장음표시 사용
Et ego ad te, Domine, clamavi: ' et mane Oratio mea praeVeniet te. Ut quid Domine repellis orationem meam : avertis faciem tuam a me ΘΡauper Sum ego, et in laboribus a juventute
mea: ' exaltatus autem, humiliatus sum et ConturbatUS. In me transierunt irae tuae ' et terrores tui Conturbaverunt me. Circumdederunt me Sicut aqua tota die: 'Circ mdederunt me Si
Elongasti a me ami-CUm et proximum et
Ani. FaCtus sum Sicut Ant. Ι am beCome ahomo sine adjutorio, in- man without help, Deeter mortuos liber. among the dead. V. In paCe factus est V. His place is in
De Epistola beati Pauli Apostoli ad HebraeOS,
Cap. iX. HRISTUS assiStens pontifex futurorum bonorum, Peramplius et perfectius tabernaCulum non manu factum, id est, non hujus CreationiS, neque Persanguinem hircorum aut vitulorum, Sed per Proprium Sanguinem introivit semel in SanCta, aeterna redemptione in-Venta. Si enim sanguis hircorum et taurorum, et cinis vitulae aSperSUS inquinatos sanctificat ad emundationem Carnis; quanto magis sanguis
Christi, qui per Spiritum San Ctum semetipsum obtulit immacul tum Deo, emundabit Conscientiam nostram ab
- operibus mortuiS, ad Ser- Works, to Serve the liv-viendum Deo viventi Θ ing God ZR. Astiterunt reges R. The hings of the terrae, et prinCipes Con- earth stood up, and the venerunt in unum ' Ad- princes assem bled to- VerSus Dominum, et ad- gether, ' against theversus Christum ejus. Lord and against his ChriSt. V. Quare fremuerunt V. Why have the na- gentes, et populi medi- tions raged Θ and thetati sunt inaniaῖ ' Ad- peopte meditated vain versus Dominum, etc. things 8 ' Against the
ET ideo novi testa- Λ ND theresore he is menti mediator I 1 the mediator of theeSt, Ut, morte interCe- ne testament: that, bydente, in redemptionem means of his destili, forearum Praevaricationum, the redemption of those quae erant Sub priori tes- transgressions, Whichtamento, repromiSSio- Were under the formernem accipiant qui vocati testament, they that aresunt aeternae haereditatis. Called may receive the Ubi enim testamentum promise of eternat in-eSt, morS neCeSSe est in- heritance. For Where tercedat testatoris. Tes- there is a teStament, thetamentum enim in mor- death of the testator tuis confirmatum est : must os neCessity Cornealioquin nondum valet, in. For a testament is dum vivit qui testatus os force, after men areest. Unde nec primum dead: otherwise it is au vel os no Strength,
quidem sine sanguine Whilst the testator liveth. dedicatum est. Whereire netther Wasthe first indeed dedicated without blood. R. Estimatus sum R. I am colanted cum descendentibus in among them that golaCum Factus sum down into the pit: ' Ιsicut homo sine adjuto- am beCome aS a manrio, inter mortuos liber. Without help, Dee among the de ad. V. Posuerunt me in V. They have laid lacu inferiori, in tene- me in the lower pit; in brosis, et in umbra mor- the dark places and intis. ' Factus sum, etc. the shadow of death. ' I
ECTO enim omni F OR When every
mandato legis a I commandment of Moyse univerSo populo, the law had been readaccipiens sanguinem vi- by Moses to ali the peo-tulorum et hircorum, ple, he took the blood Cum aqua, et lana COCCi- of CalveS and goais,nea et hyssopo, ipsum With Water, SCarlet WOol, quoque librum et omnem and hyssop ; and Sprin- populum aspersit, di- kled both the book it-cens : Hic sanguis tes- self and ali the people, tamenti, quod mandavit saying This is thead vos Deus. Etiam blood of the testament, tabernaCulum, et omnia Whicli God halli en- vasa ministerii sanguine joined unio you. The similiter aspersit. Et tabernaCle also, and allomnia pene in Sanguine the vesseis of the min-
Lauri. secundum legem mUndantur, et Sine Sanguinis effusione non sit remissio. R. Sepulto Domino, signatum eSt monumentum, Volventes lapidem ad ostium monumenti; Ρonentes milites, qui custodirent illum. V. ACCedentes Principe S sacerdotum ad Ρilatum, petierunt illum. Ρonentes, etc. SePul to Domino, etC.
