장음표시 사용
adoraverit, eadem hora and of the psaltery, and mittetur in fornacem of the symphony, and ignis ardentis. Ρost haec os ali hind of music ; ye igitur, Statim ut au- tali down and adore thedierunt omnes populi goiden statue, WhiChsonitum tubae, fistulae, Κing Nabuchodonosor et Citharae, sambucae, et liath set up. But is any pSalterii, et Symphoniae, man shali not sali down
et Omnis generis musi- and adore, he shali the Corum Cadentes omnes fame liour be Cast into a
populi, tribus, et linguae, furnace of burning sire.
adoraverunt Statuam Upon this therefore, at auream, quam ConSti- the time When ali inetuerat NabuChodonosor people heard the found rex. Statimque in ipso of the trumpet, the flute, tempore aCCedentes Viri and the harp, of the Chaldaei accusaverunt sackbut, and the pSal-Judaeos, dixeruntque tery, of the Symphony, Nabuchodonosor regi: and of ali hinds of mu-ReX, in aeternum vive: sic: ali the nations, tu rex posuiSti decre- tribes, and languages fellium, ut omniS homo, qui down and adored the audierit sonitum tubae, goiden statue, Whichfistulae, et citharae, sam- Κing NabuChodonosor bucae, et psalterii, et had set up. And pre- symphoniae, et universi sently, at that Very time,
prosternat Se, et adoret and accused the JeWs, Statuam auream. Si and said to Ring Nabu- quiS autem non proci- chodonosor: O Lingi denS adoraverit, mitta- live for ever: thou Οtur in fornacem ignis hingi hast made a de- ardentis. Sunt ergo Viri cree that every man,
Iudaei, quos constituisti Super opera regionis
Babylonis, Sidrach, Μisach, et Abdenago : viri
isti contemPSerunt, reX, decretum tuum: deos tuos non Colunt; et statuam auream, quam erexisti, non ad Orant.
Tunc Nabuchodonosor in furore et in ira
tur Sidrach, Μisach, et Abdenago: qui ConseStim adducti sunt in Conspectu regis. Ρronuntiansque Nabuchodonosor rex, ait eis : Verene,
that shali hear the found of the trumpet, the flute, and the harp, of the Sachbut, and the pSal-tery, os the Symphony, and of ali hind of music, shali prostrate himself, and adore the goiden Statue: and that is any man shali not fati dorunand adore, he shouldbe cast into a furnace of hurning fire. ΝΟW, there are Certain JeWS, whom thou hast set overthe works of the province
denago, deos meΟS non colitis, et statuam RV- ream, qUam Constitui, non adoratis Z nunC ergo, si estis parati, quaCUmque hora audieritis sonitum tubae, fistulae, Citharae, SambuCae, et psalterii, et Symphoniae, omnisque generis musi-
Corum, proSternite VOS, et adorate Statuamquam feci. Quod si
non adoraveritis, eadem hora mittemini in fornacem ignis ardentis: et quis est Deus qui eripiet Vos de manu mea Z Respondentes SidraCh, Mi- Sach, et Abdenago, dixerunt regi Nabuchodono-SOr : Non oportet nos de hac re respondere tibi. Ecce enim DeUS HOSter, quem ColimuS, PoteSteripere nos de Camino ignis ardentis, et de manibus tuis, o rex, liberare. Quod si noluerit, notum sit tibi, rex, quia deos tuos non Coli
Spohe to them, and said: Is it true, o Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago l
quam erexisti, non ado- and to deliver us ouiramus. Tunc Nabu- of thy hands, o kinglchodonosor repletus est But is he will not, besurore, et aspectus sa- it known to thee, Ociei illius immutatus est hingi that we will notsuper Sidrach, Μisach, Worship thy gods, noret Abdenago. Et prae- adore the goiden Statue, cepit ut succenderetur Whicli thou hast set up. fornax Septuplum quam Then was Nabuchodo-SUCCendi Consueverat. nosor filled with fury: Et viris sortissimis de and the Counten ance exercitu suo jussit, ut of his face Was Changedligatis pedibus Sidrach, against Sidrach, Μi-
Misach, et Abdenago, Sach, and Abdenago, mitterent eos in forna- and he Commanded Cem ignis ardentis. Et that the furnace should confestim viri illi vincti, be heated severi times Cum braCCis suis, et more than it l, ad beentiaris, Calceamentis, et aCCustomed to be hea, vestibus, missi sunt in ed. And he command- medium sornacis ignis ed the strongest menardentis: nam jussio that were in his army, regis urgebat. Fornax to bino the Dei ofautem SuCCensa erat ni- Sidrach, Misach, and mis. Ρorro viros illos, Abdenago, and to Castqui miserant Sidrach, them into the furnace Misach, et Abdenago, of burning fire. Andinterfecit flamma ignis. immediately these menViri autem hi tres, id were bound and were est, Sidrach, Misach, et Cast into the furnace os Abdenago, ceciderunt burning fire, with their
in medio Camino ignis Coais, and their Cap ardentis. Colligati. Et and their shoes. and
Prophecies. 48 ambulabant in medio
flammae, laudantes Deum, et Denedicentes Do
mundi, qui prophetarum tuorum praeConio, praesentium temporum
declarasti mysteria: auge populi tui vota placatus; quia in nullo fidelium, nisi ex tua
inspiratione, proveniunt quarumlibet incrementa virtutum. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, etC their garmenis, sor th hing 's Commandment WaS Urgent, and thesurnace Was heated ex-
hope of the worid, WhOby the voice of thy propheis hast manifeste lthe mysteries of this present time; graCiouS-ly in crease the destres of thy peopter sinCenone os the faithsul canadvance in any virtuae Without thy inspiration: through our Lord, etC.
