The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


tus qui venit in nomine blessed is he that comes Domini. O rex Israeli in the nam e of the Lot d. Hosanna in excelsis. O king of Israeli Hosanna in the highest

Deus, quem diligere et amare justitia eSt, ineffabilis gratiae tuae in nobis dona multiplica: et qui fecisti nos in morte Filii tui sperare

quae CredimuS ; laC nos eodem reSurgente Pervenire quo tendimus rqui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti DeuS, Per, etC.

Lectio libri Exodi, cap. The lesson frona the book


Elim, ubi erant duode- came to Elim, Wherecim fontes aquarum, et there Were tWelve mun- septuaginta palmae ; et talias os Water and sev- Castrametati sunt juxta enty palm-trees ; and

aquas. ProseCtique sunt they encamped by the de Elim, et venit omnis Walers. And they set multitudo filiorum Israel forWard hom Elim, and in desertum Sin, quod ait the multitude of the est inter Elim et Sinai; children os Israel came quintodecimo die men- into the desert of Sin, Si S seCundi, postquam Whicli is belween Elim egressi sunt de terra and Sinai, the fifteenth Egypti. Et murmura- lay of the second monthvit omnis Congregatio after they Came out offitiorum Israel contra the land of Egypt. AndMoysen et Aaron in so- ali the Congregation of tudine. Dixeruntque the Child ren os Israel filii Israel ad eos: Uti- murmured against Μoses nam mortui eSSemuS per and Aaron in the wil- manum Domini in terra derness. And the chil

AEgypti, quando sedeba- dren of Israel said tomuS Super OllaS Carnium, them: Would to Godet Comedebamus Panem We had died by the haud in saturitate : Cur edux- of the Lord in the landistis nos in desertum of Egypt, When We Satistud, ut occideretis over the flesti pots and omnem multitudinem eat bread to the fuit: fame Θ Dixit autem why have you brought Dominus ad Μoysen: iis into this deseri, that ECCe, ego pluam Vobis you might destroy allpanes de coelo; egredi- the multitude With lamatur populus, et colligat ine ' And the Loro quae sufficiunt per Sin- said to Moses, Behold


gulos dies: ut tentem eum, utrum ambulet in lege mea, an non. Die RUtem Sexto parent quod inserant, et sit duplum quam Colligere solebant per singulos dies. Dixeruntque Μoyses et Aaron ad omnes filios Israel: Vespere SCietiS, quod Dominus eduxerit vos de terra AEgypti: et mane videbitis gloriam Domini. R. Collegerunt Ρontifices et Pharisaei Concilium, et dixerunt :

uid facimus, quia hic

homo multa signa facit λSi dimittimus eum SiC, omnes Credunt in eum :' Et venient Romani, et tollent nostrum loCum et gentem.

gather What is sufficient for every day, that Imay Prove them Whether

day let them provide forto bring in ; and let it be doubie to that they

of the land of Egypt;

belleve in him; ' and


V. Unus autem ex illis, Caiphas nomine, Cum eSSet pontifex anni illius, prophetavit, diCens: Expedit vobis, ut unuSmoriatur homo Pro PO-pulo, et non tota gens pereat. Ab illo ergo die cogitaverunt interfi-Cere eum, diCentes: 'Et venient, etC. Aliud R. In monte Oliveti oravit ad Patrem : Pater, si fieri poteSt, transeat a me calix iste. ' Spiritus quidem

V. Vigilate, et Orate, ut non intretis in tentationem. ' Spiritus quidem, etC. V. But of them, named

Olivet he prayed to his Father: O Fatheri isit is possibie, let this

Pray, that ye enter notinio temptation. ' Thespirit, etC.


SI Bossing of the Pa s.

1cisset Bethphage ad montem Oliveti ; tunc misit duos discipulos

SUOS, diCens eis : Ite in castellum, quod Contra VOS eSt, et Statim invenietis asinam alligatam, et pullum Cum ea rsolvite, et adducite mihi; et si quis vobis aliquid dixerit, dicite, quia Dominus his opus habet, et

confestim dimittet eos. Hoc autem totum factum eSt, ut adimpleretur,

quod dictum eSt per prophetam dicentem :Dicite filiae Sion: eCCe,

nam, et pullum filium si)bjugalis. EunteS RU-tem discipuli seCerunt,

sicut praecepit illis Je-SUS. Et adduxerunt asinam et pullum; et

impoSuerunt Super eoSVestimenta Sua, et eum desuper Sedere feCerunt. Plurima autem turba StraVerunt vestimenta

sua in via; alii autem

the Mal of her that is D sed to the yoke. And


caedebant ramos de ar- thereon. And a very boribus, et sternebant in great multitude spread Via; turbae autem, quae their garmenis in the PraeCedebant, et quae Se- Way and others cutquebantur, Clamabant, doWn boughs froin thedicentes : Hosanna filio trees, and strewed them

