장음표시 사용
THE Church commemorates every day the bl dy sacrifice of Iesua Christ on the crom by a true and real unbloody sacrifice, in Which she offers to God the fame bocly and blood that were given sor the sins of the worid. But on Good Friday she offers no sacrifice, nor is there any Consecration of the Ηου Eucharist; the Priest receiving the sacred Hostwhich he had consecrated the day besore. So that, in the office whichis persormed, instead of the Massi ine contenis heraeis with a bare representation of the passion, and mahes it her chies business to expose to thesaithfui Jesus Christ crucified sor them. For this end she reada such Lessons and Tracta as contain predictions of his coming sor their redemption, and types of his immolation on the cross, and then site reads thehiStory of the passion, as related by St. John, to inow how the Law and the propheis were verisied by the Gospei. The faithful by these Lemons are instructed in the mystery of this day and there re beg with the Priest the fruit and application os this passion, by praying sor ali foris of persons, even Schismarus, Hereri , ws, and Haerens. None are excluded Dom the suffrages of the Churchon a day When Jesus Christ prayed for his persecutore, and offered his Mood to his Father sor the salvation of those Who fhed it. NeXt, both Priest and peopte adore usus Christ crucified, expressing their adoration by kneeling thrice besore they hiis the crom. The ven ration os the crom is as ancient as Christianity itself. Is at the bare namees Jesus every knee inould bend, what Delino fhould arise in a Chris. tian breast at the sight os the sacred sign os redemption λ It is not tothe Dail materials of the crom that we pay our adoration, but to Him Whoon it offered sor our sins the sacrifice os propitiation. Aster the ceremony, the Priest brino bach to the altar the body of oui Lord with the fame solemnity as it was carriea from thenoe on Thur day, and finiines the ossice by receiving the sacred Victim that was alainthis day sor the redemption Os mankiud
nus : In tribulatione sua mane ConSUrgent ad me. Venite, et revertamur ad Dominum : quia ipse Cepit, et sanabit nos; perCutiet, et Curabit nos. Vivificabit nos post duos dies: in die tertia suscitabit
CamuS Dominum. Quasi diluculum praeParatu Sest egreSSUS ejUS, et Ueniet quasi imber nobis temporaneuS et Serotinus terrae. Quid faciam
tibi, Ephraim Z quid sa-ciam tibi, Juda 8 Misericordia vestra quasi nubes matutim, et quasi ros mane pertranSten S.
prophetis, occidi eos in ing Cloud, and as the dewverbis oris mei: et judi- that goeth aWay in thecia tua quasi lux egredi- morning. For this rea-entur. Quia misericor- son have I hewed themdiam volui, et non sacri- by the propheis, I haveficium ; et scientiam flain them by the words Dei, plus quam holo- of my mouth; and thyCausta judgments shali go fortitas the light. For I de
auditum tuum, Lis thou madest me et timui; consideravi hear, and I Was ahaid : Opera tua, et expavi. I Con Sidered thy Works, and trembled. V. In medio duorum V. Thou Wili appear animalium innotesce- betWeen tWo animais; ris: dum appropinqua- When the years shali beVerint anni, Cognosce- aCCompli Shed, thou Wiltris; dum advenerit tem- mahe thyself known: Pus, OStenderis. When the time shali Come, thou Wilt be manifested. V. In eo dum turbata V. When my sout shali fuerit anima mea, in be in trouble, thou Willira misericordiae memor remember thy merCy, eriS. even in thy Wrath. V. Deus a Libano V. God Will come
veniet, et Sanctus de hom Libanus, and the monte umbroso et Con- Holy one froni thedenso. Shady and dark mountain.
V. Operuit Coelos ma- V. His majesty over-jestas ejus, et laudis ejus spreads the heavens, and Plena et terra. the earili is fuit os his
pitiationis effectum: ut sicut in passione Sua Jesus Christus Dominus noster diversa utrisque intulit stipendia meritorum, ita nobis ablato ve
tionis suae gratiam largiatur. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate, etC. Let iis Pray. Let us bend our knees. R. RiSe VP.
Judas received the punishment of his sin, and the thies the reWardos his confession ; grantus the esseCts of thy mer- Cy ; that as our Lord Jesus Christ at the time of his passion bestoWed oneach a different reCompense of his meriis, Sohaving destroyed the oldman in us, he may giveus the grace of hiS resurrection ; Who liveth, etC.
