장음표시 사용
des sanctuarii in capite scattered in the top os omnium platearum 8 every street λBeth. Filii Sion incly- MM. The nobie sonsti, et amicti auro primo: of Sion, and they that quomodo reputati sunt Were clothed with the
filia populi mei crudelis, giVen such to their quasi struthio in deserto. yOung, the daughter of my peopte is cruei, lihethe ostricli in the desert. Da M. Adhaesit lin- Da M. The longue ofgua laCtentis ad palatum the suckling child hath ejus in siti: parvuli pe- stuck to the roos of histierunt panem, et non mouth sor thirst: the literat qui frangeret eis. lle Ones have asked forbread, and there WaS noneto breah it unio them.
m. Qui vescebantur He. They that were voluptuose, interierunt sed delicately have died in viis: qui nutrieban- in the streeis: they thattur in croCeis, amplexati Were brought up in Scar-
u. Et major effecta Vau. And the iniquityest iniquitas filiae populi of the daughter of mymei peccato Sodomo- peopte is made greater
in momento, et non Ce- Which Was overthrown perunt in ea manuS. in a moment, and handstook nothing in her. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem l Jerusalemi convertere ad Dominum be Converted to the Lord Deum tuum. thy God. R. Jerusalem Surge, et R. Arise, Jerusalem lexue te vestibus jucun- and put ois thy garmenis ditatis: induere cinere of joy ; put on ashes an det cilicio, ' Quia in te hair-cloth, ' for in thee
occisus est Salvator IS- was flain the Saviour ofrael. I Srael. V. Deduc quasi tor- V. Let lears run doWnrentem lacrymaS per di- like a torrent day andem et noCtem, et non ta- night, and let not theceat pupilla oculi tui. ' apple of thy eye Cease. 'Quia. For in thee.
Incipit oratio Jeremiae The beginning of the
Prophetae, cap. V. Prayer of Ieremias the Prophet, Map. V.
mine, quid accide- α Lordi What is
nia bibimus, ligna noStra pretio ComparaVimus. Cervi CibuS noStris minabamur, lassis non dabatur requieS. AEgypto dedimus mynum, et AsSyritS, ut Saturaremur pane. PatreS nostri peCCaverunt, et non sunt; et nos iniquitates eorum portaVimUS. Servi dominati sunt nostri : non fuit qui redimeret de manu eorum. In animabus nostris asserebamus panem nobiS, a facie gladii in deserto. Pellis nostra quasi clibanus exusta est a facie tempestatum famis. Mulieres in Sion humilia-Verunt, et virgines in civitatibus Juda. Ierusalem, Jerusalem,
Convertere ad Dominum Deum tUum.
R. Plange quasi virgo, plebs mea: ululate, pastores, in Cinere et
Our sathers have Sin-ned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities. Servants haveruled over us : and there
by reason of the violen e of the famine. Theyoppressed the women in Sion, and the virgins in the cities of Iuda. Jerusalemi Ierusalemibe Converted to the Lord
Domini magna, et ama- great and exceeding bitra Valde. ter clay of the Lord is coming. V. Accingite vos, sa- V Gird yourseives: Cerdotes, et plangite, ye Priestsi and mourn, ministri altaris; asper- ye ministers os the algite vos cinere. ' Quia tar l Sprinhie yourselves venit, etC. Plange, etC. With ashes. ' For thegreat, etc. Mourn aS a virgin, etc.
plenitudo ejus : ' I Lord's and the
orbis terrarum, et uni- fulness thereos; theversi qui habitant in eo. Worid, and ali they that dweli therein. Quia ipse super maria For he hath foundecllandavit eum: ' et su- it upon the seas; and per flumina praeparavit hath prepared it upon
Quis ascendet in mon- Who shali ascend intotem Domini λ aut quis the mountain of the stabit in loco sancto Lord y or who fhail ejus 8 stand in his holy place ZInnoCens manibus, et The innocent in hands, mundo corde, ' uui non and Clean of heari, Who
accepit in vano animam Suam, nec juravit in dolo proXimo SUO. Hic accipiet benedictionem a Domino : ' et misericordiam a Deo salutari SUO. Haec est generatio quaerentium eum, 'quaerentium faciem Dei Jacob. Attollite portas Prin
mini portae aeternaleS: et iv troibit Rex gloriae. Quis est iste Rex gloriae Θ ' Dominus fortis et Potens, Dominus potens in proelio. Attollite portas Prin Cipes VeStraS, et eleVR-mini portae aeternales: 'et introibit Rex gloriae. Quis est iste Rex gloriae 8 ' Dominus Virtutum ipse est Rex gloriae.