David: benedictus, qui in the Way; and the mul venit in nomine Domi- titude that went bes ore ni and that folio ed, Cried, saying : Hosanna to the Son os David i blessedis he that cometh in thenanae of the Lord.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. OremuS. Let us pray Auge fidem in te spe- Increase, O God i therantium, Deus, et sup- saith of them that hope plicum preces Clementer in thee, and merci fullyexaudi: veniat super nos hear the prayers of thymultiplex misericordia supplianis; let thy man tua : benedicantur et hi ifold merCy Come uponpalmites palmarum, Seu u S, and let these branch, olivarum : et siCut in es of palm-treeS, Or Olive figura Ecclesiae multipli- trees, be bleSSed ; ano, Casti Noe egredientem as in a figure of the de arCa, et Moysen exe- Church, thou didst mununtem de AEgypto cum tiply, Noah going oui filiis Israel; ita nos por- of the Arh, and ΜΟSestanteS PalmaS et ramos going out of Egypt Wilb


olivarum, bonis actibus OCCurramus obviam Christo, et per ipsum in gaudium introeamu Saeternum : qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti DeuS, Per


R. Amen. V. Dominus vobis


R. Et cum Spiritu tuo. V. SurSum Corda. R. Habemus ad DominUm. V. Gratias agamuS Domino Deo no Stro.

E. Dignum et justum

e St.

Vere dignum et juS-

tum eSt, aequum et Salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere ;Domine SanCte, Pater omnipotenS, aeterne Deus : qui gloriaris in Consilio Sanctorum tUorum. Tibi enim serviunt Creaturae tuae, quia te solum auCtorem et Deum Cognoscunt : et omnis faC

R. Amen.

V. The Lord be with


tura tua te collaudat, et benedicunt te sancti tui: quia illud magnum, Uni geniti tui nomen Coram regibus et potestatibus hujus saeculi, libera VOCeconfitentur. Cui assistunt angeli et arChangeli, throni et dominationes ; Cumque omni militia coelestis eXerCitus hymnum gloriae tuae Con Cinunt, sine fine di- CenteS :thee for their only Creator and God. The whole creation pratSeththee, and thy Saints blessthee; because they COnfess With Deedom before the hings and poWerSof this Worid, the greatname of thy only begot-ten Son : before Whomthe angeis and arChan-geis, the thrones and dominations Stand, and,

sanctus Dominus 1 Is is the Lord God

Deus Sabaoth. Pleni of hosis i The heavens Sunt Coeli et terra gloria and the earili are fuls of tua. HOSanna in excel- thy glory. Hosanna in Sis. Benedictus qui ve- the highesii Blessed is nit in nomine Domini: he that cometh in the HOSanna in exCelsis. name of the Lord : Hosanna in the highesti



Petimus, Domine sanc- We beseech thee, O te, Pater omnipotens. holy Lord, almightyaeterne Deus, ut hanc Father, eternat God lCreaturam olivae, quam that thou Wouldst beex ligni materia prodire pleased to bl ess and jussiSti, quamque Co- Sanctify these branches lumba rediens ad arcam Whicli thou hast caused proprio pertulit ore, be- to Spring froin the olive nedicere et sanctificare tree, and whicli the doue, digneris: ut quicumque returning to the ark,eX ea reCeperint, acci- brought in iis bili; that piant sibi protectionem Whoever receivelli itanimae et Corporis, fiat- may find protection ofque, Domine, nostrae sa- Soul and body; and that lutis remedium, et tuae it may prove, O Lord l

Deus, qui dispersa o Godi Who gatherest

CongregaS, et Congregata What is dispersed and Conserva S ; qui populis preServest What is gath- obviam Jesu ramos por- ered : Who didst blesstantibus benedixisti: be- the peopte that carried nedic etiam hos ramos boughs to meet Jesus palmae et olivae, quos tui bless also these brancheslamuli ad honorem DO he Dalm-tree and


minis tui fideliter susCipiunt ; ut in quemCUmque locum introducti fuerint, tuam benedictionem habitatores loci

illius consequantur : et omni adversitate effugata, dextera tua protegat quos redemit Jesus Christus, Filius tuus, DominuS noster: qui tecum vivit et regnat, etC.

Deus, qui miro dispositionis ordine, ex rebUS etiam insensibilibus dis

lutis ostendere voluisti: da quaeSUmUS, ut devota tuorum Corda fidelium

salubriter intelligant, quid mystice designet in facto, quod hodie

Coelesti lumine emata, Redemptori obviam pro- CedenS, palmarum atque olivarum ramos vestigiis ejus turba Substravit. Palmarum igitur rami olive-tree, Whieli thy Ser vanis tahe with faith, fortite honor of thy nam e , that into Whatever place

serve hom ali adverSity. and proieci those that have been redeemed by