IN diebus illis: Dixit I N those days the
Dominus ad Μovsen L Lord said to Μoses et Aaron in terra AEgyp- and Aaron in the land
ti: Μensis iste vobis principium mensium ;primus erit in mensibus anni. Loquimini ad uni- VerSum Coetum filiorum Israel, et dicite eis : Decima die mensis hujus tollat unusquiSque ag num per familias et do-mOS SuaS. Sin autem minor est numerus Ut sussicere possit ad veS- Cendum agnum, RSSU met vicinum suum qui junctus est domui Suae, juxta numerum animarum, quae SuffCere poS- sunt ad esum agni. Erit autem agnus abSquemaCula, maSCUluS, anniculus : juxta quem ritum, tolletis et licedum. Et servabitis eum uSque ad quartam decimam diem mensis hujus, immolabitque eum universa multitudo filiorum Israel ad
VeSperam. Et Sument de sanguine ejUS. aC Pornent Super UtrumquePOStem, et in superliminaribus domorum in quibus Comedent illum. Et
sembly of the childrenos Israel, and say tothem : On the tentii day
edent Carnes nocte illa assas igni, et aZymoSPanes Cum lactucis agrestibus. Non Comedetis ex eo Crudum quid, neC COCtum aqua, Sed tantum assum igni. Caput Cum pedibus ejus et intestinis vorabitis : neCremanebit quidquam exeo USque mane. Si quid residuum fuerit, igne
comburetis. SiC autem comedetis illum: renes VestrOS aCCingetiS, et Cal-
pedibus, tenenteS baCulos in manibuS, et Comedetis festinanter : est
enim Phase id est transitus) Domini. put it on upon both the
malo: a viro iniquo evit man, rescite me homlibera me. the unjust man.
V. Qui cogitaverunt C. Who have devised malitias in corde, tota die iniquity in their hearis, Constituebant praelia. ali the day long theydesigned batileS. V. Acuerunt linguas V. They have sharp-
ne, de manu peCCatoris; Dom the hand of the et ab hominibus iniquis Wiched; and Dom un, libera me. just men deliver me. V. Qui cogitaverunt C. Who have proposed Supplantare greSSUS me' to Supplant my StepS: OS abSConderunt Super- the proud have hidden abi laqueum mihi. net sor me. V. Et funes extende- V. And they haverunt in laqueum pedibus stretched out coros formetS : juxta iter scanda- a snare : they have laidium posuerunt mihi. for me a stumbling-bloch by the Way Side. V. Dixi Domino : V I said to the Lord :
Deus meus es tu; exau- Thou art my God; hear, di Domine vocem ora- O Lordi the voice of tionis meae. my Supplication. V. Domine, Domine, C. O Lord, o Lord, virtus salutis meae, the strength of my sal obumbra caput meum vationi thou hasi over-
in die belli. shadowed my head in the day of batile. V Ne tradas me a V. Give me not uo, Ο
desiderio meo peCCatori cogitaverunt adver-SUS me, ne derelinquas
V. Caput Circuitus eorum labor labiorum ipsorum operiet eOS. V Verumtamen justi confitebuntur nomini tuo; et habitabunt recti
Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi seCundum Ioannem. Cap. xviii.
EgresSus eSt Jesus cum discipulis suis trans torrentem Cedron, ubi erat hortus: in quem introivit ipse, et discipuli ejus. Sciebat autem et Judas, qui tradebat eum, locum, quia frequenter JeSuS Con Venerat illuc cum discipulis suis. Judas ergo Cum accepiSset cohortem. et Lordi hom my destreto the wiched; theyliave plot ted against me; do not thou forsahe mel est they should triumph. V. The head of them CompaSSing me about: the labor of their lipsshali overwhelm them.
The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ aCCord- ing to St. Jolin. ChaP. xviii.
a pontificibus et Ρharisaeis ministros, venit illuc Cum laterniS, et facibus, et armis. JeSus
itaque SCiens omnia quae ventura erant Super
eum, proCeSsit, et dixit eis : Quem quaeritis ΘResponderunt ei Je-
Sum Nagarenum. Dicit eis Jesus : Ego Stim. Stabat autem et Judas, qui tradebat eum, Cum
Ego sum, abierunt retrorSum, et Ceciderunt in terram. Iterum ergo
interrogavit eos uem quaeritis Θ Illi autem dixerunt: Jesum NAZarenum. ReSpondit Jesus : Dixi vobis, quia ego Sum. Si ergo me Quaeritis, sinite hos abire. Ut impleretur Sermo
quem dixit : Quia quos dedisti mihi, non perdidi ex eis quemquam. Simon ergo Ρetrus habens gladium, eduxit eum, et perCussit pontificis servum, et abscidit auriculam ejus dexte-ceived a band of menand servanis horn thechies priesis and the PhariSees, cometh thither With lantems and
Dixit ergo Jesus Petro: Mitte gladium tuum in vaginam. Calicem quem dedit mihi Ρater, non bibam illum Θ Cohors ergo, et tribunUS, et ministri Judaeorum Comprehenderunt Iesum, et ligaVerunt eum, et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primum, erat
enim socer Caiphae, qui erat pontifex anni illius. Erat autem CaiphaS, qui consilium dederat Iudaeis, quia expedit
unum hominem mori Pro Populo. Sequebatur autem Jesum Simon Petrus, et alius disCipulus. DisCipulus autem ille erat notus pontifici, et introivit cum Jesu in atrium pontificis. PetrUS autem Stabat ad ostium foris. Exivit ergo disCipuluS aliUS, qui erat notus pontifici, et dixit ostiariae, et introduxit Petrum. Dicit ergo Petro anCilla ostia- any one. Then Simon Peter having a SWord, drew it, and struch thservant of the high-priest, and cui olf his right ear. And the nante of the Ser vant was Malchus. Theri