Super filios vestros. Quoniam eCCe venient dies, in qui- us dicent: Beatae Stesiles, et Ventres qui non genuerunt, et ubera quae non laCtaverunt. TunCincipient dicere monti- us : Cadite Super noS et collibus. Operite DOS.

Quia si in viridi ligno haec faciunt, in arido quid siet 8 Ducebantur

autem et alii duo nequam Cum eo, Ut interficerentur. Et POStquam Venerunt in locum, qui VOCatur Calvariae, ibi cruCifixerunt eum ; et latroneS, Unum a dextriS, et alterum a SinistriS.

Jesus autem dicebat; Ρater, dimitte illis non enim sCiunt quid faCiunt.

Dividentes vero VCSti

Bles sed are the barren, and the wombs that have notborne, and the breasis that have not gi ven SUCh.

the right hand. and theother on the lest And


debant eum principes they divided his gar-

cum eis, diCentes: Alios menis, and Cast lots. salvos fecit : se salvum And the peopte stood faciat, si hic est Christus belloid in g, and the ru- Dei electus. Illudebant ters with them deridedautem ei et milites aCCe- him, saying : He Saveddentes, et a Cetum of - Others, let him fave him-rentes ei, et diCentes self, is he be Christ, the Si tu es Rex Judaeorum, Chosen of God. Andsalvum te sac. Erat the soldiers also mocked autem et supersCriptio him, Coming to hina, and scripta super eum litte- Offering him vi negar, andris GraeCis, et Latinis, et Saying : Is thou be the Hebraicis : Hic est Rex Κing of the Je S, Save

Judaeorum. Unus au- thyself And there Wastem de his, qui Pende- also a SuperScriptionbant, latronibus, blas- Written over him in Phemabat eum, dicens: Greeh, and Latin, and Si tu es Christus, Salvum HebreW letters : This is fac temetipSum, et noS. the Κing of the Je s. RespondenS autem alter, And One of these robbers. increpabat eum, dicens: Who Were han ging, blas-Neque tu times Deum, phemed him, Saying: Is quod in eadem damna- thou be Christ, Save thytione es. Et nos quidem Self, and us. But thejuste, nam digna factis other anSWering, re-

recipimus ; hic vero ni- bliked him, saying :hil mali gessit. Et dice- Neither clost thou fearbat ad Jesum : Domine, God, Seeing thou art


neriS In regnum tuum.

Et dixit illi Jesus: Amen dico tibi, hodie meCum eris in paradiso. Erat

autem fere hora SeXta, et tenebrae factae sunt in uni VerSam terram USque in horam nonam. Et obSCuratus est Sol, et velum templi scissum est medium. Et ClamanS VOCe magna Jesus ait : Ρater, in manuStuas Commendo Spiritum meum. Et haeC dicens, expiravit.

VIDENS autem cen- N I O V the Centurionturio quod factum l l seeing What Was

suerat, glorificavit Deum, done, glorified God, Sayri icens : Vere hic homo ing: Indeed this was a


justus erat. Et omnis just man. And ali theturba eorum, qui simul multitude of them that aderant ad spectaCulum Were Come together toistud, et videbant quae that figlit, and saw the fiebant, percutientes peC- things that were done, tora Sua reVertebantur. returned, Strihing their Stabant autem omnes breasis. And ali his noti ejus a longe, et mu- aCquaintances and theliereS quae secutae eum Women, that had solerant a Galilaea, haec lowed him hom Galilee, Videntes. stood asar Ois belloiding

Here is satae Me pr er Munda cor meum, s. 19.

ET ecce vir nomine Λ ND belloid, a manJoseph, qui erat Ix by name Joseph,

decurio, Vir bonus et who waS a COUn Sellor, a juStus: hic non Consen- good and a just man theserat consilio et actibus Same had not consented eorum, ab Arimathaea to their Counsel and do-

civitate Judaeae, qui ex- ingS. He waS of Ari-peCtabat et ipse regnum mathea, a City of Judea, Dei. Hic accessit ad Who also himself looked Pilatum, et petiit corpus for the hingdom of God. Jesu : et depositum in- This man went to Ρilate, VolVit sindone, et posuit and begged the body of eum in monumento ex- Jesus. And taking him ciSo, in quo nondum doWn, he wrapped him quisquam positus fuerat . in sine linen, and laidhim in a sepulchre, that


orationem meam, Ix my Prayer, and et Clamor meus ad te let my Cry Come to thee :perveniat ne avertas turn not aWay thy sace

faciem tuam a me. Dom me. Suscipe, as ae p. 26, Eown to Then the Priest says Amen, in. 28. ΤΗΕ SECRET.

