The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교



ejus ' laudate eum in pratse ye him in the fir- firmamento virtutis ejus. mament of his poWer. Laudate eum in vir- Ρraise ye him for his tutibus ejus laudate mighty acts : pratSe ye eum SeCundum multi- him according to thetudinem magnitudinis multitude of his great-

Laudate eum in sono Ρrai se him With sound tubae ' laudate eum in os trumpet praise him psalterio et Cithara. With pSaltery and harp. Laudate eum in tym - Ρrai se him with tim-pano et choro: ' lau- brei and Choir praisedate eum in Chordis et hi m With strings and

Lasedate eum in Cym- Ρraise him on highbalis benesonantibus ; solanding Cymbals laudate eum in cymba- praise him on cymbalsiis jubilationis: ' omnis of joy : let every spirit spirixus laudet Domi- praise the Lord.

num Here a candis is extin uisheae.

Ant. Oblatus est quia Ant. He Was offered, ipse voluit, et peccata beCause it Was his own nostra ipse portavit. Will, and he himself hath carried Our SinS. V. Homo pacis meae, V. The man of myin quo SperaVi. Peace, in Whom I trusted. λ E. Oui edebat Danas a. Who ate mY bread


meos, ampliaVit adversum me Supplantatio


Ant. Traditor autem dedit eis signum, dicenS: Quem osculatu S fuero, ipse est, tenete eum. ΤΗΕ CANTICLE OF

minus Deus ISrael, ' quia visitavit, et fecit redemptionem plebis

Et erexit cornu salutis nobis, ' in domo David pueri sui. Sicut locutus est per OS Sanctorum, ' qui a

Salutem ex inimicis nostris, ' et de manu omnium qui oderunt

Ad faciendam misericordiam cum patribus nostris et memorari testamenti sui sancti.

Jusjurandum, quod Thursae .hath greatly supplanted

horn os salvation to US, in the hou se of David, his serVant.




iuravit ad Abraham pa- s ore to Abraham, our trem nostrum, ' datu- sather, that he would

Ut sine timore, de That being deliveredmanu inimicorum nos- hom the hand of our trorum liberati, ' ser- en emieS, We may Serve

viamus illi. him Without sear. In sanctitate et justi- In holiness and justia coram ipso, ' omni- tice besore him, ait ourbus diebus nostris. dayS. Et tu puer, propheta And thou, Child, shali Altissimi vocaberis : ' be called the prophet os praeibis enim ante faci- the Highesi ; for thouem Domini parare vias Shali go bessire the face ejus. Os the Lord to prepare his WayS Ad dandam scientiam To give knowledge os salutis plebi ejus : ' in salvation to his people,

diae Dei nostri: ' in qui- of the merCy of ourbus visitavit nos, oriens God ; in Whicli theex alto Orient froni on highhath visited iis; Illuminare his, qui in To enlighten them that tenebris et in umbra sit in darkness, and in mortis sedent: ' ad di- the shadow os death; torigendos pedes nostros direct our feet in thein viam pacis Way of PeaCe.


tus est pro obedient for usnobis obediens usque ad unto death.


mus Domine, Su- cis Lordi Ne beseech per hanc familiam tuam, thee, on this thy family, Pro qua Dominus noster for whicli our Lord Je-Jesus Christus non du- sus Christ was pleaSed bitavit manibus tradi to be delivered in to the nocentium, et Crucis hands of the wicked, and Subire tormentum. Sed to suffer the torment of dicitur sub fiuntio : Qui the cross. But sv in re tecum vivit et regnat in Iom voicer Who with theeunitate Spiritus sancti and the Ηoly Ghost, liv Deus, per omnia SseCula eth and reigneth, ones3eCulorum. Amen. God, World Without end.


inhen our Lord, at his last supper, instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is called by the French Dudi Ab Iur, or Absolution Z ursae I because the sentence of Absolution Was then pronouncedover the public penitents. We cali it mundas Thursae , Dom theceremony of Washing the seet, called in the Rubric Mandarum. whichis the first A ntifrion sung during the Ceremony. The Μ s on this day differs stom the rest os the ossice. That os the Holy Eucharist is celebrated, a subjeci, theresere, of Joy and thankWiving, expressed by the ringing of belis and the white color of the ves ments and ornaments of the Altar. For, though the Chureli is Whollytaken us during this wheh with the passion os Christ, and sor that re son has appotnted the feast os Corpus Christi as a clay os thanksgivingsor the institution of that Sacrament, yet she could not resrain DomSome expressions of her Joy and gratitude on the very day When our Lord was pleased to give us so wonderfui a pledge of his Iove. Butaster the Gloria in Excetiis the helis are silent during the remiander of this eay, ali Good Fri 1 and Hob Saturae , untii the recurrence of the fame Angelicat hymn on the Iast entioned clay. This is i tended to honor the wondersul silence of our Saviour during his passion, and to express the aston stiment and mourning of the Church sor th. de th of her Spo e. The Rubric prescribes the consecration of two Hosta-one sor theincrifice of this day, the other to be carried in solemn Procession to a place adorned with lictis, where it is hept with great splendor for theossice of the nexi day. The reason of this solemn worahis of God in the B. Sacrament is to give the peopte an opportunity os returning thantato God sor this inestim te blessing on the very day itself of iis institu- ion : and this sentiment is strihingly evinced by them in their frequent visits to the places Where it is reserved. The B. Sacrament is removedfrom the principat Altar, that the devotion of the passion, Which was there commenced the evening belare, at the Tenebroae, may be continued Without pomp or magnifice e. The custom of Visiting the B. Sacrament on this day is commonly called Visitinc Sesuuis res, but very improperly and Contrary to the intention os the Church, whicli, in her Rubrio, ordains the honor oven to it to be expressed by lictis and theri Chest ornaments-things Very Unbecoming a Sepulchre Besides, it uould be prepo terous to pay our devotions to uesus Christ in his gravo


