The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


V perS. 267 Dirupisti vincula mea: Thou hast brohen my' tibi sacrificabo hos- bonds. I Will sacrificetiam laudis, et nomen to thee the sacrifice of Domini invoCabo. praise, and Ι wili call

Vota mea Domino I Will pay my VoWs toreddam in conspectu the Lord in the figlit os omnis populi ejus: ' in ali his people, in theatriis domus Domini, in couris of the liouse of medio tui, Jerusalem. the Lord: in the midstof thee, O Jerusalem lAni. Calicem saluta- Ant. I Will take theris aCCipiam, et nomen Chalice of salvation, and Domini invocabo. I Will cali upon thename of the Lord. Aul. Cum his qui ode- Ant. With them that TVnt pacem, eram paCi- haled peace, I Wassicus : dum loquebar peaceable; When Iillis, impugnabant me spoke to them, theygratis. fought against me Nith

vi: ' et exaudivit me. heard me. Domine, libera ani- o Lordi deliver mymam meam a labiis ini- foui stom Wiched lips, quis, ' et a lingua do- and a deceit fui longue.

Quid detur tibi, aut What shali be giventin thee. or What shali be


quid apponatur tibi, ' added to thee, to a de- ad linguam dolosam 8 ceitful longue ZSagittae potentis acu- The Sharp arrOWS Oitae, ' Cum Carbonibus the mighty, With Coal desolatoriis. that lay WaSte. Heu mihi, quia inco- Wo is me that my SO- latus meus prolongatus journing is prolongedi est: habitavi cum habi- I have dwelt with thetantibus Cedar '' mul- inhabitants of Cedar. tum incola fuit anima My soul hath been long

Ani. Ab hominibus Ant. From unjustiniquis libera me, Do- men deliver me, omine. Lordi


V sera. 269quitates in corde: ' tota ali the Jay long theydie Constituebant proelia. designed batiles. Acuerunt linguas suas They have Sharpenedsicut serpentis ' vene- their longues like a sernum aspidum Sub la- pent: the venom of aspsbiis eorum. is under their lips. Custodi me Domine, Keep me, o Lordide manu peccatoris ' froin the hand of the et ab hominibus iniquis Wiched ; and hom un- eripe me. just men deliver me. Qui cogitaverunt sup- Who have proposed plantare greSSUS meos: to Supplant my StepS; ' absconderunt superbi the proud have hiddenlaqueum mihi. a net for me.

Et funes extenderunt And they have stretch- in laqueum : ' juxta iter ed out Cords for a SD are :SCandalum posuerunt they have laid for me a mihi. stumbling-bloch by the WaySide. Dixi Domino : Deus I said to the Lord : meuS eS tu : exaudi, Thou art my God hear, Domine, Vocem depre- Ο Lord l the voice of myCationiS meae. Supplication. Domine, Domine vir- Ο Lord, Lord i thetus salutis meae: ' stretigit, of my salva- obumbrasti super Caput tion thou hasi over-

meum in die belli. shadowed my head in the Jay os batile.

Ne tradas me Domine, Give me not up, Oa desiderio meo pecca- Lord i hom my destre tori : ' cogitaverunt to the wiCked theyContra me, ne dere- have plotted against me. do not thou forsake


linquas me, ne sorte exaltentur. Caput circuitus eorum : ' labor labiorum ipsorum operiet eoS.Cadent super eoS Car

bones, in ignem dejicies

eos: ' in miseriis non subsistent. Vir linguosus non dirigetur in terra virum injustum mala CR-pient in interitu. Cognovi quia faciet Dominus judicium inopis : ' et vindictam


Verumtamen justi confitebuntur nomini tuo : ' et habitabunt recti Cum vultu tuo. Ant. Ab hominibus iniquis libera me, Domine. An . Custodi me allaqueo, quem Statuerunt mihi, et a SCandalis operantium iniquitatem. me, test they should triumPh. The head os their Com-PaSsing me about: thelabor of their lips shalloverwhelm them. Burning coals shall


ad te, exaudi me :' intende voCi meae, Cum Clamavero ad te. Dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum in Conspectu tuo: ' elevatio

ficium vespertinum. Pone, Domine, CUStΟ-diam ori meo, ' et ostium CirCumstantiae labiis meiS. Non declineS Cor meum in verba malitiae, 'ad excusandas eXCUSationes in peCCatiS. Cum hominibuS OPerantibus iniquitatem, 'et non Communicabo cum electiS eorum.

