장음표시 사용
dia pervenire. Per Do- We may deserve to ob-minum nostrum Jesum talia eternat joy; through Christum, etC. Jesus Christ our Lord. A. Amen. R. Amen.
gentorum eSSet anno- hundred years old, be-yum, genuit Sem, Cham, gat Sem, Cham, an det Japheth. Cumque Japheth. And after that Coepissent homineS mul- men began to be multi- tiplicari super terram, plied iapon the earth, et filias procreassent; and daughters Were bomvidentes filii Dei filias to them. The sons of hominum quod essent God seeing the claugii pulchrae, acceperunt Sibi ters of men, that theyuXOreS ex omnibus quaS Were fair, took to them elegerant. Dixitque selves Wives of all, Whicli Deus: Non permanebit they Chose. And God Spiritus meus in homine sald : Μy spirit shali notin aeternum, quia Caro remain in man for ever, est: eruntque dies illius because he is flesti, and centum viginti annorum. his days shali be a hun- Gigantes autem erant dred and t enly yearS. super terram in diebus Now gianis Were Uponillis. Postquam enim the earth in those dayS. ingressi sunt filii Dei ad For aster the Sons os filias hominum, illaeque God went in to the genuerunt; isti sunt po- daughters of men, and tentes a saeculo viri fa- they brought forth chil-mosi. Videns autem dren, these are the Deus quod multa militia mighty men os old,
hominum esset in terra, men os renoWn. Andet CunCta Cogitatio cor- God seeing that thedis intenta esset ad ma- WiChediaeSS of men Wa , tum omni tempore, poe- great On the earth, anclnituit eum quod homi- that ali the thought of nem 1 Cisset in terra. their heart was bent Et tactus dolore cordis upon evit at ali times, itintrinSeCus: Delebo, in- repented him that hequit, hominem quem had made man on the CreaVi, a faCie terrae, ab earth. And being homine usque ad ani- touched inward ly withmantia, a reptili usque Sorrow of heari, he sa id et ad volucres coeli: poeni- I Will de Stroy man,
tet enim me fecisse eos. WhOm I have Created, Noe Vero invenit grati- hom the face of theam Coram Domino. Hae earth, hom man eVen to Sunt generationes Noe. beaStS, from CreepingNoe vir justus atque things even to the fowlspersectus fuit in genera- of the air, sor it repent-tionibus suis ; cum Deo eth me that I have madeambulavit. Et genuit them. But Noe mundtres filios, Sem, Cham, grace before the Lord. et Japheth. Corrupta TheSe are the genera- est autem terra coram tions of Noe: Noe was Deo, et repleta est ini- a just and perfeci manquitate. in his generations, hewalhed with God. Andhe begat three SonS, Sem, Cham, and Japheth And the earthWaS Corrupted before
God, and was filled withiniquitu
Propheci . 43o Cumque vidisset Deus
terram eSSe Corruptam omnis quippe Caro Corruperat Viam Suam SV-
Noe: Finis univerSae Carnis venit Coram me :repleta eSt terra iniquitate a faCie eorum, et ego disperdam eoS Cum terra. Fac tibi arcam de lignis laevigatis: mansiunculas in arCa laCies,
et bitumine linies intrin-SeCUS et extrinsecus. Et sic faCies eam: treCentorum Cubitorum erit
longitudo arCae, qUin quaginta Cubitorum latitudo, et triginta cubitorum altitudo illius.
Fenestram in arCa facies, et in Cubito Con- Summabis Summitatem ejus: ostium autem arCae PoneS ex latere: deorSum, CoenaCUla, et tristega facies in ea. ECCe ego adduCam aquaS diluvii super terram, Ut interficiam omnem CRrnem, in qua spiritus
l, readth of it si sty cubiis, and the height of it
Un IVersa quae In terra Sunt, ConSUmentur. Ρο- namque foedus meum
teCum: et ingredieris arCam, tu, et filii tui,
UXOr tua, et uxores filiorum tuorum tecum. Et ex CunCtis animantibus
Universae carnis bina induces in arCam, Ut vivant teCum ; masculini sexus et feminini. De volucribus juxta genu S Suum, et de jumentis in genere SUO, et eX omni reptili terrae Se-Cundum genti S Suum: bina de omnibus ingredientur teCum, et PoS- sint vivere. Tolles igitur tecum eX omnibus eSCiS, quae mandi pos-SUnt, et Comportabis apud te: et erunt tam the Walers of a greatnood upon the earth,
ing to their hind, and of beasis in their hind, and of everything that
Prophecies. 44 tibi, quam illis in ci- it shali be Mod for theebum. and them.