R. When the Lord was buried, they sealedup the sepulchre, rollinga Sione before the mouth of the sepulchre, ' and placing Soldiers to guard
Here a canina is extinguiarieae.
JUDICA me Deus, et I UDGE me, o Godi
discerne causam i and distinguisti mymeam de gente non Cause hom the na- sancta, ' ab homine ini- tion that is not holy; quo et dolOSO erue me. deliver me Dom the un-just and decetii ut man. Quia tu es Deus sor- For thou art God, mytitudo mea : ' quare me strength: Why hast thou
repulisti Z et quare tris- cast me ossi and why dotis incedo, dum assiigit I go sorrowfui, Whil sime inimicus p the enemy amicteth mepEmitte lucem tuam et. Send fortii thy light veritatem tuam: ' ipsa and thy truth; theyme deduxerunt, et ad- have Conducted me, and duxerunt in montem brought me to thy holySanctum tuum, et in molintain, and into thytabernaCula tua. tabernaCleS.
Et introibo ad altare And I will go in to thesaltar of God: to Gom
tificat juventutem re eam. Confitebor tibi in Cithara, Deus DeuS meus ' quare tristis eS, anima mea ' et quare Conturbas me pSpera in Deo, quoniam adhuc Confitebor illi: ' salutare VultuS mei, et Deus meuS.
Ant. Ρlangent eum quasi unigenitum, quia
Ant. Attendite, Uni Versi populi, et videte
Ant. Attendite, uni- Ant. Behold, ali ysversi populi, et videte people, and see my griei
dolorem meum. Hosiod by COOste
Ant. A porta inseri AnL From the gate erue Domine animam os heli, O Lord i deliver
dio dierum meorum ' vadam ad portas inseri. Quaesivi residuum annorum meorum: ' dixi: Non videbo Dominum Deum in terra Viventi
Non aspiciam hominem ultra, ' et habitatorem quietis. Generatio mea ablataeSt, et Convoluta est a me, quaSi tabernaculum
Praecisa est velut a texente vita mea; dum adhuc ordirer, succidit me et ' de mane uSque ad vesperam finieS me. Sperabam usque ad mane: ' quasi leo sic contrivit omnia Ossa
De mane usque adveSperam finies me: 'sicut pullus hirundinis SiC Clamabo, meditabor ut columbi Attenuati sunt oculi mei, ' suspicientes in
Domine, Vim patior, reSponde pro me. ' Quid dicam, aut quid respondebit mihi, Cum ipse fecerit ZRecogitabo tibi omnes
annos meos ' in amaritudine animae meae.
Domine, si SiC Vivitur, et in talibus vita spiritus mei, CorripieS me, et Vivificabis me. ' Ecce in
PaCe amaritudo mea amariSSima. Tu autem eruisti animam meam ut non Pe
tergum tuum Omnia PeC-cata mea.
laudabit te : ' non ex- death praise thee : nor pectabunt qui descen- shali they that go downdunt in lacum, veritatem in to the pit, look fortuam. truth.
Vivens, vivens ipse The living, the living, confitebitur tibi, sicut et he shali give pratse toego hodie: ' pater filiis thee, as Ι do this cay ;notam laciet veritatem the fallier stiali make tuam. thy truth known to thechildren. Domine, salvum me O Lord i fave me, and fac ; ' et psalmos nos- We Shali Sing our PSalmS, tros Cantabimus Cunctis ali the days os our life diebus vitae nostrae in in the liouse of the Lord. domo Domini.
Ant. A porta inferi An . Froin the gate oferue Domine animam heli l o Lord i deliver
Ant. O vos omnes qui Ant. O ali ye that passtran SitiS per viam, atten- by the way l ' belloiddite et videte, si est do- and see, is there be gries lor sicut dolor meus. like to my gries. PSALMS.