Corripiet me justus in

misericordia, et inCrepabit me: ' oleum autem peCCatoris non impinguet Caput meum. Quoniam adhuc et oratio mea in benepla- Citis eorum absorpti

sunt juncti petrae judices



Audient verba mea They shali hear myquoniam potuerunt: ' Words, for they have sicut crassitudo terrae prevalled ; as Wnen erupta eSt Super terram. the thichness of earthis brohen up Upon the

nΟStra SeCuS infernum : tered by the fide of heli: ' quia ad te Domine, but to thee, O Lord, Domine, oculi mei: in Lordi are my eyes; in

te Speravi, non auferas thee have I put myanimam meam. trusi, take not aWay my

Custodi me a laqueo, Keep me stom thequem Statuerunt mihi: Snare, Whicli they have et a SCandalis operan- laid for me, and Domtium iniquitatem. the stumbling - blochos them that Worhiniquity. Cadent in retiaculo The wiched shali fallejus peccatores: ' sin- in his net; I am Mone gulariter Sum ego, donec untii I paSS.

Ant. Custodi me a la- Ant. Κeep me homqueo, qUem Statuerunt the snare, Whicli theymihi, et a scandalis ope- have laid for me, andrantium iniquitatem. Dom the Stumbling-blocks of them that work iniquity. Ant. Considerabam Ani. I looked on myad dexteram, et vide- right hand, and beheld,


voCe mea ad Dominum my voice I made suppli- depreCatuS Sum. Cation to the Lord. Effundo in conspectu In his sight I pour out ejus orationem meam, ' my prayer, and before et tribulationem meam him I declare my trou- ante ipsum pronuntio. ble. In deficiendo ex me When my spirit falled spiritum meum, ' et tu me, then thou knewest cognovisti SemitaS meaS. my PathS. In via hac qua ambu- In this Way Wherein Ilabam, ' absconderunt Walhed, they have hid- laqueum mihi. den a Snare lar me. Considerabam ad dex- Ι looked on my rightteram, et videbam et hand, and beheld, and

Periit fuga a me, ' et Flight hath perished

Clamavi ad te Do- Ι cri ed to thee, Omine ; ' dixi: Tu es Lordi I said : Thou artspeS mea, portio mea in my liope, my portion in terra viventium. the land of the living. Intende ad depreca- Attend to my supplitionem meam : ' quia cation : for I am brought humiliatus sum nimiS. Very lΟW. Libera me a perse- Deliver me Dom myquentibus me : ' quia perSecutors, for they are


Educ de custodia ani- Bring my foui out ofmam meam ad Confiten- prison, that I may praisedum nomini tuo : ' me thy name : the just wait expectant justi, donec for me, untii thou re- retribuas mihi. Ward me. AnL Considerabam ad Ant. Ι looked on mydexteram, et videbam, right hand, and beheld,

et non erat qui Cognos- and there Was no one Ceret me. that Would know me.

Ani. Coenantibus au- Ant. Whilst they weretem illis, accepit Iesus at supper, Jesus took Panem, et benedixit, ac bread, and blessed, and fregit, deditque discipu- brohe, and gave to his lis suis. discipies. THE CANTICLE OF THE B. U. ΜARY. Lule L

Et exultavit spiritus And my spirit hathmeus ' in Deo salutari rejoiced in God, my

Quia respexit humili- Because he hath re-tatem ancillae suae : ' garded the humility ofecce enim ex hoc beatam his handmaid; for beme dicent omnes gene- hold, stom henCeforth, rationeS. ali generations Sh cali me bieSSed. Quia secit mihi mag- For he that is mighty, na qui potens est: ' et liath done great things lG8anCtum nomen ejUS. me; and holy is his name. Et misericordia ejus a Ano his mercy is trom neration to genera


opera. ars rogenie in progenies ' tion, to them that fear timentibus eum. him. Fecit potentiam in He hath shewed might brachio suo : ' dispersit in his arms; heliath scat-SUPerbos mente cordis tered the proud in the Sui. Conceit of their heart. Deposuit potentes de He hath put down thesede, ' et exaltavit hu- mighty froin their seat, miles. and halli exalted thehumble. Esurientes implevit He has silled the hun-

bonis: ' et divites di- gry With good things;

misit inanes. and the rich he hath sentempty aWay. Suscepit Israel pue- Ηe hath received Is-rum suum, ' recordatus rael his Servant, being misericordiae suae. mindiui os his merCy. Sicut locutus est ad AS he spoke to our patres nostros, ' Abra- sathers, to Abraham,ham, et semini ejus in and to his Seed sor ever.

Ant. Coenantibus au- An . While they weretem illis, accepit Iesus at supper, Jesus took panem, et benedixit, ac bread, and bl essed, and fregit, deditque discipu- brohe, and gave to his lis suis. disCipies.

V. Christus factus est V. Christ beCame obe- pro nobis obediens us- dient for us unio death. que ad mortem. Pater noster, sub sis Our Father, frivates lentio.


Che dictasti nisi os the fert


vobis: ut diligatis in-viCem, sicut dilexi Vos, dicit Dominus. PSam. Beati immaculati in via: qui ambulant in lege Domini.

minuS a Coena, mi Sit ri Sen frOm Supper, heaquam in pelvim, et poured Water into a baccepit lavare pedes diS- Sin; and began to WashCipulorum suorum hoc the laet of his discipies :exemplum reliquit ei S. to whom he gave that Psam. MagnuS Domi example. Ham. Great