Ant. Elevamini portaehath not taken his foui
aeternales, et introibit O eternat gales i and tKenex gloriae. Κing os glory shali enter in. Ant. Credo videre Ant. I belleve to see bona Domini in terra the good things of the viventium. Lord in the land of theliving. PSALM 26.
natio mea, et salus mea; ' quem timebo tDominus proteCtor vitae meae; ' a quo trepidabo ZDum appropiant Super me noCentes, ' ut edant
Qui tribulant me inimici mei, ' ipsi infirmati
Sunt, et CeCiderunt. Si consistant adver- Sum me Castra, ' non timebit Cor meum. Si exurgat adversumme proelium, ' in hoc ego Sperabo. Unam petii a Domino, hanC requiram : ' ut inhabitem in domo Domi-
Ut videam voluptatem Domini, ' et visitem templum ejUS. Quoniam abscondit me in tabernaCulo Suo : in die malorum Pro texit me in abscondito tabernaculi sui. In petra exaltavit me :' et nunc exaltavit Caput meum super inimi-
Circuivi, et immolavi in tabernaculo ejuS hoStiam vociferationis : Cantabo, et psalmum dicam Domino. Exaudi Domine Vo-Cem meam, qua clamavi ad te miserere mei, et exaudi me. Tibi dixit cor meum, exquisivit te facies mea :' faciem tuam Domine requiram. Ne avertas laciem tuam a me: ' ne declines in ira a servo tuo.
drueli in the house of the Lord ali the days of myliis. That I may see thedelight of the Lord, and may visit his temple. For he hath hidden me in his tabernacle : in theday os eviis, he hath protected me in the secret place of his tabernacle. He hath exalted me Upon a roch: and no N
Adjutor meus esto : 'ne derelinquaS me, ne que despicias me, DeuS salutariS meu S. Quoniam pater meus, et mater mea dereliquerunt me e ' Dominus autem aSSumpSit me.
Legem pone mihi Domine in via tua: ' et dirige me in semitam reC- tam propter inimicos
Ne tradideris me in animas tribulantium me: ' quoniam insurrexerunt in me testes iniqui, et mentita est iniquitas sibi. Credo videre bona Domini ' in terra Viven
tium. Exspecta Dominum, viriliter age : ' et Consortetur Cor tuum, et sustine Dominum.
AnL Credo videre bona Domini in terra viventium. Aia. Domine, ab-
Set me, o Lordi alaw in thy Way: and guide me in the right path, because os my
Ant. I belleve to see the good things of the Lord in the land of theliving. AnL Thou hast
straxisti ab inseris ani- brought forth, o Lordimam meam. my foui stom helLPSALM 2 Q. XALTABO te Domine, quoniam Suscepisti me: ' nec delectasti inimicos meos
Domine Deus meUS, clamavi ad te, ' et sanasti me. Domine, eduxisti ab inferno animam meam :' salvasti me a deSCendentibus in laCUm. Psallite Domino sancti ejus : ' et confitemini memoriae sanctitatis ejUS.
Quoniam ira in indignatione ejus : ' et vita in
voluntate ejUS. Ad vesperum demorabitur fletus, ' et ad matutinum laetitia. Ego autem dixi in abundantia mea: ' Non
Domine, in voluntate tua. praestitisti decori
Avertisti faciem tuam Thou turnedst aWara me, et factus sum thy face from me, and Iconturbatus. beCarne troubled.
Ad te Domine, cla- To thee, O Lord i Willulabo : ' et ad Deum I cry; and I Will mahe meum depreCabor. supplication to my God. Quae utilitas in san- What prosit is there inguine meo, ' dum de- my blood, whilsi I go
SCendo in Corruptionem8 down to Corruption λNumquid confitebitur Shali dust Confess totibi pulvis, ' aut annun- thee, or declare thytiabit veritatem tuam Θ truth ZAudivit Dominus, et The Lord hath heard, misertus est mei: ' Do- and hath had mercy onminus factus est adjutor me : the Lord becamemeUS. my helper. Convertisti planctum Thou hast turned formeum in gaudium mi- me my mourning intolii: ' conscidisti saccum joy : thou hast Cut mymeum, et Circumdedisti SaCkCloth, and hast com- me laetitia: passed me With glad-
Ut cantet tibi gloria To the end that mymea, et non Compungar: glory may Sing to thee, ' Domine Deus meus, in and I may not regret, M torniam Confitebor tibi. O Lord, my God i Ι willgive pratse to thee sor
AnI. Domine, abstrax- AnI. Thou hastisti ab inferis animam brought forth, O Lordi