장음표시 사용
V perS. 267 Dirupisti vincula mea: Thou hast brohen my' tibi sacrificabo hos- bonds. I Will sacrificetiam laudis, et nomen to thee the sacrifice of Domini invoCabo. praise, and Ι wili call
Vota mea Domino I Will pay my VoWs toreddam in conspectu the Lord in the figlit os omnis populi ejus: ' in ali his people, in theatriis domus Domini, in couris of the liouse of medio tui, Jerusalem. the Lord: in the midstof thee, O Jerusalem lAni. Calicem saluta- Ant. I Will take theris aCCipiam, et nomen Chalice of salvation, and Domini invocabo. I Will cali upon thename of the Lord. Aul. Cum his qui ode- Ant. With them that TVnt pacem, eram paCi- haled peace, I Wassicus : dum loquebar peaceable; When Iillis, impugnabant me spoke to them, theygratis. fought against me Nith
vi: ' et exaudivit me. heard me. Domine, libera ani- o Lordi deliver mymam meam a labiis ini- foui stom Wiched lips, quis, ' et a lingua do- and a deceit fui longue.
Quid detur tibi, aut What shali be giventin thee. or What shali be
quid apponatur tibi, ' added to thee, to a de- ad linguam dolosam 8 ceitful longue ZSagittae potentis acu- The Sharp arrOWS Oitae, ' Cum Carbonibus the mighty, With Coal desolatoriis. that lay WaSte. Heu mihi, quia inco- Wo is me that my SO- latus meus prolongatus journing is prolongedi est: habitavi cum habi- I have dwelt with thetantibus Cedar '' mul- inhabitants of Cedar. tum incola fuit anima My soul hath been long
Ani. Ab hominibus Ant. From unjustiniquis libera me, Do- men deliver me, omine. Lordi
V sera. 269quitates in corde: ' tota ali the Jay long theydie Constituebant proelia. designed batiles. Acuerunt linguas suas They have Sharpenedsicut serpentis ' vene- their longues like a sernum aspidum Sub la- pent: the venom of aspsbiis eorum. is under their lips. Custodi me Domine, Keep me, o Lordide manu peccatoris ' froin the hand of the et ab hominibus iniquis Wiched ; and hom un- eripe me. just men deliver me. Qui cogitaverunt sup- Who have proposed plantare greSSUS meos: to Supplant my StepS; ' absconderunt superbi the proud have hiddenlaqueum mihi. a net for me.
Et funes extenderunt And they have stretch- in laqueum : ' juxta iter ed out Cords for a SD are :SCandalum posuerunt they have laid for me a mihi. stumbling-bloch by the WaySide. Dixi Domino : Deus I said to the Lord : meuS eS tu : exaudi, Thou art my God hear, Domine, Vocem depre- Ο Lord l the voice of myCationiS meae. Supplication. Domine, Domine vir- Ο Lord, Lord i thetus salutis meae: ' stretigit, of my salva- obumbrasti super Caput tion thou hasi over-
meum in die belli. shadowed my head in the Jay os batile.
Ne tradas me Domine, Give me not up, Oa desiderio meo pecca- Lord i hom my destre tori : ' cogitaverunt to the wiCked theyContra me, ne dere- have plotted against me. do not thou forsake
linquas me, ne sorte exaltentur. Caput circuitus eorum : ' labor labiorum ipsorum operiet eoS.Cadent super eoS Car
eos: ' in miseriis non subsistent. Vir linguosus non dirigetur in terra virum injustum mala CR-pient in interitu. Cognovi quia faciet Dominus judicium inopis : ' et vindictam
Verumtamen justi confitebuntur nomini tuo : ' et habitabunt recti Cum vultu tuo. Ant. Ab hominibus iniquis libera me, Domine. An . Custodi me allaqueo, quem Statuerunt mihi, et a SCandalis operantium iniquitatem. me, test they should triumPh. The head os their Com-PaSsing me about: thelabor of their lips shalloverwhelm them. Burning coals shall
ad te, exaudi me :' intende voCi meae, Cum Clamavero ad te. Dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum in Conspectu tuo: ' elevatio
ficium vespertinum. Pone, Domine, CUStΟ-diam ori meo, ' et ostium CirCumstantiae labiis meiS. Non declineS Cor meum in verba malitiae, 'ad excusandas eXCUSationes in peCCatiS. Cum hominibuS OPerantibus iniquitatem, 'et non Communicabo cum electiS eorum.
misericordia, et inCrepabit me: ' oleum autem peCCatoris non impinguet Caput meum. Quoniam adhuc et oratio mea in benepla- Citis eorum absorpti
Audient verba mea They shali hear myquoniam potuerunt: ' Words, for they have sicut crassitudo terrae prevalled ; as Wnen erupta eSt Super terram. the thichness of earthis brohen up Upon the
nΟStra SeCuS infernum : tered by the fide of heli: ' quia ad te Domine, but to thee, O Lord, Domine, oculi mei: in Lordi are my eyes; in
te Speravi, non auferas thee have I put myanimam meam. trusi, take not aWay my
Custodi me a laqueo, Keep me stom thequem Statuerunt mihi: Snare, Whicli they have et a SCandalis operan- laid for me, and Domtium iniquitatem. the stumbling - blochos them that Worhiniquity. Cadent in retiaculo The wiched shali fallejus peccatores: ' sin- in his net; I am Mone gulariter Sum ego, donec untii I paSS.
