The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


An . o vos omnes qui Anc O ali ye that passcranSitis Per Viam, atten- by the wayl ' belloiddite et videte, si est do- and See, is xhere be griesior sicut dolor meus. like to my gries. V. CAro mea requies- V. Μy nesh shali restcet in spe. in hoPe. R. Et non dabis Sanc- R. And thou Wili nottum tuum videre cor- give thy holy one toruPtionem. See Corru Plion. Ant. Mulieres Seden- An . The inomen Sittes ad monumentum la- ting at the sepulchre lamentabantur, flenteS DO' mented, WeePing sor Ourminum. Lord.

est pro nobis obe- obedient for usdiens usque ad mortem, unio death; even the mortem autem Crucis: death of the Cross ;propter quod et Deus where fore God hath also exaltavit illum, et dedit exalted him. and hath


mus Domine, Su per hanc familiam tuam, pro qua DominuS noster Jesus Christus non dubitavit manibus tradi no- Centium, et Crucis subire tormentum. Sed dicisursub silentior Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus sancti Deu S, Per

Omnia saecula Saeculorum. Amen.


THE Tenebrin or Marins, with the other Canonical houm for this day are consecrated to the memory of our Lord in his sepulchre ; at Μam, heis represented to the fiathsul as coming out of the grave, and triumphingover death by his resurrection. The word Nighe, used in the benediction os the Paschal Candie, in the Collect of the Μam, in the Presace and Communicantes, Shows that the office and Μam, now said in the mid- die of the clay, were sormerly said in the folloWing night. to honor thetime es our Saviour's resurrection, Which happened in this night. The altars, deprived of their ornaments on Mauno- ursae , are again clathed with them. and a neW Fire iS blessed, to illuminate them. The office beg1ns with lighting a troia Candis, whicli is emblematic os the Herie V Ckriri, and signifies that the laith of the bl sed Trinityproceeds Dom the light communicated to us by Christ risen Dom thedead. The Paschal Candia. blessed in the nexi place by the Deacon is a figure of the body os Jesus Christ. and , not being lighted at firet, represenis him dead ; and the sive blessed Grains os incense fixed in itdenote the aromatic spices that embalmed him in the sepulchre. Thelighting of the Paschai Cando is a representation os his rising again toa new life : and the lioting of the lamps, and other candies asterWatas,teaches the faithful that the resurrection of the Head will be sollowed by that of the members. Aster this ceremony, the Church disposes the Catechumens sor a Worthy receiving of baptism ; sor Whicli purpose Ahe reada twelve Le sons out of the old Testament, called Profhecies, and after each says a solemn Prayer : by both of which she not only instrucis them in the eia secis and fruit of that sacrament, but begs sor them, of mmioty God, est the advantages os it. The Church could not have appotnted a more suit te time sor the solemn administration os baptism, whicli is a livelyrepresentation of our Lordys resurrection. As he was laid in the sepulchre truly dead, and came out again truly alive . so the sinner is buried in the baptismat water, as in a mystical grave, and is t en out again animaled With a new lise of grace. Eor me are burieae to ether mira kim , b riam tinto deafri fkae as Christ is risen 'om the Madb ffie No of the Fasker, so me also mas malis in nemnera re Hie Kom. Vi. 43. Besore the administration os the sacrament, the B eismal Fone is Uessed With ceremontes that are fuit os mysteries. r. The Priest divides the water in the form os a cross, to leach us that it consere grace and sanctity by the meriis of Christ crucified. a. Ηe touches the water As


Aster the benediction os the sont, the sacrament os baptism is solemnlyadministered to such as are prepared sor it ; and then the Litany and Μ s are fung. to obtain Of God that the new baptized may persevere in the grace they have received. Incense is used at the G pel, to repreissent the persumes carried by the women to our Saviour's monumentabui no lights are carried, as at ollier times, hecause they and the AP iles did not yet belleve his resurrection ; sor Which reason 2he Creed is also not said. The offertory, the hiss of Deace, and the Antiphon. called the Communion, are omitted, hecause the laithful die not receive the blessed Eucharist at this Mam, but Walted illi Eastemd .

te laus si nil ot the Nevi sire.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spi

Deus, qui per Filium

tuum, angularem scilicet lapidem, claritatis tuae ignem fidelibus Con-Let u A Pray-


tulisti productum e Si lice, nostri S profuturum ii SibuS, novum hunc ignem sanctifica: et ConCede nobis, ita per haec festa pasChalia Coelestibus desideriis inflammari, ut ad perpetuae Claritatis, puris mentibus, valeamus festa pertingere. Per eundem Christum Dominum noS

trum. R. Amen. OremUS.