Domine, munus ob- We beseech thee, latum, et dignanter ope- thiS ossering, and merci- rare, ut quod passionis fully grant that we may Filii tui Domini nostri receive With plouS Sen- mysterio gerimus, piis timents What We Cele- affectibus Consequamur. brate in the mystery of Ρer eundem Dominum the passion os thy SonnΟStrum, etC. Our Lord ; through thesaine Lord, etC.

stetu temperabam; A drink with weep- quia elevans allisisti me: ings ; for having listed et ego Sicut foenum arui. me up, thou hast thrown Tu autem, Domine, in me clown; and I witheredaeternum permanes : tu like grass ; but thou, O


Sion, quia venit tempus thou Shait arise, and have miSerendi ejus. mercy on Sion, for it istime to have merCy Onit, for the time is Come.

ARGIRE sensibus RANT, O Almighty

nogiriS, omnipo- God i that We maytens Deus ; ut per tem- firmi y belleve, and liope, poralem Filii tui mortem, that thou hast givenquam mySteria Veneran- us eternal life, by the da testantur, vitam te temporal death of thyn Obis dedisse perpetuam Son, represented in

m US Domine, Su- I seeCh thee, O Lord per hanc familiam tuam, on this thy fami ly, forpro qua Dominus noster Whicli our Lord Jesus Iesus Christus non du- Christ was plea sed to bebitavit manibus tradi no- deli vered into the handscentium, et Crucis subire of the wicked, and totormentum. Qui tegum suffer the torment of the viVit et regnat, etc. cross; who liveth andreigneth, OtC.

The rese rethe Mara rom Dominus vobiscum, as on p. 43.



to thoin dos. The name of Tenebrin is iven to it stom the circumstance of extinguiShing, during the course of it, est the candies Whichhave been prepared in the S Ctuain sor the ceremony. The rites of the Church umn thme three d S declare her concern and her troubie sor the sufferino os her Redeemer and the sing of men. Sholays aside every expression os joy and seStivity. Ηer Ossices are not comis menced with those impressive invocations by which she beseeches the Lord to operi her sips in sing his pratSes, and to come to her astistance, toen te her in render him a homam morthy os his majes . The sacreddoxolom, Gloria Patri, is omittet at the end of the Psalms. No hymna, divine presse are fung. No Dominus vobiscum is salo, to nia theblessing os God upon the people. The Psalms and the Lemons that Constitute hex Ossice breathe scarcely anything else but si s and lamentations. Her canonical houra are terminated by the fame prayer, imploring Iod to look with an eye of pity on those sor whom his Son Our Lota hasvouch sed to suffer death. At every other time, besore ine offers use a Prayer, the Deopte are invited to unite With her in spirit, and at the conclusion express their assent by the acclamation amen e but upon this occasion, to evince stili more the greatnem es her sorrow, the invitationand the acclamation are both omitted. The Six candies on the Altar, and the sisteen candies placed on the

epistie side, ali burning at the Minning of the ossice, signisy the lighis of faith preached by the Propheis and Jesus Christ; os which faith thesiinclamentat article is the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, represented by the triangular candi lich. At the repetition os the so ieen Antiphona in the Μatins and Lauds, fourteen os the candies in the triangular c-dlestita are extinguished, and at the last fix verses os the Benedictus ih e on the Altar are put oui, to leach us that the J-s were totally


The darvnem Which pervades the sanctuary while the Miserere and Pr er are sald naturalty puis us in mine of the darisess that couered the whole earth at his death ; and the nesse made at the end of the Prayer representa the confusion os nature sor the lam os iis Author, Whenibe e th trembled, the rocks were rent, the graves opened, and the Vellof the temple Was torn stom the top to the bottom.

co domus A Zealtuae Comedit me, et Op- of thy hou se hath eaten probria exprobrantium me uP, and the re- tibi ceciderunt super proaches of them that me. reproached thee are fall

Deus: ' quoniam

miraverunt aquae USque ad animam meam.

Infixus sum in limo profundi: ' et non est substantia. Veni in altitudinem

Ι am stuck fast in them ire of the deep : and there is no Sure Standing. I am come into tho


maris : ' et tempestas demersit me. Laboravi olamanS, rauCae faCtae sunt fauces meae defecerunt oculi mei, dum spero in Deum


Multiplicati sunt Super Capillos Capitis mei,' qui oderunt me grati S. Consortati sunt qui perseCuti sunt me inimici mei injuste '. ' quae

non rapui, tun C eXolvebam.

Deus, tu sciS insipientiam meam et delicta

mea a te non Sunt ab-sCondita. Non erubeSCant in me qui expectant te Domine, ' Domine Virtutum. Non Confundantur Super me, ' qui quaerunt te, Deus ISrael. Quoniam propter te sustinui opprobrium operuit Confusio faciem


look for thee, O Lord, the Lord of hosis l