Fecit igitur Noe om- And Noe did ali thingsnia quae praeceperat illi Whicli God commanded
Deus. Eratque sexcen- him. And he was fixtorum annorum, quando hundred years old, Whendiluvii aquae inunda- the waters of the flood Verunt Super terram. Overnowed the earth. Rupti sunt omnes fontes All the fountains of the abySSi magnae, et Cata- great deep Were brohenraCtae Coeli apertae sunt: up, and the flood-gates et faCta est pluvia super of heaven were opened : terram quadraginta die- and the rain lati uponbus et quadraginta noc- the earili forty days and tibias. In articulo diei forty nighis. In the illius ingressus est Noe, Self Same day Noe, an det Sem, et Cham, et Ja- Sem, and Cham, and pheth, filii ejus, uxor illi- Japheth, his sons, his
Quindecim Cubitis altior fuit aqua Super
monteS, QUOS OPeruerat. Consumptaque eSt Omnis Caro, quae movebatur Super terram, VOlUCrum,
animantium, beStiarum, Omniumque reptilium quae reptant Super terram. Remansit autem Solus Noe, et qui cum eo erant in arca. Obtinueruntque aquae terram Centum quinquaginta diebuS. Recordatus autem Deus Noe, CunCtorumque
animantium, et omnium creatures. and ali the jumentorum, quae erant catile Which were With cum eo in arca, adduxit him in the ark, and spiritum Super terram, brought a Wind uponet imminutae sunt aquae. the earth, and the wa- Et clausi sunt fontes ters Were abaled. TheabySSi, et cataractae fountains also of the Coeli : et prohibitae sunt deep, and the flood-gates pluviae de Coelo. Re- os heaven, Were Shut VerSaeque Sunt aquae de up: and the rain stom
tes: et Coeperunt minui And the waters return- post Centum quinqua- ed from Off the earth, goginta dies. Cumque ing and Coming: and transisSent quadraginta they began to be abaleddieS, aperiens Noe fenes- after a hundred and fiftytram arCae, quam DCe- days. And after thatrat, dimisit corvum : forty dayS Were PaSSed, qui egrediebatur, et non Noe opening the Win-reVertebatur, doneC sic- do of the ark, whicli heCarentur aquae Super had made, sent fortit a terram. EmiSit quoque raven. Whi Ch Went Columbam post eum, ut for th, and did not re- videret Si jam cessassent turn illi the waterS Were aquae Super faciem terrae. dried up upon the earth. Quae Cum non invenisset He sent sortii also a dove
ubi requiesceret pes ejus, after him to see is there versa est ad eum in Walers had now ceasedarCam; aquae enim erant upon the face of the Super universam ter- earth. But she not findram extenditque ma- ing where her motnum, et apprehensam might rest, returned totatulit in arcam. Ex- him into the arh, for the
pectatis autem ultra septem diebus aliiS, rursum dimisit columbam eX arca. At illa venit ad eum ad VeSperam, PortanS ramum olivae virentibus foliis in ore suo. Intellexit ergo Νoe quod CeSSaSSenta quae SVPer terram.
Expectavitque nihilominuS Septem alios dies: et emisit Columbam,
est autem Deus ad Noe, dicens : Egredere de ar- Ca, tu, et Uxor tua, filii tui et uxores filiorum
ta animantia, quae Sunt apud te, eX omni Carne,
tam in volatilibuS, quam in bestiis et universis reptilibus, quae reptant
Super terram, edit C tecum, et ingredimini super terram: CreSCite, et
Noe, et filii ejus, uxor illius, et uxores filiorum
ius cum eo. Sed et aterS Were upon the
Prophecies. 44ς omnia animantia, ju- go ye upon the earth :menta, et reptilia, quae increa se and multiplyreptant Super terram Se- upon it. So Noe Weni Cundum genuS suum, ovi, he and his sons : his egreSSa Sunt de arCa. Wila, and the wives of Edificavit autem Noe his sons With him. Andaltare Domino: et tol- ali living things, andiens de Cunctis pecori- Catile, and Creepingbus et volucribus mun- things that Creep Upondis, obtulit holocausta the earth, aCCording to Super altare. Odora- their hinds, went out ofluSque est Dominus odo- the arh. And Noe rem suavitatis. bulli an altar unio the
Oremus. Let US Pray FlectamuS genua. Let us bend our knees. R. Levate. R. RiSe VP. Deus incommutabilis O God i Whose po ei virtus, et lumen aeter- iS unchangeable and num: respice propitius Whose light is eternat: ad totius Ecclesiae tuae mercissilly regard the mirabile sacramentum, Wonderint Sacrament of et opus salutis humanae thy whole Church, and perpetuae dispositionis by an effect of thy per- effectu tranquillius ope- petuat providenCe, Per rare : totusque mundus forin With tranquillityexperiatur, et videat de- the work of human sal jeCta erigi, inveterata vation: and let th
renovari, et per ipsum Whole Worid experienceredire omnia in integrum, a quo SumPSere
principium: Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: Qui tecum Vivit et regnat,
Ν diebus illis : Tentavit Deus Abraham, et dixit ad eum: Abraham, Abraham. At ille respondit: Adsum. Ait illi: Tolle filium tuum unigenitum, quem diligis, ISaac, et vade in terram Visionis : atque ibi
tum Super unum montium, quem monStraVero
de noCte ConSurgen S, stravit asinum Suum ducenS secum duos ju- VeneS, et Isaac filium suum. Cumque Concidisset ligna in holoCauS-