The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


Prophecies. 447

tum, abiit ad locum he had cut Wood for thequem praeCeperat ei holocaust, he went his Deus. Die autem ter- Way to the place, Whichtio, elevatis oculis, vidit God had commanded locum procul; dixitque him. And on the third ad pueros suos: ExpeC- day, listing up his eyes,tate hic Cum asino : ego he SaW the place alar Osset puer illuc usque pro- And he said to his young

ad vos. Tulit quoque boy Will go With speed

ligna holocausti, et im- aS far aS yonder, and aia posuit super Isaac filium ter We have Worshipped, suum : ipse Vero porta- Will return to you. Andbat in manibus ignem et he took the wood sor thegladium. Cumque duo holocaust, and laid it up- pergerent simul, dixit On IsaaC his Son: and Isaac patri suo : Pater he himself carried in hismi. At ille respondit: hands sire and a SWOrd.

Quid vis fili Θ Ecce, in- And as they tWo Went Onquit, ignis et ligna: ubi together, Isaac sa id toest victima holocausti Z his fallier: My fallieri Dixit autem Abraham : And he answered : What Deus providebit sibi vic- wilt thou, son 8 Beholditimam holocausti, fili mi. saith he, sire and Wood :where is the victimsor the holocaust 8 AndAbraham sald : God will provide himself a victim


Deus, in quo aedificavit altare, et desuper ligna

composuit. Cumque alligasset Isaac filium Suum, posuit eum in altare Super Struem lignorum. Extenditque manum, et

arripuit gladium, ut immolaret filium suum. Et eCCe Angelus Domini de coelo Clamavit, diCens: Abraham, Abraham. Qui respondit: Adsum. Dixitque ei: Non eX-

tendas manum tuam Super Puerum, neque facias illi quidquam: nunCCognovi quod times Deum, et non pepercisti unigenito filio tuo propter me. Levavit Abraham oculos suos, Viditque Post tergum arietem inter vepres haerentem CornibUS, quem RSSumens obtulit holocaustum

pro filio. Appellavitque nomen loci illius, Dominus videt. Unde usque hodie dicitur: In monte Dominus videbit. Vocavit autem Angelus Domini Abraham Se-

stiching fast by the


Prophescies. 449cundo de coelo, dicenS: Per memetipsum juravi, dicit Dominus: quia fecisti hanc rem, et non pepercisti filio tuo unigenito propter me, benedicam tibi, et multiplicabo Semen tuum siCut stellas Coeli, et Velut arenam quae est in littore maris. Ρossidebit semen tuum portas inimicorum Suorum, et benedicentur in semine tuo omne S genteS terrae, quia obedisti voci meae. ReVersus est Abraham ad pue-rOS SUOS, abieruntque Bersabee simul, et habitavit ibi.

Deus, fidelium pater

summe, qui in toto orbe

to this day, it is sald : In the mounta in the Lord ill see. And the angelos the Lord called to

Stars of heaven, and asthe sand that is by the


terrarum, promissionis

tuae filios diffusa adoptinis gratia multiplicas:

rum tuum uniVerSarum,

sicut jurasti, gentium enficis patrem: da populis tuis digne ad gratiam

tuae voCationis introire. Per Dominum noStrum

Iesum Christum, etC. Who throughout thεWorid multipliest thechild ren os thy promiSe, by the grace of thyadoption; and mahest thy servant Abraham, according to thy oath, the fallier os ali nation S, by this Paschal Sacrament ; grant that thypeopte may Worthily re-Ceive the grace os thyVoCation; through our

illis: FaC- λ clays Itium est in vigilia matu- Came to Pass in thetina, et ecce reSpiciens morning Walch, and be- Dominus super Castra hold the Lord looking AEgyptiorum per Colum- uPOn the Egyptian armes nam ignis et nubis, inter- through the pillar of fi re

secit exercitum eorum :et subvertit rotaS Cur

ruum, ferebanturque in profundum and of the Cloud, SteWtheir host, and ΟVer- thre W the wheeis of the Dixerunt Chariois, and they Were ergo AEgyptii: Fugiamus Carried into the deep. Israciem; Dominus en- And the Egyptians salii: im pugnat pro eis contra Let us flee Dom Israel :nos. Et ait Dominus ad for the Lord fighteth for