SICUT cervus deside- Λ S the hari panteth
rat ad fontes aqua- ά A. aster the fountainsrum: ita desiderat ani- of waters; So my Soulma mea ad te, Deus. panteth aster thee, o
V. Sitivit anima mea V. My soul hath ad Deum vivum: quan- thirsted aster the livingdo Veniam, et apparebo God : when shali I comeante faciem Dei Θ and appear before the face of God Z V. Fuerunt mihi Ia- V. Μy tears have been Crymae meae panes die my bread Jay andaC nocte, dum dicitur night, Whilst it is salumihi per singulos dies: to me datly : Where is Ubi est Deus tuus ' thy God Z
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And Wrth thy spirit Oremus. Let us pray. Omnipotens sempiter- Ο Almighty and ever. ne Deus, respice propi- lasting God i mercisiillytius ad devotionem po- regard the devotion os puli renascentis, qui si- the people who are to beCUt CerVUS, aquarum regeneraled, and Who, tuarum expetit fontem : like the hari, pant asteret ConCede propitius, ut the Muntain os thysidei ipsius sitis, baptis- Walers: and mercissilly
pulos, quos tibi fons baptismatis parturit, Spiritum adoptionis emitte ;ut quod nostrae humilitatis gerendum eSt ministerio, Virtutis tuae impleatur effectu. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem Spiritus sancti De-uS, Per omnia saeculasseCulorum
lant of baptism bringsforth; that what is to bedone by the ministry oi
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. Sursum Corda. R. Habemus ad Dominum. V. Gratias agamus Domino Deo noStro.
Vere dignum et justum CSt, aequum et Salutare, nos tibi Semper, et ubique gratiaS agere, Domine sanCte, Pater omnipotenS, aeterne Deus : qui invisibili poten
rum mirabiliter operaris effectum; et licet nos tantis mysteriis eXequendis simus indigni, tu tamen gratiae tuae dona non deSerenS, etiam ad nostras preces aures tuae pietatis incli- DRS. Deus, Cujus spiritus Super aquas, inter ipsa mundi primordia serebatur: ut jam tunc virtutem sanctificatio- R. Amen.
nis, aquarum natura Conciperet. Deus, qui nocentis mundi crimina per aquas abluen S, Te-
generationis speciem in ipsa diluvii effusione Signasti ; ut unius ejusdemque elementi mysterio, et finis esset vitiis, et origo virtutibus. Respice, Domine, in sa-etem Ecclesiae tuae, et multiplica in ea regenerationes tuas, qui gratiae tuae assiuentis impetu laetificas Civitatem tuam, sontemque baptismatis aperis toto orbe terrarum Gentibus innovandis r ut tuae majestatis imperio, Sumat
Unigeniti tui gratiam de Spiritu SanCto.
figure os regeneration; that one and the Same
element might in amystery be the eno osviCe, and the origin os virtve. Look, o Lordion the face of thyChurch, and multiply inher thy regeneration S, who by the streams os thy abundant graCe
and openest the sonis of baptism ali over theworid, sor the rene ingos the Gentiles : that by the command of thy majesty, She may receive
generandis homi- V V mixture of his
nibus praepara- divine Viriue, may rentam, arcana Sui numinis der this water fruitsul admMtione foecundet: for the regeneration os ut sanCtificatione Con- men; to the end that Cepta, ab immaCulato those who have been divini fontis utero, in sanctified in the imma-
Cernit in tempore, omnes Venly offspring ; and that in unam pariat gratia all, however distinguish- mater infantiam. Procul ed by Sex in body, orergo hinC, jubente te age in time, may be Domine, omnis spiritus brought forth to the immundus abscedat: same infancy, by grace procul tota nequitia dia- their spiritual mother. bolicae fraudis absistat. There re may ali un-
Nihil hic loci habeat clean spiriis, by thyContrariae Virtutis ad- command, o Lordi de- mixtio: non insidiando part lar hom henCe; circumvolet: non laten- may the whole malice of do subrepat: non infici- diabolicat deceit be en-endo Corrumpat, tirely banished; may nopo Wer os the enemy Pre