hesore the Chureli commemorates his crucifixion. For this reason representations os that End, made under the Altar where the Hori Eucharist is hept must be esteemed a devotion os priVate persons orparticular Countries, not in accordance With the original design of tha Church of Kome. Aster the vespera, the Priest .ith his ministem divest the Altam oline church of their coverings and other ornaments. The Antiphon Diviserunt and the Psalm Deus, Deus meus, Sald by the Priest and sung by the choir during the ceremony, suffciently sh- that it repre- senis the stripping of our Saviour os his garmenis, sor Whicli the soldiem east lots, and whicli they divided among themsolves. The nahednessos the Altar signifies that Christ in his passion lost ali his beauty and maiesty, and was in a manner deprived os the glom os his divine nature. on this day the clero os some churches meet to persorm the Cere-mony of Washing the seet, called in the Rubrio Mandatum, or the Commandinens, hecause it is commanded by the example and wordsos Iesus raris , In the gospel sung he re the Priest hegins to wash theseel. Hence, In each church the superior washes the seet os his inseriora ; many Hch do the fame to the poor; and hino disdain not tostoop to the seet of their subjecis. And ii teaches us to imitate the humility os our Saviour, and to cieanse our fouis Dom the stains of the amassest sina.

NOS utem gloriari

oportet in Cru Ce

Homini nostri Jesu Christi; in quo e St SalUS,

vita et re SurreCtio noStra, Per quem salvati et liberati sumuS. Ha Deus misereatur no Stri, et belliodicat nobis: illu


per nos, et misereatur the light os his counte- nostri. Nos autem, etC. nanCe to Shine UPon us, and may he have merCy

das reatus Sui Judas received poenam, et ConfeSSionis the punishment of his suae latro praemium Sin, and the thies thesumpsit: Concede nobi S reWard of his conses- tuae propitiationis esseC- Sion : grani us the effecistum: ut, SiCut in paS- of thy mercy; that, assione sua Iesus Christus our Lord Jesus Christ, Dominus noster diversa at the time of his pas- utrisque intulit Stipen- Sion, dispensed on bothdia meritorum; ita nobis, different reWards of their ablato vetustatis errore, meritS; So having de-reSurreCtionis suae gra- stroyed the old man intiam largiatur. Qui te- us, he may give Us thecum Vivit et regnat in graCe Os his resurreC- unitate Spiritus sancti tion ; Who With thee, DeUS, per omnia saecula and the Holy Ghost, εἴeCulorum. ' veth and reigneth, oneid, world Without end.


Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Apostoli ad Corinthios. I Cor. Xi.

nientibus vobis in

unum, jam non est Dominicam Coenam manduCare. Unu SquiSque enim suam Coenam praesumit ad manduCandum.

Et alius quidem esurit, alius autem ebriuS est. Numquid domos non habetis ad manduCRndum et bibendum 8 Aut Ecclesiam Dei Contem nitis, et Confunditus eos

qui non habent 8 Quid

dicam vobis 8 Laudo vos Z In hoc non laudo. Ego enim accepi a Domino quod et tradidi vobis, quoniam Dominus Jesus in qua noCte tradebatur, aCCepit Panem, et gratias agens fregit, et dixit: Accipite, et manduCate: hoc est CorPUS meum, quod pro vobis tradetur: hoc sa- The Lesson hom the Epistie of St. Ρaul the Apostle, to the Corinthians. I Cor.


cite in meam Commemo rationem. Similiter et calicem, poStquam CCenavit, dicens : Hic calix

novum testamentum est in meo sanguine. ΗΟCfacite, quotiescumque bibetis, in meam Commemorationem : quoti-eSCumque enim manducabitis panem hunc, et calicem bibetis, mortem Domini annuntiabitis,

rit panem hunC, vel biberit calicem Domini indigne, reus erit Corporis et sanguinis Domini. Ρrobet autem Seip- Sum homo, et sic de pane illo edat, et de Calice bibat. Qui enim manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi

manducat et bibit, non dijudicans corpus Domini. Ideo inter vos multi infirmi et imbecilles, et dormiunt multi. Quod si nosmetipsos dijudicaremUS, non utique judi- Caremur. Dum judica- livered sor you : this dosor the commemorationos me. In like manner,also, the ChaliCe, after

tite Commemoration os me. For as Osten as

of the Lord. But let aman prove himself, and so let hi in eat of that bread and drink of the Chalice. For he thaleateth and drinheth un-Worthily, eateth and

There re are there many infirm and weali


mur autem, a Domino among yOu, and many Corripimur, ut non cum fleep. But is we Would hoc mundo damnemur. jud ge OurSel VeS, We


est pro nobis Obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem CruCiS.

V. Ρropter quod et Deus exaltavit illum, et dedit illi nomen, quod

V. Wherelare, Godalso hath exalted him, and hath given him aname, Whicli is above

Sequentia sancti Evan- Continuation of the ho ygelii secundum Joan, GoSpei, aCCording tonem. Cap. Xiii. Ι-I5. St. Jolin. Chap. xiii.