Ant. Custodi me a la- Ant. Κeep me homqueo, qUem Statuerunt the snare, Whicli theymihi, et a scandalis ope- have laid for me, andrantium iniquitatem. Dom the Stumbling-blocks of them that work iniquity. Ant. Considerabam Ani. I looked on myad dexteram, et vide- right hand, and beheld,
voCe mea ad Dominum my voice I made suppli- depreCatuS Sum. Cation to the Lord. Effundo in conspectu In his sight I pour out ejus orationem meam, ' my prayer, and before et tribulationem meam him I declare my trou- ante ipsum pronuntio. ble. In deficiendo ex me When my spirit falled spiritum meum, ' et tu me, then thou knewest cognovisti SemitaS meaS. my PathS. In via hac qua ambu- In this Way Wherein Ilabam, ' absconderunt Walhed, they have hid- laqueum mihi. den a Snare lar me. Considerabam ad dex- Ι looked on my rightteram, et videbam et hand, and beheld, and
Periit fuga a me, ' et Flight hath perished
Clamavi ad te Do- Ι cri ed to thee, Omine ; ' dixi: Tu es Lordi I said : Thou artspeS mea, portio mea in my liope, my portion in terra viventium. the land of the living. Intende ad depreca- Attend to my supplitionem meam : ' quia cation : for I am brought humiliatus sum nimiS. Very lΟW. Libera me a perse- Deliver me Dom myquentibus me : ' quia perSecutors, for they are
Educ de custodia ani- Bring my foui out ofmam meam ad Confiten- prison, that I may praisedum nomini tuo : ' me thy name : the just wait expectant justi, donec for me, untii thou re- retribuas mihi. Ward me. AnL Considerabam ad Ant. Ι looked on mydexteram, et videbam, right hand, and beheld,
et non erat qui Cognos- and there Was no one Ceret me. that Would know me.
Ani. Coenantibus au- Ant. Whilst they weretem illis, accepit Iesus at supper, Jesus took Panem, et benedixit, ac bread, and blessed, and fregit, deditque discipu- brohe, and gave to his lis suis. discipies. THE CANTICLE OF THE B. U. ΜARY. Lule L
Et exultavit spiritus And my spirit hathmeus ' in Deo salutari rejoiced in God, my
Quia respexit humili- Because he hath re-tatem ancillae suae : ' garded the humility ofecce enim ex hoc beatam his handmaid; for beme dicent omnes gene- hold, stom henCeforth, rationeS. ali generations Sh cali me bieSSed. Quia secit mihi mag- For he that is mighty, na qui potens est: ' et liath done great things lG8anCtum nomen ejUS. me; and holy is his name. Et misericordia ejus a Ano his mercy is trom neration to genera
opera. ars rogenie in progenies ' tion, to them that fear timentibus eum. him. Fecit potentiam in He hath shewed might brachio suo : ' dispersit in his arms; heliath scat-SUPerbos mente cordis tered the proud in the Sui. Conceit of their heart. Deposuit potentes de He hath put down thesede, ' et exaltavit hu- mighty froin their seat, miles. and halli exalted thehumble. Esurientes implevit He has silled the hun-
bonis: ' et divites di- gry With good things;
misit inanes. and the rich he hath sentempty aWay. Suscepit Israel pue- Ηe hath received Is-rum suum, ' recordatus rael his Servant, being misericordiae suae. mindiui os his merCy. Sicut locutus est ad AS he spoke to our patres nostros, ' Abra- sathers, to Abraham,ham, et semini ejus in and to his Seed sor ever.
Ant. Coenantibus au- An . While they weretem illis, accepit Iesus at supper, Jesus took panem, et benedixit, ac bread, and bl essed, and fregit, deditque discipu- brohe, and gave to his lis suis. disCipies.
V. Christus factus est V. Christ beCame obe- pro nobis obediens us- dient for us unio death. que ad mortem. Pater noster, sub sis Our Father, frivates lentio.
vobis: ut diligatis in-viCem, sicut dilexi Vos, dicit Dominus. PSam. Beati immaculati in via: qui ambulant in lege Domini.
minuS a Coena, mi Sit ri Sen frOm Supper, heaquam in pelvim, et poured Water into a baccepit lavare pedes diS- Sin; and began to WashCipulorum suorum hoc the laet of his discipies :exemplum reliquit ei S. to whom he gave that Psam. MagnuS Domi example. Ham. Great