Prophecies. Iut revertantur aquae ad Stretch sortii thy hand

AEgyptios Super currus over the sea, that theet equites eorum. Cum- Walers may Come againque extendiSSet Moyses upon the Egyptians, up- manum Contra mare, re- On their Chariois and Versum est primo dilu- horsemen. And whenculo ad priorem locum: Moses h ad stretched fugientibusque AEgyptiis fortit his hand towardsoCCurrerunt aquae, et in- the sea, it returned atvolvit eos Dominus in the first break of day tomediis fluctibus. Re- the former place; and UerSaeque Sunt aquae, et as the Egyptians Were operuerunt CurruS et fleeing aWay, the Watersequites Cuncti exercitus came upon them, and Pharaonis, qui sequentes the Lord shut them up ingressi fuerant mare: in the middie of theneC UDUS quidem Super- waves. And the Walers fuit ex eis. Filii autem returned, and COVeredISrael perrexerunt per the chariois and themedium SiCCi maris, et horsemen os ali theaquae eis erant quaSi pro army of Pharao, Who muro a dextris et a Sin' had come into the sea istris: liberavitque Do- after them, netther didininus in die illa Israel there so much as onede manu AEgyptiorum. of them remaim. But Et viderunt AEgyptios the children os Israel mortuoS Super litus ma- marched through theriS, et manum magnam, Inid si os the sea uponquam exercuerat Domi- dry land, and the waters

que populus Dominum, on the right hand andet Crediderunt Domino, on the lest. And the et Moysi servo ejus. Lord delivered Israel


4sa Hob Saturae .

Tunc cecinit Moyses et in that day out of the filii Israel carmen hoc hands of the Egyp Domino, et dixerunt: tians. And they saW the Egyptians dead uponthe sea-shore, and themighty hand that the Lord had used against them: and the peopte Dared the Lord, and they belleved the Lord,

and Moses his servant. Then Moses and thechildren os Israel sungiliis canticle to the Lord, and said

no: gloriose enim Lis Lord ; for he is

honorificatus eSt: equum gloriousty magnifieo, theet aSCensorem projecit horse and the rider hein mare : adjutor et pro- hath thrown into the tector factus est mihi in sea; he hath been mysalutem. hely, and my proteCtor, and Saviour.

V. Hic Deus meus, et V Ηe is my God, honorificabo eum: Deus and I Will glorij patris mei, et exaltabo him; the God os myeum. sather, and I wili exalthim.

V. Dominus Conterens V. The Lord pultethbella: Dominus nomen an end lo Wars; this est illi. Lord is his name.



FlectamUS genua. R. LeVale. Deus. Cujus antiqua miracula etiam nostrissseCuli S CoruSCare SentimuS : dum, quod uni populo a persecutione AEgyptiaca liberando dexterae tuae potentia contulisti, id in salutem gentium per aquam regenerationis operaris: praesta, ut in Abrahae filios, et in Israeliticam dignitatem, totius mundi transeat plenitudo. Per Dominum noStrum, etC. Let us Pray. Let us bend our huee R. Rise uP. O Godi Whose ancient miracles We See renewed in our days; Whilsi, by the Water os regeneration, thou performest for the salvationof the Gentiles, that which by the po er Osthy right hand thou

of the dignity of thepeopte os Israel; through

. . I I AEC est

tas Servorum Domini, et Baias liv.