Domine Deus Pater omnipotenS, lumen indeficiens, qui es Conditor omnium luminum :benedic hoc lumen, quod a te sanctificatum atque benediCtum eSt, qui illuminasti omnem mundum; ut ab eo lu

que illuminemur igne claritatis tuae: et sicut illuminasti ΜoySen eX- euntem de .AEgypto, ita

illumines corda et Sen-SUS nostros : ut ad vitam et lucem aeternam Pervenirct mereamur. Per

R. Amen. Let Us Pray.


ter omnipoten S, aeterne Father, eternat Godi Deus : benedicentibus uouchsase to Co-Οperate

nobis hunc ignem in with us, who bless this nomine tuo, et unigeniti sire in thy name, and in Filii tui Dei ac Domini that of thy only Son, nostri Jesu Christi, et Jesus Christ our Lord

Spiritus Sancti, Co-ope- and God, and of therari digneris; et adjuva Holy Ghost; assist usnos contra ignita teIa in- against the fiery darisimici, et illustra gratia of the enemy, and illu- Coelesti. Qui vivis et minate us With thyregnaS Cum eodem Uni- heavenly grace : Whogenito tuo, et Spiritu livest and reignest With Sancto DeuS : per omnia the fame only Son and SaeCUla Saeculorum. Holy Ghost, one Godfor ever and eVer. R. Amen. R. Amen.

mus, omnipotens 1 seech thee, Al- Deus, super hoc incen- mighty Godi thy abun- sum larga tuae benedic- dant blessing on this in-tionis infusio, et hunc cense, and hindle, O in- nocturnum Splendorem visibie regeneratori the invisibilis regenerator brightness of this night; aCCende : ut non solum that not only the sacri- sacrifiCium, quod hac fice, whicli is offered


nocte litatum eSt, arCana luminis tui admixtione refulgeat; sed in quocumque loco ex hujus sanctificationis mysterio aliquid fuerit deportatum, expulsa diabolicae fraudis nequitia, virtus tuae majestatis assistat. Ρer Christum Dominum

noStrum. R. Amen.

this night may shine by the secret mixture of thylight; but also, that in-

thing sanctified by these mystical prayers shallbe Carried, there, by thepo Ner of thy majesty, ali the malici ous artifices of the devii may bedeseated; through Christ

AB illo benedicaris, AY thou be bless- in cujus honore 1V1 ed by him, in

Cremaberis. Amen. Whose honor thou fh althe burni. Amen.

mundabor : lavabis me, With hyssop, and I shallet Super nivem dealba- be Clean sed ; thou fh altbor. Wash me, and I shali be


N. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God.

corde tuo et in I thy heari and lips; labiis tuis, ut digne et that thou mayeSt WOr- Competenter annunties thily and fitly proclaim suum ΡasChale prseConi- his Paschal praise ; inum: In nomine Patris, et the nam e of the Father, Filii, et Spiritus sancti. and of the Son, and of the Holy GhoSt.

R. Amen. R. Amen.

gelica turba CCelorum: exultent divina mysteria; et pro tanti regis victoria, tuba insonet salutaris. Gaudeat et tellus tantis irradiata sulgoribus; et


se terni regis splendore earth also be silled withillustrata, totius orbis se joy, being illumina ted

sentiat amisisse caligi- with such resplendentnem. Laetetur et mater rays; and let it see the Ecclesia tanti luminis darkness, whiCh over- adornata fulgoribus: et spread the whole Worid, magniS populorum voci- Chased aWay by thebus haec aula resultet. splendor of our eternal uapropter adstantes hing. Let our mollier Vos, fratres Clarissimi, the Church also rejoice, ad tam miram hujus being adorned by the sancti luminis Clarita- rays of so great a light tem, Una meCum, quae So, and let this temple re- Dei omnipotentis mise- sound with the joylatricordiam invocate . Ut acclamations of the peo- qui me non meis meritis ple. Wherefore, beloV- intra Levitarum nume- ed brethren, you Whorum dignatus est aggre- are noW present at thegare, luminis sui clari- admirabie brightness of

tatem infundens, cerei this holy light, Ι be- hujus laudem implere seech you to invoke With perficiat. Ρer Dominum me the name of the Al- nostrum Jesum Chris- mighty God. That he, tum Filium suum: qui Who hath been pleased

Cum eo vivit et regnat above my deSert to ad- in unitate Spiritus sanc- mit me into the number

of the Levites, Will, byan effusion os his lightuPOn me, en te me tocelebrate the praises of this emblematic taper:

through our Lord Iesus Christ, his Son: Who


li Deus, per omnia vae cula saeCulorum. R. Amen. V. Dominus vobis


R. Et Cum Spiritu tuo. V. Sursum Corda. R. Habemus ad Domi


V. Gratias agamuS Domino Deo noStro.

R. Dignum et justum

Vere dignum et jug- tum est, invisibilem Deum Patrem omniPΟ- tentem, Filiumque ejus unigenitum, Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, toto CordiS aC mentis affectu, et VoCis ministerio personare. Qui pro nobis aeterno Patri, Adse debitum solvit; et veteris piaculi Cautionem pio Cruore detersit. Haec sunt enim festa Paschalia, in quibus verus ille Agnus OCCiditur, Cujus Sanguine postes fidelium ConSe-

R. Amen.

V. The Lord be with