ritance of the servanis os justitia eorum apud me, the Lord, and their jus- dicit Dominus. Omnes lice With me, salth thesilientes venite ad aquas: Lord. Ali you that thirst, et qui non habetis argen- Come to the Walers: tum. Properate, emite, et and you that have nocomedite' veniteis emite money, mahe haste. bu


absque argento, et abS- and eat: Come ye, buyque ulla Commutatione Wine and milh without vinum et laC. Quare money, and without appenditis argentum non any price. Why do youin panibus, et laborem SPend money for that vestrum non in saturi- Whicli is not bread, and late 8 Audite audientes your labor for that me, et Comedite bonum, Whicli doth not satisfyet delectabitur in crassi- you 8 Hearhen diligent-tudine anima vestra. In- ly to me, and eat that Clinate aurem vestram, Whicli iS good, and your et venite ad me: audite Sout shali be delighted

et vivet anima vestra, et in latneSS. Incline your feriam vobiscum pactum ear, and Come to me; sempiternum miseriCodi hear, and your Souldias David fidelis. Ecce shali live, and I Williestem populis dedi eum, mahe an evertastingdu Cem ac praeCeptorem COVenant With you, the Gentibus. ECCe gen- mercies of David faith-tem, quam nesciebas, fui. Behold I have voCabis: et gentes, quae giVen him for a witnesste non Cognoverunt, ad to the Deople, for a lead- te Current propter Do- er and a master to theminum Deum tuum et Gentiles. Behold thou Sanctum Israel, quia Shait Cali a nation, glorificavit te. Quaerite Whicli thou knewest not; Dominum, dum inveniri and the nations that poteSt: invoCate eum, kneW not thee shali rundum prope est. De re- to thee, beCause of thelinquat impius viam Lord thy God, and forsitam, et vir iniquus co- the Holy one os Israel, gitationes suas, et rever- sor he hath glorifiediatur ad Dominum, et thee. Seek ye the Lord


Prophecies. omiserebitur ejus, et ad While he may be mund :

Deum noStrum, quoniam cali upon him While hemultus est ad ignoscen- is near. Let the wicheddum. Νon enim cogita- forsahe his Way, and tiones meae, Cogitationes the uviust man his vestrae, neque Viae ves- thoughis, and let hi mirae, Viae meae, dicit Do- return to the Lord, and minus. Quia sicut ex- he Will have mercy onat tantur Coeli a terra, sic him ; and to our God, exaltatae sunt viae meae a sor he is bountiful to for- viis vestris, et cogitati- give. For my thoughisones meae a Cogitatio- are not your thoughis: nibus vestris. Et quo- nor FOUr WayS mymodo descendit imber et Ways, Salth the Lord. nix de coelo, et illuc ul- For as the heavens aretra non revertitur, sed exalted above the earth, inebriat terram, et infun- SO are my WayS eXalteddit eam, et germinare abOVe yΟUr WayS, and eam facit, et dat semen my thoughis abOVe your Serenti, et panem Come- thoughis. And as thedenti: sic erit verbum rain and the Sno Comemeum, quod egredietur doWn stom heaven, and

de ore meo: non rever- Teturn no more thither,

'etur ad me vacuum, sed but Soah the earth, and Water it, and mahe it tospring, and give seed to


faciet quaecumque volui, shali prosper in the et prosperabitur in his, things for Whicli I sentad quae misi illud, dicit it, salth the Lord Al-

Omnipotens sempi- Almighty and eternalterne Deus, multiplica Godi multiply for thein honorem nominis tui, honor of thy name What quod patrum fidei spo- thou didst promise topondisti, et promissionis the faith of our foresa- filios sacra adoptione thers; and increase, bydilata: ut quod priores thy Saered adoption,

sanCti non dubitaverunt the Children of that futurum, Ecclesia tua promise; that, What themagna jam ex parte ancient sainis doubted Cognoscat impletum. not Would COme to PaSS, Ρer Dominum nostrum thy Church may no Jesum Christum, etc. sind in great part aC-

mandati vitae : auribus raeli the Commandinenis percipe, ut SCias pruden- of liis; give ear, thattiam. Quid est, Israel, thou mayest learn Wis- quod in terra inimico- dom. How happenethrum es 8 Inveterasti in it, o Israeli that thou terra aliena, Coinquina- art in thy enemies' landytus es Cum mortuis 4 de- Thou art grown old in a